AFRICAN TRIBAL CARVED WOOD FERTILITYFIGURE African tribal carved wood fertility figure, early 20th century, possibly West or South African. Cracks, wear. 12.5" H x 3.25 " diameter...
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LRG GRP: BOOKS ON AFRICA AND AFRICANARTGroup of 32 books on Africa and African art. Includes the following titles:
Jacqueline Delange (French, 1923-1991), Carol F. Jopling (American, 1916-2000), "The Art and...
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TWO AFRICAN TRIBAL WOOD MASKS: BETENYABWA WAR MATWO AFRICAN TRIBAL WOOD MASKS: Bete Nyabwa war mask, Bete peoples, Ivory Coast, 24"L x 28"W; stylized antelope mask, Mossi peoples, Burkina Faso, 49.5"L....
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NINE AFRICAN TRIBAL TRADE BEAD NECKLACES,HAND MAD hand made by various ethnic groups including the Senufo people of northern Ivory Coast, the Akan people of Ghana, and other various West African groups. Length range:...
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FOUR AFRICAN TRIBAL WOOD HEADCRESTS:8.75"H CHIWA 8.75"H Chiwara antelope headcrest with basket skull cap; 15.5"H Chiwara antelope headcrest with basket skull cap; 15.5"H Chiwara fox headcrest; 36.25"L Mossi...
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FOUR AFRICAN TRIBAL WOOD HEADRESTS:7"H FIGURAL L 7"H figural Luba headrest, Luba people, DRC; 6.25"H Karamojong tribe headrest, northeastern Uganda; 8.25"H Pokot people headrest, Baringo County, Kenya; 20"...
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THREE AFRICAN TRIBAL WOOD MASKS: 17.5"HHELMET MA helmet mask (Bundu), Mende peoples, Sierra Leone; 18" Bamum head mask, Mamum ethnic group of Cameroon; 13" face mask on wood stand, Chokwe ethic group of the DRC....
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SIX AFRICAN TRIBAL WOOD STOOLS: ROUNDFIGURAL YORSIX AFRICAN TRIBAL WOOD STOOLS: round figural Yoruba divination platform or stool; rectangular Ashanti stool from Ghana; round zigzag base unknown stool; two round...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL HELMET MASK (BWOOM),KUBA PEOPLES, Kuba peoples, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Sankuru River region; wood, beads, cloth, leather, copper and cowrie shells; 11.75"H....
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THIRTY-ONE AFRICAN TRIBAL METAL ARTIFACTSINCLUDIN including: 15 Akan tribal weights; medicine iron indicator; Ashanti bracelet; Yoruba bracelet; Ashanti gold weights; 14"L Kissy penny from Sierra Leone; 12.25"L barbered...
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THREE AFRICAN TRIBAL WOOD MASKS: 25"LHELMET MASK helmet mask (Nyachi), Kuba people, Kete group, Sankuru River region, DRC; 10"L helmet mask (Gelede), Yoruba people of Nigeria; Kifwebe mask, Songye people, DRC....
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TWO AFRICAN TRIBAL CARVED WOOD FLOORFIGURES: 47" FIGURES: 47"H seated female Gwan figure, the Bamana people of Mali; 44.5"H squatting male D'mba or Nimba figure, Baga people, Guinea....
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AFRICAN TRIBAL LEATHER QUIVER WITH ARROWSAfricantribal leather quiver with arrows, 24" l., together with an African knife with hide sheath, 14" blade.
Arrows - as found. Sheath - sewn seam with stitch loss...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL CURRENCY, H: 15 IN. (38.1CM.)African Tribal Currency,, Dimensions: H: 15 in. (38.1 cm.)...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL CURRENCY, H: 3 1/2 IN.(8.9 CM.)African Tribal Currency,, Dimensions: H: 3 1/2 in. (8.9 cm.)...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL CURRENCY, H: 5 IN. (12.7CM.)African Tribal Currency,, Dimensions: H: 5 in. (12.7 cm.)...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL SPEAR WITH BELL, L: 49IN. (124.5 CM.)African Tribal Spear with Bell,, Dimensions: L: 49 in. (124.5 cm.)...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL SPEAR, L OVERALL: 641/2 IN. (163.8 CM.)African Tribal Spear,, Dimensions: L overall: 64 1/2 in. (163.8 cm.)...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL MASK, PWO CHOKWE PEOPLE,CONGO African tribal dance mask, likely Pwo Chokwe people, Democratic Republic of Congo, with nail-ornamented face details. 15.5" H x 9" W x 7" D...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL CARVED WOOD MASKS, FANGPEOPLE, 3 African tribal masks, likely Fang people, Gabon with typical narrow eyes, each enhanced with painted details. Largest: 14" H x 6.5" W x 3.5" D....
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AFRICAN TRIBAL MASK African Tribal mask,possibly Dogon peoples of Mali, with elongated head and round face, with painted detail; 16.5" H x 6" W x 3" D...
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NORTH AFRICAN TRIBAL SILVER REPOUSSENECKLACE Vintage North African tribal silver repousse warrior teeth motif double strand cord necklace. 21"L x 1.37"W. Silver tested. Approx: 5.77 ozt. inclusive....
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N. AFRICAN TRIBAL BASE METAL CEREMONIALNECKLACE North African, likely Berber tribal ornate base metal ceremonial bib drop necklace with gold-tone rope closure. Necklace: 32.0" L inner circumference. Bib: 11.5"...
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GIANT LARGE AFRICAN SENUFO? TRIBAL BALAFON/ MARIMBA MUSICAL PERCUSSION INSTRUMENT 56"H X 22 3/4"W X 11 1/4"DGIANT large African Senufo? tribal balafon / marimba musical percussion instrument, with coconut resonators,...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL DJEMBE DRUM WITH HIDECOVER, WEBBED CORDING AND CARVED DETAIL.African tribal Djembe drum with hide cover, webbed cording and carved detail.,...
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TWO AFRICAN TRIBAL DJEMBE DRUMS WITHHIDE COVER, WEBBED CORDING AND CARVED DETAIL., 25"H X 13"DIAM.Two African tribal Djembe drums with hide cover, webbed cording and carved detail., Dimensions: 25"H x 13"Diam....
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TWO AFRICAN TRIBAL CARVINGS 20TH CENTURYTWOAFRICAN TRIBAL CARVINGS, 20th Century, A fertility figure, height 30", and a female figure with metal decorations, height 25"....
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AFRICAN TRIBAL CARVED WOOD 2PC: BAULESUN MASK AND DOGON RITUAL MEDICINE HORSE BOX WITH LID, MALI. 10"H X 23"W X 6"D (LARGEST)African Tribal carved wood 2pc: Baule sun mask and Dogon ritual medicine horse box...
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THREE AFRICAN TRIBAL TEXTILES, TWO KUBAMUD CLOTHS AND ONE PAINTED WEAVING. 46" X 69" (MUD CLOTH)Three African tribal textiles, two Kuba mud cloths and one painted weaving., Provenance: From a private collector...
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THREE AFRICAN TRIBAL CEREMONIAL CARVEDWOOD PADDLES, STAFFS, SCEPTERS 24"L X 3"W (PADDLE)Three African tribal ceremonial carved wood paddles, staffs, scepters, Paddle with figural carved head and open work eyes...
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KENYAN / MASSAI? AFRICAN TRIBAL HIDESHIELD WITH POLYCHROME DECORATION. 37"H X 25"W X 8"DKenyan / Massai? African tribal hide shield with polychrome decoration., Dimensions: 37"H x 25"W x 8"D...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL CARVED WOOD MASKS Threecarved wood African tribal masks, two with narrow eyes and holes around the perimeter, from Zaire. 11" X 8" X 5"; 9.5" X 6" X 1"; 8" X 7" X 2"...
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(2) AFRICAN TRIBAL MASKS (2) AfricanTribal Masks...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL METAL SCULPTURE: MetalAfrican tribal sculpture having geometrical designs with an attached metal lizard over an attached molded face. Mounted on a black metal stand with a ceramic base. Approx....
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LOT OF AFRICAN TRIBAL REFERENCE BOOKS:Wonderful selection of books on African tribal art. Most books are in very good/excellent condition. Great for your personal library....
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