T.N. HAPPY-GO-LUCKY MAGICIAN WIND-UPTOY. BOBO THE MAGI...T.N. Happy-Go-Lucky Magician Wind-Up Toy. Bobo the Magician. Japanese wind-up toy, lithographed tin, felt, and other materials, depicting a clown magician...
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T.N. CLOWN MAGICIAN WIND-UP TOY.T.N.Clown Magician Wind-Up Toy. Japanese wind-up toy, lithographed tin and fabric, with original pictorial box, depicting the clown producing and vanishing a rabbit underneath...
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PAIR OF LEHMANN CIRCUS CHARIOT KEY-WINDTOYS.Pair of Lehmann Circus Chariot Key-Wind Toys. Antique German toy, lithographed tin, fabric, and other materials, depicting clowns with hand-painted facial features led...
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TOYS: EARLY TO MID-20TH C. TOYS, FIVEPIECES, INCLUDING: TWO BOXED WILESCO D5 WEST GERMANY STEAM ENGINES IN ORIGINAL BOXES, C. 1950'..TOYS: Early to mid-20th C. toys, five pieces, including: two boxed Wilesco...
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GERMAN ANIMATED JESTER PULL TOYGermananimated jester pull toy, with bisque head clowns playing the drums and juggling, on a paper lithographed wood base, 13" h., 11 1/2" l.
Competitive in-house shipping is available...
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FIVE LITHOGRAPHED TIN WIND-UP TOYSFivelithographed tin wind-up toys , to include Marx Tumbling Monkey with original box, three Chein boxing and handstand walking clowns, and a German clown, Chein boxer -8 1/2"...
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(3) AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHED TIN WINDUPTOYS, DISNEY(lot of 3) American lithographed tin windup toys, each with maker's mark and windup mechanism at side, including: (1) "Walt Disney's Donald Duck Duet," manufactured...
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A Group of Children's Musical InstrumentToys and Tin Lithographed Mechanical Objects
includes a toy drum with drumsticks, a toy xylophone, a toy horn, a toy accordion, a tin lithographed Wolverine Manufacturing...
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CLOCKWORK VIELMETTER ARTIST CLOWN TOYGermany very rare mechanical toy made by Phillip Vielmetter Mechanische Werkstatten Berlin 1885 toy was only made as gift for best customers it was the most complicated toy...
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MEIER CLOWN HITTING DONKEY PENNY TOYGermany lithographed tin lever allows articulated action donkey appears to buck at clown holding club. 4'' l. (VG Cond.)...
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CLOWN AND DONKEY PENNY TOY Meier Germanylithographed tin depicts donkey bucking clown with club in hand articulated action. 3 3/4'' l. (Exc. Cond.)...
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RODEO JOE AND ARTIE THE CLOWN UniqueArt Mfg. both lithographed tin colorful toys depict cowboy driver w/oversized ten gallon hat in open auto and colorful clown in zany open car each key wind driven. 7'' l....
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LEHMANN CLOWN AND DONKEY WIND UP TOY.Germany first quarter 20th century. Clown on a tin lithographed cart pulled by a donkey 7.5''l. In working order some wear donkey missing an ear....
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BOXED MARIONETTE THEATRE WITH CLOWNSToyland Toy Japan features three celluloid clowns atop lithographed tin base key wind action allows dancing motions paper canopy reads ''Marionette Theatre.'' 9'' w x 11''...
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STOCK CLOWN IN BARREL PENNY TOY Comicalpiece embossed lithographed tin clown w/red costume in blue barrel head & legs protrude as if rolling. 2 1/2'' l. (Exc. Cond.)...
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POLAR BEAR DRIVING CLOWN CART Germanylithographed tin seated polar bear driver performing clown on stand colorful toy disc wheels key wind driven. 8'' l. Some wear and crazing. (VG Cond.)...
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GROUPING OF GERMAN TIN TOYS Lot includesSchuco Moto-Drill 1006 Motorcycle with driver Gunthermann clown riding donkey wind-up toy and boy pedaling open delivery cart made in Western Germany all tin lithographed....
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SMILING CLOWN MECHANICAL TOY Germanylithographed tin well detailed graphics depicts black clown with hat able to make amusing smile gesturing when clockwork activated. 6 3/4'' h. (Exc. Cond)...
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HAPPY CLOWN Distler Germany boxed examplelithographed tin clockwork driven. Amusing actions eyes move body rises very colorful overall. 5 1/2'' h. Box missing flap and torn. Toy (Pristine Cond.)...
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WYANDOTTE HOKY AND POKY CLOWN HANDCARBoxed example lithographed tin colorful example depicts comical clowns on hand car clockwork driven. 6 1/4'' l. Tears to box toy (Pristine Cond.)...
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CLOWN ACROBAT PENNY TOY Very colorfulexample depicts lithographed tin clown on bars base done in blue & white pattern makes a full revolution. 4 1/2'' h. (Exc. Cond.)...
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MARX CLOWN TRICYCLE Scarce example lithographedtin clockwork early and desirable Marx toy that does not surface often. 9'' h. (VG Cond.)...
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DISTLER CLOWNS ON SEE-SAW TOY Germanylithographed tin amusing example depicts performing circus clowns on each end of see-saw with large wheels at center good graphic images overall small flag on pole pictures...
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GROUPING OF CLOWN TOYS Lithographedtin most presumed from Japan unmarked includes clown with dog clown on unicycle climbing clown with string and drumming clown. 4 1/4'' - 7 1/2'' h. Rubs to litho wear to surface....
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LOT OF PLUNGER & HAND HELD TOYS Lithographedtin includes clown at amusement park hammer strength toy cat on bicycle plunger toy fly on flower plunger toy Monkey whistle and Pelican with baby in mouth clicker. 2 3/4''...
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GROUPING OF CHEIN TOYS Lithographedtin includes jumping rabbit with key wind rabbit pull toy clown acrobat and standing bear. 4 3/4'' to 5 1/4'' l. (Exc. Cond.)...
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CLOWN CHASING DONKEY PENNY TOY MeierGermany lithographed tin humorous depiction of clown with stick chasing donkey. 3 3/4'' l. (VG Cond)...
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STOCK CLOWN IN BARREL PENNY TOY Comicalpiece embossed lithographed tin clown with red costume in blue barrel head and legs protrude as if rolling. 2 1/2'' l. Wear to litho. (VG Cond.)...
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CLOWN AND YOUNG GIRL STRING TOY A.C.Gilbert lithographed tin includes large colorful clown on hobo figure and smaller child example. 6 1/2 - 8 1/4''. Both (VG Cond.)...
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EBERL TOPSY TURVY CLOWN CAR Germanyc. 1928 clockwork driven amusing toy example attractive lithographed color scheme throughout. Includes body figure and wheels car travels forward and able to flip over on...
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EINFALT CLOWN ON DONKEY TOY Germanylithographed tin amusing depiction of clown riding bucking donkey on elaborate wheeled support with clockwork mechanism. 6'' l. (Pristine Cond.)...
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CLOWN ON DONKEY TOY Attributed to EinfeltGermany lithographed tin comical depiction of clown riding donkey key wind driven very colorful example. 7'' h x 7'' w. (Exc. Cond.)...
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CLOWN WITH SPINNING UMBRELLA TOY Germanytin lithographed with hand painted umbrella articulated arms allow clown to seemingly spin his umbrella in performance. 6'' h. Flaking to umbrella. Body - (Exc. Cond.)...
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''HAPPY'' CLOWN ON DRUM TOY Kidd MetalToys rare example lithographed tin whimsical depiction of clown standing on drum extensive graphic images and reads ''Let's Go Happy'' on front lever on reverse allows clown...
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CLOWN CHASING DONKEY PENNY TOY MeierGermany lithographed tin humorous depiction of clown w/stick chasing donkey. 3 3/4'' l. (Exc. Cond.)...
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