(3) FRENCH FIGURAL MANTEL CLOCK & GARNITURES(lotof 3) French mantel set, late 19th c., including: (1) shelf clock, with patinated metal allegorical figure, Pax et Travail (peace and labor), after Charles Theodore Perron...
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GUICHE PALAIS ROYAL FRENCH FIGURAL DOREBRONZE MANTEL CLOCK Late 19th century, Neoclassical style case figuring a nicely cast scene likely of Demeter attended by a putto seated upon a rockwork plinth, with elaborately...
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L. MARTI CIE FRENCH FIGURAL MANTLE CLOCKDESCRIPTION:A French figural mantle clock, late 19th c., features gilded figural man women and child surmounting circular enamel dial clock with Arabic numerals, dial signed "J.E. Caldwell"...
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FIGURAL PORCELAINS AND NODDERS, 4 ITEMS2French figural porcelain ornaments and 2 Victorian Nodders. 1st item - Continental bisque female figure in blue gown, seated in a leaf-like gilt-trimmed base and supporting...
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FRENCH FIGURAL MARBLE BRONZE MANTLECLOCK HAVING NUDE W...French Figural Marble Bronze Mantle Clock having nude woman figure resting on top, over round enameled dial, flanked by Satyr on each side playing a...
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BRONZE FIGURE OF INDUSTRYLarge Frenchfigural sculpture of female figure holding a sign that reads Industrie and leans on machining tools. Sculpture is signed Ch. Levy (Charles Levy, French 1820-1899) at the figures...
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(3) FRENCH FIGURAL MANTEL CLOCK & GARNITURES(lotof 3) French mantel set, late 19th c., including: (1) shelf clock, figural sculpture "Leve du Jour," after Auguste Moreau (French, 1834-1917), rouge Griotte marble case, enamel...
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(3) FRENCH FIGURAL MANTEL CLOCK & GARNITURES(lotof 3) French figural mantel set, late 19th c., including: (1) shelf clock, cast metal figure group, "Fete de la Moisson" (Harvest Festival), after Auguste Moreau, two Classical...
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(3) FRENCH FIGURAL MANTEL CLOCK & GARNITURES(lotof 3) French mantel set, late 19th c., including: (1) shelf clock, having patinated spelter figural topper, depicting a young man seated holding an open book and pen, rising...
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(3) FRENCH FIGURAL MANTEL CLOCK & GARNITURES(3piece) French figural mantel clock set, early 20th c., including: (1) clock, patinated metal figure, "Premier Appel" after Auguste Moreau, enamel fancy dial with Arabic numerals,...
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FRENCH FIGURAL BRONZE & ROUGE MARBLEMANTEL CLOCKFrench figural mantel shelf clock, 19th c., surmounted by a patinated bronze figure, signed in cast after Lalouette (Auguste Louis Lalouette, French, 1826-1883),...
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(3) FRENCH FIGURAL MANTEL CLOCK & GARNITURES(lotof 3) French patinated metal and marble mantel set, late 19th c., including: (1) figural mantel shelf clock, "Printania," after Geo Maxim, enamel fancy dial signed P. Delaunay,...
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(3) FRENCH FIGURAL MANTEL CLOCK & GARNITURES(lotof 3) French patinated metal and marble mantel set, late 19th c., including: (1) figural mantel shelf clock, "Triomphe Immortel," after Louis Auguste Mathurin Moreau (French,...
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FRENCH FIGURAL CARVED OAK HALL STORAGECHAIRFrench oak hall chair, 18th/19th c., having fleur de lis and trefoil crest, over figural carved back panel, with French dolphins and grotesques, hinged seat, opening...
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(3) FRENCH FIGURAL MANTEL CLOCK & GARNITURES(3piece) French patinated metal and marble mantel set, late 19th c., including: (1) figural shelf clock, seated woman reading book of sheet music, enamel fancy dial with Arabic...
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(3) FRENCH FIGURAL MANTEL CLOCK & GARNITURES(3piece) French patinated metal and rouge marble mantel set, late 19th c., including: (1) figural clock, "Reveuse," signed in cast after Guillaume, enamel fancy dial, Arabic...
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(2) FRENCH FIGURAL CARVED PUTTI PEDESTALS/STANDS(lot of 2) French figural carved pedestals, a near pair in slightly varied design and size, each with round top, carved ornamented border, over palmette trim, standard...
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FINE FRENCH FIGURAL CARVED OAK CABINETON STANDFine French oak cabinet on stand, late 19th c., carved crest with three seated women, (one) holding an anchor, (one) holding a cross, over banner reading "Nescit labi...
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TWO FRENCH FIGURAL BRASS LAMPS WITHTOLE SHADES Early 20th century, electrified double socket forms, with deep maroon tole shades, the first a bouillotte lamp with two intertwined dolphin arms, marked to base...
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A JAMES PRADIER FRENCH FIGURAL MANTELCLOCKA James Pradier French figural mantel clock, Late 19th/early 20th Century Bronze signed: J. Pradier / Susse / ED; Dial signed: Susse Freres a Paris; Movement signed:...
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A PAIR OF FRENCH FIGURAL GILT-METALTABLE ITEMSA pair of French figural gilt-metal table items, Late 19th/early 20th Century Comprising a pair of diminutive bacchante candlesticks and a satyr chalice with...
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A PAIR OF FRENCH FIGURAL CHENETSA pairof French figural chenets, Late 19th/Early 20th Century Each gilt-bronze chenet in the form of scrolling rocaille with flowers and surmounted by a music-making putto, one...
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A PAIR OF FRENCH FIGURAL BRONZE CANDELABRAApair of French figural bronze candelabra, Late 19th century Each three-light candelabrum with a patinated bronze young Dionysius figure donning a wreath of grapes and supporting...
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A PAIR OF FRENCH FIGURAL BRONZE CANDELABRAApair of French figural bronze candelabra, Late 19th century Each three-light candelabrum with a patinated bronze young Dionysius figure donning a wreath of grapes and supporting...
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3PC FRENCH FIGURAL CLOCK GARNITURE SET,C. 1900 French three piece patinated bronze, gilt spelter and marble Art Nouveau garniture set, circa 1900, comprising a clock surmounted by a female figure after Ernest Rancoulet...
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FRENCH FIGURAL & ROUGE GRIOTTE MARBLECLOCKFrench figural mantel clock, late 19th c., gilt-metal figure of a maiden feeding chickens, signed in cast after Hippolyte Francois Moreau (French, 1832-1927), Rouge Griotte...
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FRENCH FIGURAL MANTEL SHELF CLOCK, 19THC.French figural mantel shelf clock, late 19th c., patinated metal figure of troubadour playing a lute, dial with gilt Roman numeral hour markers, time-and-strike movement,...
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PAIR OF FRENCH FIGURAL CANDLESTICK HOLDERSPAIROF FRENCH REGENCE STYLE FIGURAL ORMOLU CANDLESTICK HOLDERS, 19th century, signed Eugene Cornu & Cie, Paris (1827-1899), each featuring a recumbent sphinx figure with the head...
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FRENCH FIGURAL METAL MANTLE CLOCK, H:20 IN. (50.8 CM.)French Figural Metal Mantle Clock,, Dimensions: H: 20 in. (50.8 cm.)...
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A PAIR OF FRENCH FIGURAL GILT-BRONZEANDIRONSA pair of French figural gilt-bronze andirons, Late 19th/early 20th century Each gilt-bronze chenet with opposing putti figures, eternal flames, anthemion, and scrolling...
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PR FRENCH FIGURAL BRONZE TABLE LAMPSPair of Fire Gilded Bronze Lamps, converted from French Napoleon III style candlesticks with drape and swag bobeche, triple Classical female figure form shaft with floral...
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French figural bronze, French militaryfigure, stamp verso "Reduction Mecanique…A Collas", late 19th/early 20th century, 17 in. Added paint wash. Property of a European Collector...
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FRENCH FIGURAL DORE BRONZE SILK THREADCLOCK: Figural seated partial nude maiden with swan reeds and urn mixed metal dial with no crystal applied foliate scroll design on 4 feet. French silk thread time and strike...
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FRENCH FIGURAL MERCURY CLOCK: Mixedmetal brass and bronze with gilded figure of Mercury and staff on top. Metal mace with Roman numerals. French time and strike movement marked AB 156. Key and pendulum in office....
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