RAYMOND BAPTISTE HAITIAN FOLK ART WOODCARVINGSigned Raymond Baptiste Haitian folk art wood carving. Two faces, surrounded by animals. Carved signature on the reverse Raymond Baptiste. 49"L x 17"W. Large cracks...
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A VERY FINE EX-KAHN COLLECTION FOLKART PULL TOY C 1880The figures of a man in top hat on horseback with his dog move in fully animated strides above a walnut platform on axles with iron-spoked wheels. A cloth...
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19TH C. FOLK ART WOOD SANTOS FIGUREOF MADONNA 19th century folk art polychrome wood Santos figure, likely the Virgin Mary, mounted to tiered wood base. Overall: 13.75" H x 5.75" W x 4.75" D....
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SIGNED BATES "EUROPA" FOLK ART WOODSCULPTURE Signed Bates carved wood sculpture, Folk Art depiction of Europa on the back of Zeus as the bull, signed on block base: "Bates." Overall: 10.5" H x 13.5" L x 5.5"...
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FOLK ART WOOD CARVED OWLSDESCRIPTION:A pair of vintage folk art wood carved owls with naturalistic hand painted details. Each mounted to natural wood slabs.
CIRCA: 20th Cent.
DIMENSIONS: (H: 7" x...
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3 FOLK ART SHIPS IN BOTTLESCollectionof 3 Folk Art sailing ships in glass bottles including one having masted sailing ships with a painted background in a rolling pin type bottle, one with a steamship bearing...
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6 TRAMP ART CARVED WOOD BOXESGroup ofsix (6) small tramp art folk art wood boxes with chip carved decoration, including one (1) miniature chest of drawers with one large drawer topped with two smaller drawers...
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TWO FOLK ART WOOD ITEMSTwo Folk Artwood items comprising a painted covered wood and iron pitcher and heron decoy. 15" high, 9" wide to 28 1/2" high, 15" wide. Condition: : use wear, paint wear, loss, bands...
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AMERICAN SOUTHERN FOLK ART WOOD JAZZCANEEarly 20th century American southern folk art carved wooden jazz cane adorned with expressive faces and embellished with musical notes and the word "Jazz" painted in blue....
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CARVED WOODEN FOLK ART PEACOCKCarvedhandmade folk art wooden peacock with glass eyes. With painted decoration.
Height: 17 in x width: 28 1/2 in x depth: 7 1/2 in.
Please contact us for a detailed...
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LEO SALAZAR FOLK ART SAINT WOOD CARVINGLeoJ. Salazar (American, 1931-1991). Taos, New Mexico folk art wooden carving of a saint with flowing robes carrying a staff. Signed and dated 1980 along the underside.
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ANTIQUE CARVED FOLK ART WOOD SAILOR'SANCHOR AND CHAIN ...Antique Carved Folk Art Wood Sailor's Anchor and Chain Link Whimsy, all pieces connected.
Length 95 in.
Items may have wear and tear, imperfections...
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PAIR OF EARLY FOLK ART WOODEN PULL TOYHORSESPair Of Early Folk Art Wooden Pull toy Horses...
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VINTAGE AMERICAN CARVED FOLK ART WOODSAILOR'S ANCHOR A...Vintage Carved Folk Art Wood Sailor's Anchor and Chain Link Whimsy, American, two anchors connected by a consecutive string of carved chain links, with...
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OUTSTANDING AMERICAN FOLK ART WOOD CANEBY SCHNIDEROutstanding American Folk Art Wood Cane by Schnider , carved from grip to ferrule with 22 animal species
Length 36 in.
Provenance: The Estate of Stephen Weinroth,...
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AMERICAN PRIMITIVE FOLK ART WOOD IRONINGBOARD, CIRCA 1...American Primitive Folk Art Wood Ironing Board, circa 1900, length 5 feet 6 inches, width 15 inches.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition...
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FOLK ART WOOD FRAMED MIRROR HAVING PAINTEDFLOWERS AND ...Folk Art Wood Framed Mirror having painted flowers and leaf decoration with red border, 15 1/2" x 12 1/4".
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition...
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CARVED AND PAINTED FOLK ART WOODEN BIRD,REPAIRED, HEIG...Carved and Painted Folk Art Wooden Bird, repaired, height 12 1/2 inches, length 16 1/2 inches.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of lots...
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PROVINCIAL FOLK ART WOOD STAG MOUNTSProvincialFolk Art Wood Stag Mounts, height 12 inches. Provenance: Estate of Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Connecticut.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of lots can...
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19TH C. AMERICAN FOLK ART WOOD WALKINGSTICK WITH FACES...United States, Southern states, 19th century. An American folk art wooden walking stick, signed "JMS" at the upper end, that was hand-carved from a single...
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19TH C. AMERICAN IRON & PAINTED FOLKART WOOD HORSENorth America, United States, ca. 19th to early 20th century CE. A charming piece of folk art commemorating a steadfast workhorse made from wood, complete with...
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PRIMITIVE FOLK ART WOODEN CHILD'S ROCKINGHORSEPrimitive Folk Art wooden child's rocking horse, 20th c., rough-hewn boards, carved features, on large rocker rails, approx 35"h, 41"w, 25"d **Provenance: A fine Santa...
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FOLK ART WOODEN CARVED WHIMSY WALKINGSTICK American, late 19th/early 20th century. Folk art carved wood whimsy cane. Apparently unsigned....
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HOWARD FINSTER, FOLK ART WOOD FISH SCULPTUREHoward Finster (American 1916-2001), "Fish", 2000, mixed media wood sculpture folk art painted and inscribed carved wooden fish on stand, signed and dated en verso. Approx....
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A GROUP OF FOLK ART WOODEN FISHA groupof folk art wooden fish, 20th Century; Mexico Each carved wood fish with polychrome painted designs, 7 pieces Larger: 8" H x 23" W x 4" D; Smaller: 6.25" H x 14" W x 2.375"...
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ANTIQUE GUITAR IN PICTORIAL PAINTEDFOLK ART WOOD FOLK ART WOOD CASE, the guitar labeled VIRGIN GUITAR, the headstock with relief-carved M.G.R. monogram and 1901 date, the neck and body decorated with mother-of-pearl...
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GROUP OF SMALL FOLK ART WOOD FRAMESGROUPOF SMALL FOLK ART WOOD FRAMES, a dark stained and carved leaves and grapes criss-cross frame, h: 10 x w: 8.5 in.; a faux bamboo carved and polychrome painted frame with decorative...
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AMERICAN FOLK ART WOODEN CARVING OFA ROOSTERLarge American folk art wooden carving of a rooster, late 19th c. , retaining its original deep red painted surface, 18" h., 15 1/2" w. Provenance: A prominent Manhattan...
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FOLK ART WOOD SERPENT SCULPTURE FolkArt, possibly American, serpent sculpture in wood, depicting an undulating serpent, with detailed carving to back. 2" H x 43" L x 4" W....
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FOLK ART STANDING MONKEY WOOD SCULPTUREFolk Art wood sculpture depicting a standing monkey, apparently unsigned. 18.5" H x 18" W x 15" D....
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AMERICANA FOLK ART NUDE MAN WOOD SCULPTUREAmericana Folk Art wood carved statue sculpture depicting a standing nude man with a child on his shoulders covering his eyes, apparently unsigned, first half of the twentieth...
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FOLK ART HAND PAINTED FISH WOOD SCULPTURE,3 Group of three folk art wood sculpture, hand painted, depicting fishes, apparently unsigned. Largest: 7.5" H x 18" W x 2.25" D....
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PAIR OF FOLK ART WOOD AND BIRCH TREEBARK TEA CADDIES WITH LIDS 6 ΒΌ" Cylindrical folk art wood and birch tree bark tea caddies with fitted lids....
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MEXICAN FOLK ART CARVED WOODEN MERMAIDCarvedfolk art wooden mermaid holding a shell, likely Mexican. Hand painted. Measures 24" at it's longest. Circa early to mid-20th century. Very good condition with some wear to...
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Folk Art Wooden SailboatWooden sailboatappears to be carved from a single log sail from sheet metal polychrome in green/white/red 23'' H x 8'' W x 28'' L circa mid-20th century condition commensurate with age....
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