PAIR OF OPPOSING GERMAN BLACK FORESTWOOD CARVINGSPair of opposing German black forest wood carvings. Featuring figures in game, fowl, and rifle motif. Measure appx 24" x 25". Missing 1 front foot and old repair...
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GERMAN BLACK FOREST CHALET MUSICAL CUCKOOCLOCKClock face marked "Made in Germany". Sticker on back reads "Swiss Made Romance Saint Croix Switzerland Der frohlich Wanderer Edelweiss R. Rogers 22 Ls 2708". Gold medallion...
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GERMAN BLACK FOREST CARVED OWL INKWELLGerman Black Forest carved wood inkwell in the form of an owl. 6.5" H x 3.5" W x 4" D. Some splitting in wood....
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D. HONES GERMAN BLACK FOREST CUCKOOCLOCK D. Hones Titisee-Neustadt West German Black Forest cuckoo clock, carved wood bird-motif case with pine tree pendulum and pine cone weights, signed on movement, partial...
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(2) VINTAGE GERMAN BLACK FOREST CUCKOOCLOCKS(lot of 2) German Black Forest cuckoo clocks, Hubert Herr, Triberg, mid to late 20th c., carved walnut cases, (one) with bird crest, (one) with stag crest, retaining...
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(2) VINTAGE GERMAN BLACK FOREST CUCKOOCLOCKS(lot of 2) German Black Forest cuckoo clocks, Hubert Herr, Triberg, mid to late 20th c., carved walnut cases, (one) with bird crest, (one) with stag crest, retaining...
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(2) GERMAN BLACK FOREST WALNUT & BURLWOODBOXES(lot of 2) Table boxes, including: (1) German Black Forest walnut box, with carved faux bois wood graining, trompe l'oeil belt straps with buckles, central floral cluster...
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A GERMAN BLACK FOREST CARVED LINDENWOOD CLOCKA good quality German Black Forest carved linden wood clock circa 1900 The twin train movement striking on a bell stamped Lenzkirch. height 27in (68.5cm); width...
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PAIR OF GERMAN BLACK FOREST GAME PLAQUES,19TH CENTURYPair of German Black Forest Game Plaques, 19th Century , white washed wood carvings worked in high relief with trophies of game birds, powder horns, rifles and...
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BLACK FOREST SHIELD CLOCK EXPOSED MOVEMENTVINTAGEFeatured in this lot is a Black Forest Shield Wall Clock with Exposed Movement, circa 1840-1890. Shield clocks are beautiful and elegant creations that were made most...
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BRONZE BLACK FOREST BEAR HALL TREE UMBRELLASTANDThis is an outstanding, large Black Forest bronze hall tree umbrella stand sculpture showing a classic German Black Forest pattern of a Bear and Cub climbing a tree....
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GERMAN BLACK FOREST CARVED BOX, WITHFOUR CATS AT PLAY ...German Black Forest Carved Box, with four cats at play on the lid, and scrolling leaf carvings, height 8 inches, width 14 inches, depth 7 inches.
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36" GERMAN BLACK FOREST CUCKOO CLOCKGerman Black Forest cuckoo clock stag mount and hunt scene motif with dancing figure rotating movement; 36"H 21.5"W 15.5"D...
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36" GERMAN BLACK FOREST CUCKOO CLOCKGerman Black Forest Cuckoo Clock having stag mounted pediment, with leaf, game and rifle carving, and rotating movement with dancing figures; 36"H 21.5"W 15.5"D; **** clocks...
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(2) GERMAN BLACK FOREST HECO & OTHERCUCKOO CLOCKS(lot of 2) German Black Forest cuckoo clocks, 20thc., each in dark finish, carved case featuring game animals and foliates, with white Roman numerals to black...
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(2) GERMAN BLACK FOREST CARVED CUCKOOCLOCKS(lot of 2) German Black Forest cuckoo clocks, 20thc., each in dark finish, carved case featuring game animals and foliates, with white Roman numerals to black clock...
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(2) GERMAN BLACK FOREST CARVED CUCKOOCLOCKS(lot of 2) German Black Forest cuckoo clocks, 20thc., each in carved case featuring game animals and foliates, with white Roman numerals to black clock face, retaining...
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2)GERMAN BLACK FOREST LCHATZ & OTHERCUCKOO CLOCKS(lot of 2) German Black Forest cuckoo clocks, 20thc., each in carved case featuring game animals and foliates, with white Roman numerals to black clock face,...
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GERMAN BLACK FOREST CARVED WALNUT CIGARCABINETGerman Black Forest Carved Walnut Cigar Cabinet , foliate carving, four revolving doors, h. 10 in., w. 7 in., d. 7 in...
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GERMAN BLACK FOREST CUCKOO CLOCK, 20THC.German Black Forest cuckoo clock, 20th c., 28" h.
Parts: weights, pendulum. Approx. 9lbs. Some veneer losses to underside. Pook & Pook does not guarantee clocks...
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GERMAN BLACK FOREST PICTURE FRAME WALLCLOCKGerman black forest picture frame wall clock with wood plate movement and brass wheels. Eagle holding wreath and urns of flowers decoration. Later strings for weights,...
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5 BLACK FOREST STYLE CUCKOO CLOCKS5cuckoo clocks, including Lux, German, Black Forest, Brahms Lullaby. Brahms Lullaby clock 11 3/4"H x 7 7/8"W. With a box of various pinecone weights. All clocks untested and...
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ANTIQUE BLACK FOREST WINE SERVING TABLEGerman Black Forest figural wine serving table, late 19th / early 20th century, having a round foliate carved top, with a tree trunk support, resting on a round plinth base...
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BLACK FOREST FIGURAL CARVED WOOD WINECASK German Black Forest wine cask and figural carved wood holder, late 19th / early 20th century, having a carved branch form support with celebrating gnomes and a glass...
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19TH/20TH C. GERMAN BLACK FOREST DRAGONBAROMETER German Black Forest carved oak barometer, 19th/20th century, having a dragon crest clutching a coat of arms, German language mechanisms, and terminating in a spray...
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(2) GERMAN BLACK FOREST CARVED CUCKOOCLOCKS(lot of 2) German Black Forest carved wood cuckoo clocks, 20th c., each with carved bird crest, over foliate ornamented frame, white Roman numerals to black dial, driven...
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A GERMAN BLACK FOREST OAK LONG CASECLOCK EARLY 19TH CENTURY A German Black Forest oak long case clock early 19th century, with a brass mounted wood dial fronting the wood and brass 30-hour movement, the case...
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GERMAN BLACK FOREST MONUMENTAL CUCKOOCLOCKMonumental German Black Forest game carved Cuckoo Clock. Eagle with glass eye over crossed rifles, incredibly detailed carving throughout. Clock face has applied Roman...
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CARVED BLACK FOREST WOODEN DEER HEADTROPHY Swiss or German Black Forest carved wooden deer head trophy, late 19th early 20th century, having natural antlers and inset glass eyes, on a shaped plaque, apparently...
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LARGE BLACK FOREST CARVED WOODEN STAGCLOCK Swiss or German Black Forest carved wooden clock, 19th/20th century, having a standing stag, trunk form clock with Roman numerals and, Japy Freres movement, the whole...
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BLACK FOREST STYLE MERMAID CANDLE CHANDELIERGerman Black Forest style polychrome Lusterweibchen mermaid chandelier, depicting a female figural form with a spiraling fish tail and having antlers supporting iron bobeches...
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TWO BLACK FOREST WOODEN DEER HEAD TROPHIESGroup of two Swiss or German Black Forest carved wooden deer head trophies, 20th century, each having natural antlers, apparently unmarked. Approx. of the largest h. 21",...
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TWO CARVED BLACK FOREST WOODEN DEERHEAD TROPHIES Group of two Swiss or German Black Forest carved wooden deer head trophies, late 19th early 20th century, each having natural antlers and inset glass eyes, mounted...
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BLACK FOREST POLYCHROME ANTLER STAG'SHEAD TROPHY Swiss or German Black Forest carved wooden stag's head trophy, late 19th early 20th century, having natural antlers, and inset glass eyes, on parcel gilt polychrome...
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TWO BLACK FOREST WOODEN DEER'S HEADTROPHIES Group of two Swiss or German Black Forest carved wooden deer head trophies, 20th century, each having natural antlers, apparently unmarked. Approx. of the largest...
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