A George V silver sugar caster and cover,16cm h, by Adie Brothers Ltd, Birmingham 1923 and a George V silver christening mug, Birmingham 1926, 7ozs 10dwts (2) More Information Caster – cover slightly loose, dented...
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A George V silver cigarette case, engineturned, 83mm, by The Alexander Clark Mfg Co, Birmingham 1926, a silver sugar sifter and two teaspoons, 3ozs 8dwts (4) More Information Spoons worn...
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A George V silver capped cut glass sugarcaster, 16cm h, marks rubbed, Birmingham 1919 and one and a pair of matching silver candlesticks, loaded (4) More Information Caster undamaged. Candlesticks - typical knocks...
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A set of six George V silver coffeespoons and sugar tongs, engraved Old English pattern, by W S Savage & Co, Sheffield 1912, cased and miscellaneous silver flatware, 11ozs 12dwts weighable More Information...
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Three sets of six George V silver coffeespoons, one with sugar tongs, various makers and dates and two sets of five and six silver hafted pastry knives, 5ozs 10dwts weighable (5 cases) More Information All as new...
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3PCS GEORGE V STERLING INDIVIDUAL COFFEESERVICE Three piece George V sterling silver chased melon form hot beverage service, with marks of Crichton Brothers (English 1890-1954), London 1917, comprising an individual...
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COLLECTION OF SMALL AMERICAN AND CONTINENTALSILVER SERVING ACCESSORIES The first, a George V silver mustard pot, mark of Docker & Burn, Birmingham (1928), with cobalt glass insert (2 in.), and salt spoon, mark of RGH,...
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GEORGE V STERLING SILVER TEA AND COFFEESERVICE, 6 George V six-piece sterling silver tea and coffee service, Crichton Brothers (London), 1923, comprising of a hot water kettle on stand, teapot, coffeepot, creamer,...
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Apair of George V silver bon bon wheel barrows, marked George Nathan & Ridley Hayes, Chester, 1907-1910
A pair of George V silver bunny placeholders, marked Charles Perry...
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Crichton Brothers. assembled GeorgeV seven-piece tea and coffee service with tray. 1909, Britannia standard silver, wood. result: $2,250. estimate: $3,000–5,000. Assembled service is comprised of a kettle-on-stand,...
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A George V silver octagonal sugar castorof 18th Century design with plain girdled body 6.75ins high by Sir J.B. Ltd London 1932 (weight 4.5ozs) a pair of George V silver salad servers by Atkin Bros Sheffield 1929/30...
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A late Victorian bachelor\'s silverthree piece tea service with oval part reeded bodies comprising - teapot two-handled sugar basin and milk jug Birmingham 1895 (gross weight 12ozs - hallmarks rubbed and worn...
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GEORGE V SILVER TEA SET Mark of BarkerBrothers Silver Ltd., Chester (1935), four pieces including a teapot, hot water pot (7 in.), sugar bowl and creamer; no monograms, both pots with handsome ebony handles with...
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GEORGE V BRITANNIA SILVER SUGAR CASTOR,MARK OF CRICHTON BROTHERS (LIONEL ALFRED CRICHTON) London (1924) hallmarks, Britannia standard marks, tapering footed form with fluted corners, fitted pierced domed lid,...
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A GEORGE V SILVER MINIATURE FIVE PIECETEA SET Birmingham (1940), most pieces with mark of Barker Brothers Silver Ltd, "Sterling" standard mark, includes a coffee pot, pitcher, creamer, sugar bowl, and oval serving...
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GEORGE V SILVER CREAMER & SUGAR GeorgeNathan & Ridley Hayes, Chester, 1913. In the Neo-Classical style, comprising an urn-form sugar and helmet-form creamer, on a dome foot with gadrooned border, the body with...
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A George V silver cream jug the squatbulbous body embossed with leaf scroll and with gadrooned rim 4.25ins high by G.N. and R.H. Chester 1910 (weight 5ozs) and an Edward VII two-handled sugar basin of similar...
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A George V silver four piece tea setof rounded rectangular form with fluted girdle band and shell and gadrooned border Nathan & Hayes Chester 1912/13 gross 57.5 oz. Estimate ?600-800 Hot water pot- There is...
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George V sterling silver four piecetea & coffee service george howson, london 1911 Comprising a teapot, coffeepot, hot water jug, and and sugar bowl, with partly fluted oval sides, raised on an oval spreading...
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A George V Sterling Silver Sugar CastorBirmingham 1928; together with an American sterling silver sugar castor....
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George V Eight-Piece Britannia Standard(.958) Silver Tea and Coffee Service with Later Sterling Silver Tray, hallmarked London, 1916-1917, by Lionel Alfred Creighton, in the Queen Anne taste, including a kettle-on-stand,...
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George V Silver Tea Set(Birmingham 1931)''W.A'' sponsor's mark the three piece service includes a teapot (7.75 in.) open sugar bowl and creamer.28.15 total troy oz.Private Collection Hampton VA...
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A George V silver circular three piecetea service with shaped rims plain squat bulbous bodies and each on four scroll feet comprising - teapot 5.25ins high two handled sugar basin 3.5ins high and milk jug 3.5ins...
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A George V silver three piece tea serviceof octagonal form comprising - teapot with fruitwood handle and finial 6ins high two-handled sugar basin and milk jug by Thomas Bradbury & Sons Sheffield 1928 (gross weight...
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A George V silver four piece tea andcoffee service with squat moulded bodies comprising - teapot coffee pot two-handled sugar basin and milk jug by H.A. Birmingham 1935 (gross weight 48ozs)...
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Six-Piece George V Britannia Standard(.958) Silver Coffee-and-Tea Set, hallmarked London, 1918-1924, by Crichton & Co. Ltd., in the Queen Anne taste, comprising a hot water kettle and stand, h. 13", dia. 7",...
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A George V silver sugar castor of 18thCentury design with bulbous part lobed and girdled body 7.25ins high by Garrard & Co London 1912 (weight 11ozs)...
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A George V silver sugar castor of 18thCentury design with octagonal bulbous girdled body 7ins high by S. & M. Birmingham 1928 (weight 4ozs) an Elizabeth II silver waiter with moulded piecrust and gadrooned rim...
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A George V silver sauce boat of 18thCentury design with gadrooned rim and flying scroll handle on splayed feet 6.5ins x 4ins x 4.25ins an Edward VIII silver ditto both by S.B. & S. Ltd Birmingham 1933 and 1936...
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A George V silver circular teapot withangular ebonised handle 5.25ins high by Sidney James Sparrow of the Central School of Arts & Crafts London 1933 (gross weight 18ozs) a matching silvery metal jug and sugar...
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A George III silver six division toastrack with gadrooned mounts on four splayed panel feet 6.5ins x 4ins x 6ins high by I.W.S. & W.E. London 1811 (weight 11ozs - dented and slightly misshapen) and a George V...
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A George IV silver Old English patternsauce ladle by W.S. London 1827 (engraved to terminal) a George V silver circular sugar bowl 4ins diameter x 1.75ins high by W.B. Birmingham 1920 and a small selection of...
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A George V silver three piece tea servicewith squat bulbous bodies and shaped rims comprising - teapot two-handled sugar basin and milk jug Birmingham 1912 by Stewart Dawson London No. 539645 (gross weight 22ozs...
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A George V silver circular teapot withwavy rim the body embossed with leaf and C-scroll ornament on four pad feet with ebonised handle and finial 5.75ins high by C.W. & S. Sons Birmingham 1911 a similar circular...
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A pair of Edward VII silver octagonalsalts of early 18th Century design 3.375ins x 2.625ins x 1.5ins high London 1903 two silver Old English pattern salt spoons a George V silver bulbous sugar castor of 18th...
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A silver two-handled soda siphon standwith turned wood base 7ins high Sheffield 1906 a George V silver circular sweetmeat dish with pierced sides 6ins diameter x 3ins high Birmingham 1920 and a Victorian silver...
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