A GEORGE III INLAID MAHOGANY BOWFRONTSIDEBOARDA George III inlaid mahogany bowfront sideboardlate 18th centuryThe central long drawer above a further kneehole drawer with a faux paneled deep drawer with interior...
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GEORGE III INLAID MAHOGANY BOWFRONTWRITING TABLEBritish, late 18th/early 19th century, with figured mahogany top, three lightwood inlaid dovetailed drawers, tapered square legs, 32 x 40 x 20-3/4 in.
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GEORGE III INLAID MAHOGANY BOWFRONTCHEST OF DRAWERS Circa 1800, mahogany veneer, oak secondary, top with rounded edge, three over three graduated cock beaded drawers with ebony line inlay and ivory escutcheons,...
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LATE GEORGE III INLAID MAHOGANY BOWFRONTCHEST OF DRAWERS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY 41 1/2 X 45 1/2 X 22 3/4 IN. (105.41 X 115.57 X 57.79 CM.) CHEST OF DRAWERS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY, the bowed rectangular case fitted with...
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LATE GEORGE III INLAID MAHOGANY BOWFRONTCHEST OF DRAWERS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY 41 1/2 X 45 1/2 X 22 3/4 IN. (105.41 X 115.57 X 57.79 CM.) CHEST OF DRAWERS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY, the bowed rectangular case fitted with...
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GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY BOWFRONT CHESTOF DRAWERS OF DRAWERS, late 19th Century, the bowed rectangular top above a conforming case with false slide over three drawers on splayed bracket feet - h:34.50w:42d:23.25in....
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GEORGE III INLAID MAHOGANY BOWFRONTCHEST OF DRAWERS CHEST OF DRAWERS, early 19th Century, the bound rectangular case fitted with two short drawers over three long drawers on French feet - h:40w:36d:20.50in....
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GEORGE III STYLE MAHOGANY BOWFRONT CHESTOF DRAWERS, H: 34-1/2, W: 42, D: 21-3/4 INGeorge III Style Mahogany Bowfront Chest of Drawers, H: 34-1/2, W: 42, D: 21-3/4 in...
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ANTIQUE GEORGE III-STYLE MAHOGANY BOWFRONTCHESTAntique George III-Style Mahogany Bowfront Chest , molded top, four graduated drawers, bracket feet , h. 33 1/2 in., w. 38 1/2 in., d. 23 in...
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GEORGE III INLAID MAHOGANY BOWFRONTSIDEBOARDGeorge III Inlaid Mahogany Bowfront Sideboard, late 18th/early 19th c., banded top, frieze drawer flanked by two deep drawers, tapered legs, spade feet, h. 36 in.,...
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GEORGE III INLAID MAHOGANY BOWFRONTSERVER SERVER, the bowed rectangular top over a conforming frieze applied with drapery and paterae on square tapering legs with cuffs - h:32.25w:58.25d:26.50in. Provenance:...
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GEORGE III INLAID MAHOGANY BOWFRONTSERVER Early 19th century, mahogany veneer, oak and pine secondary, top edge with vertical veneer banding, central single drawer flanked by two deep drawers each with a banded...
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George III-Style Mahogany Bowfront Sideboard,early 20th century, the banded bowed top with projecting center section above a conforming case fitted with a single cutlery drawer over a recessed well drawer, flanked to...
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George III style mahogany bowfront sideboardlate 19th century D-shaped top above conforming case with long central drawer flanked by cupboard doors resting on square tapering legs with spade feet. H36 1/4'' W53 5/8''...
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George III-Style Mahogany Bowfront Sideboard,ca. 1900, the bowed top above a conforming case fitted with a central cutlery drawer flanked to one side by a cellarette drawer and to the other by a cupboard door, all with...
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George III style mahogany bowfront sideboardlate 19th century D-shaped top above conforming case with central drawer flanked by cupboard doors resting on square tapering legs with spade feet. H35'' W60'' D23'' ...
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George III inlaid mahogany bowfrontsideboard circa 1800 D-shape rectangular cross-banded top above conforming case fitted with central drawer flanked by deep drawers resting on tapering square legs with spade...
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George III inlaid mahogany bowfrontchest of drawers late 18th century D-shaped top above conforming case with two short drawers over two long drawers flanked by inlaid chamfered corners resting on shaped French...
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George III-Style Mahogany Bowfront Sideboard,the banded and bowed top above a conforming case fitted with a central cutlery drawer above a recessed well drawer, flanked to either side by a paneled cupboard, raised on...
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George III style mahogany bowfront sideboardmid 19th century D-shape top with short backsplash above conforming case fitted with central drawer flanked by short drawers over deep drawers resting on square tapering legs....
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George III-Style Mahogany Bowfront ConsoleTable, early 20th century, the bowed top above a plain frieze, raised on square tapering legs, h. 27", w. 45", d. 23"....
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George III-Style Mahogany Bowfront Chest,early 19th century, the bowed top above a conforming case fitted with two short drawers over two graduated long drawers, raised on splayed bracket feet, h. 30-1/4", w. 30-3/4",...
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George III style mahogany bowfront chestof drawers mid 19th century D-shape top above conforming case fitted with four graduated drawers on flaring French feet. H43 1/2'' W48'' D22 5/8'' Back   Inquiry   ...
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George III style mahogany bowfront chestof drawers D-shaped banded top above conforming case with two drawers over three graduated drawers resting on French feet. H38 7/8'' W39 7/8'' D19 3/4'' Back   Inquiry   ...
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George III style mahogany bowfront chestof drawers mid 19th century shaped top above conforming case of two over three drawers resting on flaring French feet. H41 3/4'' W41 3/8'' D21'' Back   Inquiry   ...
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George III-Style Mahogany Bowfront ServingTable, mid-19th century, the banded and bowed top above a conforming frieze fitted with three drawers, raised on tapering square legs with inset panels, h. 33-1/2", w. 56-1/2",...
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George III inlaid mahogany bowfrontchest-on-chest circa 1800 stepped dentil-molded crown over deep frieze and two short over three long drawers flanked by chamfered spiral-inlaid stiles capped with lamb's tongues...
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George III inlaid mahogany bowfrontchest early 19th century rectangular D-shape top above conforming case fitted with two short drawers over three graduated drawers on cut-out bracket feet. H37 3/4'' W43''...
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George III style mahogany bowfront chestof drawers mid 19th century bowfront top with reeded edge over conforming case with two short over three long drawers on French feet. H39 5/8'' W40'' D20 1/4'' Back   Inquiry   ...
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George III inlaid mahogany bowfrontsideboard circa 1800 inlaid bowfront top over conforming case with central drawer flanked by wine drawers on tapering legs with spade feet. H35 3/4'' W51'' D23 3/4'' Provenance:...
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George III inlaid mahogany bowfrontserver circa 1810 rectangular top with convex front upon conforming inlaid frieze on square tapered inlaid legs terminating in spade feet. H35 3/8'' W60'' D25 3/4'' Provenance:...
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George III inlaid mahogany bowfronthanging corner cabinet early 19th century dentil molded crest above two doors with inlaid shell paterae. H38 3/4'' W28'' D19 1/2'' Back   Inquiry   ...
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George III style mahogany bowfront chestof drawers late 19th century D-shape top above conforming case fitted with two short drawers over three graduated drawers on shaped bracket base. H40 3/4'' W42 5/8'' D20 3/8''...
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George III-Style Mahogany Bowfront Sideboard,late 19th century, the slightly bowed and banded top above a conforming case fitted with a central deep cutlery drawer flanked to either side by two short drawers, all with...
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George III style mahogany bowfront chestof drawers last quarter 19th century shaped and molded top over case with two over three drawers on splay feet. H41 1/2'' W42 1/4'' D20 3/4'' Back   Inquiry   ...
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