CHINESE QING DYNASTY REPOUSSE SILVERHAIR COMBS, 3 Three Chinese Qing Dynasty Repousse Silver Hair Combs, one with floral motif, one with birds, and one with squirrels and grapes. Silver tested. 2.5" H x 4.25"...
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LOT) ESTATE ASIAN & OTHER HAIRCOMB &JEWELRY GROUP(lot) Estate jewelry group, assorted: (pair) Asian silver (content unknown) hair combs, both showing a flying bird, over combs with some bending, hallmarked as...
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(4) STERLING & SILVER HAIR COMB, CUFF,BARRETTES(lot of 4) Silver accessories, including: (1) sterling silver hair comb, Tane, Mexico, approx 3"h, 3"w, (1) silver cuff bracelet, c.1978, with Pacific Northwest Coast...
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(3) HOPI HARVEY QUANIMPTEWA JR. SILVERHAIR COMBS(lot of 3) Native American Hopi silver overlay hair combs, Harvey Quanimptewa Jr. (Mishongnovi, 1956-1993), with incised geometric design, (two) bearing stamped...
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JEWELRY. ASSORTED GROUPING STERLINGAND SILVER Jewelry. Including a pair of US Army/Air Force Arial Gunner sterling wings - stamped, "Sterling"; a Henning Koppel for Georg Jensen Amoeba sterling brooch - stamped,...
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JEWELRY. VICTORIAN CARVED CORAL HAIRORNAMENTS. Includes a large Victorian carved salmon coral foliate form hair comb/ornament, and a smaller Victorian gilt silver and carved salmon coral beaded hair comb/ornament....
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ANTIQUE CHINESE STERLING SILVER REPOUSSEHAIR BRUSH & C...DESCRIPTION: (2 Pc) An antique chinese sterling silver repousse hair brush and hair comb set. CIRCA: Early 20th Century. DIMENSIONS: Brush: 8 1/2". Comb:...
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CALHOUN COIN SILVER COMBNashville, Tennesseecoin silver hair comb, rounded ends with 9 tines, incuse mark W.H. Calhoun (William Henry Calhoun, working Nashville, TN 1839-1860). Monogrammed LBO. 3-1/2" x 3-3/4". Weight:...
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GORHAM STERLING VANITY SET: Comprising;1- Sterling lidded glass powder box, 1- Sterling handled comb, 1- Sterling comb handle, 1- Sterling shoe brush handle, 2- Sterling handled hair brushes, & 1- Sterling handled...
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(4) SILVER SCARF SLIDE, HAIR COMB, EYEGLASSCHAIN(lot of 4) Native American and other silver (content unknown) jewelry, including: (1) collar necklace, (1) hair comb with turquoise and red coral, approx 2"h, 2.25"w,...
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(2) NAUTILUS SHELL HAIR COMB & 14K PENDANTBROOCH(lot of 2) Osmena pearl (nautilus shell) jewelry, including: (1) hair comb, five osmena pearls on silver (content unknown) mount, plastic comb, approx 1 7/8"h, 4 5/8"l,...
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Menominee German Silver Hair Comb
firstquarter 20th century
with rocker engraved scrolling decoration
height 1-5/8 inches x length 5-1/2 inches...
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A GROUP OF SILVER HAIR COMBSA groupof silver hair combs, Six works: Two Miguel silver three-pronged hair forks Mid-20th Century; Mexico Each stamped: Miguel / Sterling / Mexico / 925 3.75" H x 2.625"...
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HECTOR AGUILAR (1905-1986, MEXICAN)HectorAguilar (1905-1986, Mexican), A group of silver hair combs, circa 1943-1948; Taxco, Mexico Each stamped: HA / Made in Mexico / Sterling Comprising two tapering scrolled...
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A SET OF MATL SILVER AND SYNTHETIC TURQUOISEHAIR COMBSA set of Matl silver and synthetic turquoise hair combs, 1935-1948; Taxco, Mexico Stamped: Matl; Plastic comb stamped: Made in France Designed by Matilde Poulat,...
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A MATL SILVER AND GEM-SET HAIR COMBAMatl silver and gem-set hair comb, 1935-1948; Taxco, Mexico Stamped: Matl Designed by Matilde Poulat, the repousse silver cage with doves set with amethyst, coral, and...
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STERLING HAIRBRUSH AND COMB SETDecoratedsterling handle hairbrush and comb set.
Sterling marks: Levi and Salaman, Birmingham, England 1900.
Comes in padded box with embossed mark "Cahoon Bros. Donegal Place, Belfast."
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GEORGIAN SILVER HAIR COMB, 18TH/19THCENTURY HEIGHT: 4 IN. (10.16 CM.) CENTURY, apparently unmarked, the curved comb with a row of five graduated scallops and an incised design of arched dots and stylized foliage...
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ENGLISH SILVER MOUNTED HAIR COMB ANDA ROUND FRAMEEnglish Silver Mounted Hair Comb and a Round Frame...
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SILVER: STERLING VANITY ITEMS, SEVENPIECES: HAND MIRROR, MONOGRAMMED, 14" L.; WITH MATCHING HAIR BRUSH, 10 1/2" L.; TWO OTHER SMALL...SILVER: Sterling vanity items, seven pieces: hand mirror, monogrammed, 14"...
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THREE NATIVE AMERICAN SILVER WORKS,NAVAJO DISH: 1/2 X 3 1/2 IN. (1.3 X 8.9 CM.), LENGTH OF COMBS: 2 3/8 IN. (6 CM.) NAVAJO, footed dish with button feet, together with two turquoise set hair combs (3) Dimensions:...
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Sterling vanity items to include Gorhamsterling '23' repousse clad hair brush, 3-letter monogram, Gorham sterling '23' repousse hand mirror, 3-letter monogram, sterling repousse handled nail file, Webster sterling...
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A set of three hair combs each decoratedwith two lines of rose cut diamonds, 8cm wide, boxed by Boin-Taburet, Paris, a woven hair bracelet with 9ct gold clasp dated 1907, a 9ct gold framed locket with portrait miniature...
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ANGELA CUMMINGS FOR TIFFANY & CO. HAIRCOMBS, 2 Two vintage Angela Cummings for Tiffany and Company sterling silver hair combs, each marked "Tiffany & Co. / Sterling" and one also marked "18K" though no gold visible....
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A Framed Group of Victorian Hair Combs
American,19th Century
20 silver and tortoise Victorian hair combs.
frame size 17 x 24 3/4 inches...
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ANTIQUE STERLING SILVER & METAL JEWELRYGROUPING United States, Germany,20th CenturyLot includes one sterling shoe horn, one sterling hair comb, four sterling shoe clips, one sterling lady's brooch, one sterling...
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A collection of seven Victorian haircombs including five metal (one marked 'sterling') with intricate designs and glass stones; and two combs with hanging ball pendants
Largest metal comb = 5"w x 4.25"h
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Fifteen pieces of Victorian jewelryand hair combs to include a rubberized comb with a butterfly design of glass stones set in sterling silver 4.25"w x 3"h; three smaller ruby colored Vauxhall combs, each approximately...
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Miscellaneous collection of twelve Victorianhair combs and hair sticks to include a metal (diamond date mark) comb adorned with coral leaves, berries and a goddess, 4.5"w x 4.25"h; a smaller faux tortoise stick with...
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Two ladies change purses silver haircomb two silver hand mirrors- one marked sterling 10.25"l. and a bone hand mirror....
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ESTATE TRAY LOT OF MEXICAN JEWELRY:To include Belt marked JM Sterling AIM over 925 31 3/4'' 4.5 Troy oz; Brooch with carved stone face; Large hair combs set with green stones marked Silver Mexico; Diminutive...
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Two American Coin Silver Hair Combs,one a rare chignon comb in "Greek Fret" decor, third quarter 19th century, h. 4-1/2", w. 4-7/8"; and the other a finely engraved William Wilson, Philadelphia, chignon comb...
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COLLECTION OF SOUTHWESTERN AND NATIVEAMERICAN JEWELRY including a large oval turquoise set ring with split shank marked AS a deep blue-green oval stone ring with ropetwist border CS mark a large ring set with...
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Four Decorative Hair Combs with SilverOrnaments Including: a Victorian Aesthetic Movement comb with tortoise tines and crown shape silver metal ornament with bright cut designs apprx. 4" x 3-3/4"l a Sterling silver...
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Sterling Hair Comb. Six prong comb withchase and cut work top, reverse marked "sterling K&J 28", 6" tall, 1.87ozt. Estimate $150-350...
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Four Silver Hair Combs. Three markedsterling; one all sterling; three with celluloid pins. Estimate $150-250...
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