GROUPING OF 8 PALEKH LACQUER BOXESGroupingof 8 Soviet Era Palekh lacquer boxes. Russian, 20th Century. 8 pill and trinket boxes with black lacquer and detailed hand-painted scenes of Russian folklore. Each piece is...
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GROUP WITH MOSTLY CHINESE WOOD BOWLS,TRAYS AND BOXESGroup with Mostly Chinese Wood Bowls, Trays and Boxes,...
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GROUP OF FIVE WHIMSICAL PAINTED METALDUCK-FORM TEA CADDY/BOXES DUCK-FORM TEA CADDY/BOXES, each piece craft made and delicately painted, with box lids on their backs, tallest of group: 14 in. (5) Provenance:...
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GROUP OF ASSORTED BOXESGROUP OF ASSORTEDBOXES, including a Levantine inlaid musical cigarette box, the lid opening to reveal tiered cigarette holders, w: 9 in.; a composite snuff box, the lid reading 'I say old...
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GROUP OF FIVE SILVER AND PLATED BOXESGROUPOF FIVE SILVER AND PLATED BOXES, including a gilt silverplated snuffbox, with central rose spray, John Bettridge (1824-1834); rectangular snuffbox, Birmingham 1826, maker's...
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GROUP OF NORTHEAST WOODLANDS INDIANBARK BOXESGroup of Northeast Woodlands Indian porcupine quill and moose hair decorated bark boxes, to include a sewing needle book, largest - 4" l., 3 1/2" w., 2" h.
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THREE NORTHEAST WOODLANDS INDIAN BARKBOXESGroup of three Northeast Woodlands Indian quill decorated bark boxes, largest - 1 3/4" h., 3" dia.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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GROUP OF SCANDINAVIAN CARVED BOXESGroupof Scandinavian carved boxes, 19th and 20th c., to include a round pinwheel box with divided interior, 7 1/2" dia., a slide lid box with peafowl on lid, 16" h., 9" w., and...
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GROUP OF CONTEMPORARY SHAKER BOXESGroupof contemporary Shaker boxes, to include a Harland Savage, Wilton, New Hampshire hand box, signed and dated 1986 , 7 1/2" h., 12" w., one signed T. Polk and dated 2002 , together...
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GROUP OF NAUTICAL SEASHELL BOXESGroupof nautical seashell dresser and trinket boxes, 19th and 20th c., to include a desk clock, letter box, together with souvenir pieces, letter box - 6" h., 7" w.
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GROUP OF ASSORTED PORCELAIN BOXESGroupof Assorted Porcelain Boxes,...
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GROUP OF ASSORTED PORCELAIN AND ENAMELBOXESGroup of Assorted Porcelain and Enamel Boxes,...
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GROUP OF FOUR RUSSIAN FAIRTYTALE LACQUEREDBOXESGroup of Four Russian Fairtytale Lacquered Boxes,...
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GROUP OF MOSTLY WOOD DECORATED BOXESGroupof Mostly Wood Decorated Boxes,...
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GROUP OF LIMOGES AND OTHER PREDOMINANTLYFRENCH PORCELAIN, INCLUDING LE TALLEC, PARIS AND ENAMELED BOXESGroup of Limoges and Other Predominantly French Porcelain, Including Le Tallec, Paris and Enameled Boxes,...
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GROUP OF FOUR CHINESE CINNABAR TYPEBOXESGroup of Four Chinese Cinnabar Type Boxes,...
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LARGE LOT OF RUSSIAN LACQUERED BOXESGroupof Russian Lacquered Boxes, comprising 13 lacquered wood, and two porcelain music boxes (each inscribed in Russian, the round box dated 1990 and numbered "70226", the rectangular...
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GROUP, THREE VINTAGE GLASS TRINKET/PILLBOXESGroup of three vintage glass trinket, dresser box or pill boxes comprising a gilt metal basketweave and intaglio decorated glass pill box (.75 x 1.62 in.); filigree and...
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GROUP OF FOUR SMALL JAY STRONGWATERBOXES BOXES, in the forms of a peacock, a circular box, and two shaped boxes, in their original boxes, gilt label (4)...
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GROUP OF ASSORTED BOXESGroup of AssortedBoxes,...
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GROUP OF FIVE SILVERPLATE BOXESGroupof Five Silverplate Boxes,...
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GROUP OF MIDDLE EASTERN BOXESGroup ofMiddle Eastern Boxes,...
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GROUP OF SILVER PLATE FLATWARE WITHTWO FLATWARE BOXESGroup of Silver Plate Flatware with Two Flatware Boxes,...
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GROUP OF ASSORTED METAL BOXESGroup ofAssorted Metal Boxes,...
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GROUP OF FOUR FLATWARE BOXESGroup ofFour Flatware Boxes,...
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GROUP OF WOVEN BINS AND TISSUE BOXESGroupof Woven Bins and Tissue Boxes,...
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GROUP OF ASSORTED PORCELAIN AND OTHERBOXESGroup of Assorted Porcelain and Other Boxes,...
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GROUP OF LACQUERED AND OTHER BOXESGroupof Lacquered and Other Boxes,...
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GROUP OF SEVEN PREDOMINANTLY LIMOGESPORCELAIN JEWEL AND PILL BOXESGroup of Seven Predominantly Limoges Porcelain Jewel and Pill Boxes,...
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GROUP OF NINE PREDOMINANTLY LIMOGESPORCELAIN ETUIS AND BOXESGroup of Nine Predominantly Limoges Porcelain Etuis and Boxes,...
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GROUP OF NINE LIMOGES PORCELAIN SCULPTURALBOXESGroup of Nine Limoges Porcelain Sculptural Boxes,...
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SMALL STERLING SILVER BOXESGroup ofSmall Sterling Silver Boxes...
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GROUP, 3 FRENCH PORCELAIN DRESSER BOXESGroupingof three french porcelain dresser boxes with lids comprising of one (1) Martial Redon Limoges pink with flower motif; one (1) Meissner Limoges with floral motif; one (1) Unmarked...
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2 VINTAGE SEVRES HAND PAINTED PORCELAINBOXESGrouping of two Sevres hand painted porcelain hinged boxes with gilt metal lining and clasps. Each hallmarked on bottom with Sevres double L hallmark which indicates...
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GROUP, 2 VINTAGE JASPERWARE BOXESGroupingof two jasperware boxes comprising of One (1) Schafer and Vater pink dresser box with fairy and cherub motif. Approx. height 2in., diameter 3.25in.; One (1) Limoges Porcelaines...
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3 ASSORTED CONTINENTAL SILVER DECORATIVEBOXESGroup of 3 continental silver boxes includes 1) box with chain handle and 3 inside compartments, marked Sterling on side; measures 3.5"L x 2.75"W x .5"D; weighs 3.15...
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