GINO SARFATTI ARTELUCE GLASS CASCADECHANDELIER Gino Sarfatti (Italian, 1912-1999) for Arteluce Modern circular cascading Murano art glass orb pendant chandelier with eight spherical green glass light shades....
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UNUSUAL FRENCH ART DECO CHANDELIER GLASSSHADESAn unusual French Art Deco chrome chandelier having six glass shades with beading and orb shaped crystals. Ht: 35" Wd: 24"...
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UNUSUAL FRENCH ART DECO CHANDELIER GLASSSHADESAn unusual French Art Deco chrome chandelier having six glass shades with beading and orb shaped crystals. Ht: 35" Wd: 24"...
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PAIR VENETIAN GLASS 6-LIGHT CHANDELIERSc. 1960s, Murano, handblown clear glass with aquamarine blue accents, the central glass stem supporting two tiers, the lower tier set with alternating scroll arms ending in...
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RESTORATION HARDWARE FOUCAULT ORB 7-LTCHANDELIERRestoration Hardware "Foucault's Orb Outdoor Chandelier," from the Timothy Oulton Collection, design inspired by physicist Leon Foucault's gyroscope, in a rustic...
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NUEVO GLASS ORB AND BLACK PAINTED METALCHANDELIER CHANDELIER, constructed as an assembly of straight sections joined by glass spheres, electrified Provenance: IMG NYC - New York modern design firm...
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GOLD ORB CHANDELIERGOLD ORB CHANDELIER,Provenance: IMG NYC - New York modern design firm...
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GOLD ORB LARGE CHANDELIERGOLD ORB LARGECHANDELIER, h:48w:53in. Provenance: IMG NYC - New York modern design firm...
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GILT 'SPUTNIK' STYLE CHANDELIERGILT'SPUTNIK' STYLE CHANDELIER, consisting of a central orb with various lengths of extruding strands, electrified - h:28.25w:35in. Provenance: IMG NYC - New York modern design...
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FRENCH EMPIRE REVIVAL GILT BRONZE CHANDELIERFrench Empire Revival bronze and crystal large chandelier, pierced acanthus leaf canopy suspending crystal drops, swags leading to ring of eight lights emanating from orb...
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CONTINENTAL REGENCY STYLE BRASS ANDDROP PRISM CHANDELIER 20th century, twelve-light form, featuring an interior drop prism and spire mount with central drop air trap glass orb set within an electrified chain...
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BOURGEOIS BOHEME "OPERA" ART GLASS CHANDELIERBourgeois Boheme Atlelier ( American),"Opera" Murano style art glass six light chandelier lantern having multi-colored hand blown asymmetrical orbs on a gun metal steel frame...
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Roycroft Grove Park Inn chandelier,hammered copper with conical form, banded neck with three hooked tabs, suspended by three chains from original domed ceiling plate, early orb and cross mark on neck, 48 x...
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Continental Gilt-Brass and Tole Six-LightChandelier, second quarter 20th century, in the Restauration style, the shaped, reeded and feathered standard centering a black tole bowl and cover modeled with a brass gallery...
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Louis XV style six-light giltmetal chandelier20th century The central shaft with an orb issuing six foliate cast candle arms hung with purple and clear glass prisms. H: 29 in. PROVENANCE: Property of...
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