EARLY AMERICAN PATTERN GLASS EAPG 5PC.BARREL LOOP MILK, CREAM, AND SYRUP PITCHERS.Early American Pattern Glass EAPG 5pc. barrel loop milk, cream, and syrup pitchers.,...
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(LOT OF APPROX 21) COLLECTION OF MAINLYFRENCH GLASS LIQUOR BOTTLES, INCLUDING EXAMPLES MARKED BONAL, BERGER, SUZE AND MARTINI (Lot of approx 21) Collection of mainly French glass liquor bottles, including examples...
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3PC HAZEL-ATLAS GLASS COMPANY SYRUPPITCHERS2 matching lime-green, and 1 rose-pink translucent pitchers. Hazel-Atlas Glass Company embossed mark on the bases. Green: 3.5"L x 3.5"W x 6"H. Pink: 3.75"L x 3.75"W...
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FOUR TRAY LOTS OF SYRUP PITCHERSFourTray Lots of Syrup Pitchers, to include milk glass, ceramic, etc.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of lots can vary widely and are unlikely to be in a...
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GROUP OF EIGHT GLASS SYRUP PITCHERSGroupof Eight Glass Syrup Pitchers, to include coin spot, chocolate, seaweed, cranberry, clear, etc., tallest 9 inches.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of...
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GROUP OF THREE GLASS SYRUP PITCHERSGroupof Three Glass Syrup Pitchers, to include daisy pattern, opalescent, along with cranberry, tallest 7 inches.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of lots...
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(3) ANTIQUE SYRUP PITCHERS COIN DOTHOBNAILThree antique syrup pitchers collection including clear cut glass 5" pitcher with sterling lid, light red or pink hobnail 6 3/4" pitcher and blue coin dot pitcher,...
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Nineteen Molded Glass Syrups, Cruets,Tumblers and Toothpick Holders
Late 19th/Early 20th Century
syrup pitchers including Northwood 'Grape & Leaf', Challinor 'Tree of Life' and 'Forget Me Not', Findlay onyx,...
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APPROX. 25 PIECES OF ASSORTED GLASSEARLY 20TH CENTURY BISCUIT JAR HEIGHTS 9”., Early 20th Century, Includes two National Biscuit containers, seven clear cake/dessert stands, six pieces of Depression glass...
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Four English Glass Syrup Pitchers withSilver Lids together with an English silver and glass jam jar with spoon. Height of first 3 7/8 inches....
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TWO GLASS SYRUP PITCHERS. Americanmid 19th century. Pattern glass with stars and loops tin lid. 8 1/2''h. and 3-mold GV-3 with pewter lid 8''h....
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Misc. lot including McCoy planters cranberryglass ironstone pitcher ABC plates syrup pitchers etc....
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2 Victorian Milk Glass Syrup Pitchershandpainted florals 6 3/4''....
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4 Victorian Glass Syrup Pitchers oneamber and three clear pattern glass 6 1/2'' to 7 1/2'' glass excellent one tin top needs soldier....
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VICTORIAN ART GLASS SYRUP PITCHERS ANDA SUGAR SHAKER: Three syrup pitchers include the Consolidated pink satin 4'' and the pink cased Consolidated 6.5''h. Raised floral design on the Muffineer or sugar shaker...
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