PENNSYLVANIA FEDERAL WALNUT TALL CASECLOCKPennsylvania Federal walnut tall case clock by Benjamin Whitman, Reading, Pennsylvania, ca. 1800 , the eight-day works with moon phase, with Arabic numerals and fan-painted...
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EARLY 19TH C. NEW ENGLAND FEDERAL TALLCLOCK. A ca. 1800-1810 New England Federal tall clock, a red stained cherry case with a pierced fretwork bonnet with three capitals and brass finials, an arched hood with...
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SOUTHERN FEDERAL WALNUT CHEST, CA 1800.Walnut top with molded edge, two over three drawers with line inlaid fronts. Inlaid banded edge on case, on flared french feet. 38.5”H x 38.5”W x 18.5”D....
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TN FEDERAL CELLARET OR LIQUOR STANDMiddleTennessee Federal Cellaret, also known as a Bottle Case or Liquor Stand, walnut and ash with poplar and walnut secondary woods, rectangular dovetailed case with molded hinged...
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KENTUCKY FEDERAL SIDEBOARDKentucky Federaltambour-door sideboard, attributed to Lexington, Kentucky; cherry and crotch walnut or cherry with maple and applewood inlay, poplar secondary wood; blocked and serpentine...
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RARE SOUTHERN FEDERAL WALNUT AND CHERRYTALL CASE CLOCK...attributed to Kentucky, 1790-1820, walnut and cherry case with scrolled pediment centering an inlaid finial over trailing vine and bellflower inlay, waisted...
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RARE KENTUCKY ATTRIBUTED FEDERAL WALNUTDESK AND BOOKCA...possibly Mount Sterling area or Adair County, Kentucky, 19th century, backboards with painted inscriptions in two places "B. G. ? Hill/Mt. Sterling, KY",...
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SOUTHERN FEDERAL INLAID WALNUT CELLARETTEdovetailedinlaid case with hinged lid opening to six bottle dividers, conforming frame with inlaid dovetailed drawer, on line and bellflower inlaid tapered legs, 34-1/2 x 17 x 13 in.
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RARE SOUTHERN FEDERAL TALL CASE CLOCK,VIRGINIA HISTORY...Maryland, circa 1796, painted dial signed "Frederick Buster" for John Buster of Frederick County, Maryland, one gear on interior movement signed "John Hoover/1796"...
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FINE RARE BOSTON FEDERAL BIRDSEYE MAPLEPARCEL GILT DRE...attributed to Thomas Seymour, possibly with John Seymour, circa 1809-1814, with gilt and glazed leafage by John Penniman, original hardware, probably original...
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FINE CALEB DAVIS VIRGINIA FEDERAL INLAIDWALNUT TALL CA...Woodstock, Virginia, circa 1800, painted dial signed "Caleb Davis", swan's neck pediment with floral inlay, urn finials, moon phase painted with farm and...
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SOUTHERN FEDERAL WALNUT CHEST OF DRAWERSCirca 1800, poplar secondary, rectangular top with applied edge, the case with four graduated and cock-beaded drawers, triple line edge inlaid scalloped skirt on French bracket...
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SOUTHERN FEDERAL WALNUT INLAID SECRETARYBOOKCASE Virginia or North Carolina, circa 1800, white pine secondary, two-part form, top having a dovetailed case with applied cove molded cornice featuring vertical lightwood...
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MONUMENTAL SOUTHERN FEDERAL INLAID WALNUTCUPBOARD Piedmont North Carolina, or Valley of Virginia, early 19th century, southern yellow pine secondary, one part form dovetailed case, the step-backed upper case with...
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SOUTHERN FEDERAL INLAID WALNUT CHESTOF DRAWERS Probably North Carolina, early 19th century, foothills region, yellow pine secondary, dovetailed case, rectangular top with chair rail overhang, four graduated...
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FEDERAL SATINWOOD INLAID WALNUT TALLCASE CLOCK MARYLAND OR VIRGINIA, CIRCA 1790-1800Federal Satinwood Inlaid Walnut Tall Case Clock, Maryland or Virginia, Circa 1790-1800 Having a white painted black Roman...
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FEDERAL SATINWOOD INLAID WALNUT TALLCASE CLOCK DAVID GOBRECHT, HANOVER, PENNSYLVANIA, CIRCA 1795-1810Federal Satinwood Inlaid Walnut Tall Case Clock, David Gobrecht, Hanover, Pennsylvania, Circa 1795-1810 ...
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PENNSYLVANIA FEDERAL WALNUT TALL CASECLOCKPennsylvania Federal walnut tall case clock, early 19th c., with an eight day works and line inlaid case, 96" h.
Parts: pendulum, two weights. Condition:...
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FEDERAL INLAID WALNUT CHEST OF DRAWERS,MID-ATLANTIC STATES, EARLY 19TH CENTURY 41 3/4 X 40 1/2 X 20 1/2 IN. (106 X 102.9 X 52.1 CM.) MID-ATLANTIC STATES, EARLY 19TH CENTURY, the rectangular top above a conforming...
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FEDERAL INLAID WALNUT TALL CHEST. Ca.1800 PA or Southern states walnut tall chest, with an applied molded top, a mahogany banded edge, and three short inlaid drawers over four long drawers retaining period brass,...
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AMERICAN FEDERAL INLAID TALL CASE CLOCK.First quarter 19th century, walnut and pine. Tall, narrow case with cove molded waist and base, and beaded door with inlay. Broken pediment bonnet with slender, free standing...
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SOUTHERN FEDERAL INLAID WALNUT CELLARETTE19th century, one part form, walnut and yellow pine secondary, hinged top with applied edge, fish tail hinges, divided interior, dovetailed case, the front panel with inlaid...
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FEDERAL WALNUT TALL CASE CLOCK, JACOBEBY Circa 1800; elaborate inlaid walnut case, with painted sheet metal moon phase dial, signed "J. Eby Manheim,"( Ca. 1776-1828), 96 in. H....
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FEDERAL WALNUT TALL CASE CLOCK Maryland,circa 1780-1800, possibly John Fessler " Frederick Maryland" with painted moon face dial, having inlaid walnut case with broken arch pediment and urn finials. Approx. 100...
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Federal walnut inlaid tall case clock,circa 1790, with 8-day works, moon dial, and Roman numeral face, unsigned.
96"h x 20.5" w x 11.75"d
Condition: Scratches, chips/cracks to face, scratches to bonnet glass,...
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Southern Federal Corner Cabinet attributedto Valley of Virginia, early 19th century, single-case construction, walnut with yellow pine secondary, two paneled doors with inlaid and stained central panels top and bottom,...
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INLAID FEDERAL TALL CASE CLOCK. Pennsylvaniaor Southern early 19th century cherry and walnut with original dry finish and folksy inlaid decoration. Case has bracket feet wide cove molding between sections molded...
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Luman Watson Federal Masonic Tall CaseClock dial signed "L Watson Cincinnati" (Luman Watson), the case possibly Kentucky, 19th century, painted and parcel gilt wooden dial with Masonic devices, walnut-inlaid cherry...
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Georgia Federal inlaid walnut cabinet,walnut with yellow pine and poplar secondary, three inlaid drawers over two paneled doors, all with line inlay, terminating in crescent inlay device, straight bracket feet,...
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Ohio inlaid Federal chest, inlaid walnutwith poplar secondary, top with inlaid quarter fans, four graduated dovetailed drawers with line inlay and teardrop escutcheons and flanked by chamfered and vine and leaf...
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Federal walnut tall chest Pennsylvaniacirca 1780; three over two over single drawer arrangement quarter column inlaid letters ''M C'' in top center drawer 60 in. H. 41 in. W. 23 in. D. Estimate $ 1 500-2 000 case...
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Federal inlaid mahogany tall case clockaaron willard (1757-1844), boston, Massachusetts Arched fretwork cornice with three brass finials opening to inscribed and painted metal face with house and figures in...
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Southern Federal inlaid walnut tallcase clock possibly Shenandoah Valley Virginia early 19th century swan's-neck pediment above astragal-shaped door ahead of painted dial flanked by turned columns above shaped...
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Tennessee Federal Corner Cupboard attributedto Greene County, Tennessee, early 19th century, walnut with poplar secondary, two-case construction, upper case with rope-and-tassel inlaid pediment and glazed doors opening...
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Important Tennessee Federal Inlaid WalnutCorner Cupboard . single-case construction with bellflower, rope, tassel, star and quarter-fan inlays, fine broken-arch pediment with light wood inlaid scrolls and rosettes,...
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Pennsylvania Federal walnut schrankca. 1800 the ogee molded cornice over a case with line inlaid recessed panel doors resting on a... ?...
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