AFRICAN AMERICAN CIVIL WAR SOLDIER,AMBROTYPE Portrait of an African-American soldier in full uniform, revolver tucked into his belt, with American flag backdrop; ambrotype accented with gold paint, 3 x 2 1/2...
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EIGHTEEN GUTTA PERCHA UNION PHOTOGRAPHCASESEighteen gutta percha union photograph cases, to include ambrotypes, daguerreotypes and tin types, largest case - 3 1/2" x 3 3/4"....
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J J SLADE COLUMBUS GA ARCHIVE AND CIVILWAR ALBUMArchives relating to James Jeremiah (J.J.) Slade (b. 1831-d. 1917, mayor of Columbus, GA 1892-1895, member of the Georgia Assembly, 1907-1913) and his first wife,...
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GA 9TH CSA AMBROTYPE R. CASSADY & CIVILWAR ARCHIVEConfederate Archive of 4th Sergeant Russell M. Cassady, Georgia Company G, 9th Regiment (Walker Co., GA - Lafayette Volunteers, mortally wounded 1865). Includes...
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3 EARLY CIVIL WAR ERA IMAGES1st item:1/6th plate ambrotype depicting a gentleman attired in Confederate uniform, housed in a tooled leather case with decorative gold colored border and 1 hook for clasp on 1 side....
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AMBROTYPE OF ARMED TN CSA SOLDIER, POSS.MAURY ARTILLER...Civil War-era ambrotype, sixth plate, depicting a seated Confederate soldier in uniform, holding a revolver in one hand and a bowie knife in the other. The...
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4 MID-19TH CENTURY AMBROTYPES AND TINTYPES,CHILDRENGrouping of 4 mid-19th century ambrotypes and tintypes, to include: one sixth plate relievo ambrotype depicting a young girl seated with doll, with gold highlights...
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4 CIVIL WAR ERA TINTYPES AND AMBROTYPES,UNION SOLDIERS...Grouping of 4 Civil War era tintypes and ambrotypes to include: one sixth plate ambrotype depicting a seated Union soldier in uniform, case size: 3 5/8" h...
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8 CIVIL WAR ERA 1/16 PLATE AMBROTYPES,UNION SOLDIERSGrouping of 8 Civil war era sixteenth plate ambrotypes, cased in groupings of 4, the first case including 4 ambrotypes depicting 3 young men in Union uniforms...
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SEVENTEEN 19TH CENTURY CASED IMAGESTo include: seven unidentified sixth plate tintypes and one unidentified sixth plate ambrotype; four images from a baggie labeled "Benson" consisting of a sixth plate daguerreotype...
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EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY, FOUR GUTTA-PERCHACASES, 19TH C., AN EARLY THERMOPLASTIC MADE FROM TREE SAP IMPORTED FROM MALAY IN THE 19TH CENTU...Early photography, four gutta-percha cases, 19th C., an early thermoplastic...
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FOUR AMERICAN CASED IMAGES. Mid 19thcentury. A ninth plate size ambrotype of a bewhiskered young man in a book shaped papier mache case with abalone inlay and gold trim and three sixth plate images. An ambrotype...
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Abraham Bogardus (1822 - 1908 New York)Half Plate Ambrotype City Street Scene. Circa 1850's. Rare early photograph of Ambrotype Studio and people gathered outside on boardwalk. Image depicts single to three story...
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GROUP OF EIGHTEEN AMBROTYPE THERMOPLASTICCASES hard cases in different patterns sizes (largest quarter plate ) and conditions. Most containing ambrotypes of individuals some tintypes and two empty Union Cases Provenance:...
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Captain John McCleery's Civil War kepiepaulets buttons insignia and ambrotype blue wool officer's hat with tarred visor black silk quatrefoil at top the number 23 at front brass buttons at sides interior with...
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COLLECTION OF 6 TINTYPES & AMBROTYPESIN RARE UNION CASES: To include 1) Ambrotype of a couple in brown ''Sir Roger DeCoverly & the Gypsies'' case. 1'' x 4 7/8'' x 4''. 2) Daguerrotype of young man in black ''The...
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Group lot of assorted Ambrotypes andDaguerreotypes. 11 pieces total. Includes three ambrotypes and eight Daguerreotypes. The three ambrotypes are held in gilt tin and leather cases (one missing cover) and all...
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[Cased Images] Four Union Cases HousingCivilian Ambrotypes and Tintypes Lot of 4 including: a quarter plate Union case housing two ambrotypes of a man and a woman; a ninth plate Union case housing two ambrotypes...
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FOUR AMBROTYPES. One quarter-plate ambrotypedepciting a gentleman seated beside a mechanical device. 4 1/4'' w. 3 1/4'' h. Together with a ninth-plate ambrotype depicting a seated gentleman. 2'' w. 2 1/2'' h. One sixth-plate...
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Sgt. George F. Masson 5th Virginia CavalryQuarter Plate Ambrotype with Daguerreotype of Masson as a Boy An outstanding clear plate ambrotype of a casually posed wartime cavalryman sporting an imported Continental...
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Armed Texan with Rare Star Belt PlateCivil War Sixth Plate Ambrotype A fine portrait of young enlisted man with the surname of Bright wearing a seven or eight button grey frock coat with the low stand-up collar...
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Confederate Lieutenant Samuel Rice 27thVirginia Infantry Sixth Plate Ambrotype Plus Lot of 2 including sixth plate ambrotype and post-Civil War copy cdv of the same ambrotype. CDV portrait identified verso as?Sam...
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Civil War Cased Images of Soldiers &Their Wives Lot includes: a Union case housing a sixth plate tintype of an unidentified Federal Infantry private and an ambrotype of a woman believed to be his wife; plus...
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Sixth Plate Ambrotypes of an EnglishRifle Volunteer & Young Lady An unidentified pair of mid-Victorian ambrotypes featuring a well-heeled young subaltern wearing the dark green patrol jacket and distinctive...
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Confederate Lieutenant Sixth Plate Ambrotypeby Jesse Whitehurst Studio Norfolk Virginia Sixth plate ambrotype featuring a portrait of an unidentified Confederate Lieutenant with mat stamped Whitehurst. This image was...
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CDV Size Ambrotype of Armed Privatewith Two Military CDVs An unrelated group of four images including an uncommon CDV ambrotype of an unidentified early war NCO in frock coat armed with sword and .69 cal. musket....
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Regis de Trobriand 55th New York BrevetBrigadier General Unpublished Quarter Plate Tintype Plus Lot of 2 featuring an hitherto unknown tintype attributed as Regis de Trobriand being identical to numerous published...
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GROUP OF EARLY CASED PHOTOGRAPHS OFMEN. American 3rd quarter-19th century. Includes a sixth plate melainotype of a concerned gentleman (in a Union case with a sixth plate of his wife) a sixth plate daguerreotype...
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LARGE GROUP OF AMBROTYPE AND TINTYPEPORTRAITS. American 3rd quarter-19th century. Of men and women in both pressed leather and paper cases and some in Union cases. Gem tintype of a man wearing a hat....
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AMBROTYPES TINTYPES AND A CDV. A groupof five images including a half-plate ambrotype depicting a young girl wearing lace gloves and a dress with ruffled pantaloons. With gold tint. Written on the case behind...
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POST MORTEM AMBROTYPE. Sixth plate casedimage depicting a deceased young girl with flowers on a settle bench outdoors. Case embossed with a flower filled urn and lined in red velvet. Ambrotype 2 3/4'' h. 3 1/4''...
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Group of Cased Images of Men Women &Children Lot of 11 including: a sixth plate daguerreotype of a woman housed in a full Amitie paper case; a sixth plate gold-tinted daguerreotype of a woman identified as Clara...
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Mixed Lot of Daguerreotypes Ambrotypes& Tintypes Plus Lot of 18 including: half plate daguerreotype of a brother and sister; half plate daguerreotype of four children; quarter plate daguerreotype of a parent and...
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Carpenter Wearing Lincoln Portrait BadgeSixth Plate Occupational Ambrotype A remarkable sixth plate ambrotype of a carpenter posed with his tools and wearing an 1860 Lincoln Cooper Union image campaign ferrotype...
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Group of Fine Thermoplastic GeometricCases Lot of 6 including: one sixteenth plate Union case Berg 3-461 containing a water damaged ambrotype of a man; three ninth plates Berg 3-280G 3-286 and 3-250R containing...
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