10 PCS GEORGIA RELATED COIN SILVER FLATWARE10pieces Georgia-related coin silver flatware. Includes: 4 teaspoons with shell and fiddle tipt backs, marked C. Catlin in rectangle (Charles Catlin, active Augusta, Georgia,...
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5 PCS. AL COIN SILVER FLATWARE, OWEN& WRIGHTFive (5) articles of Montgomery, Alabama coin silver flatware including a fork, a teaspoon and two (2) serving spoons marked "L. Owen" for Lewis Owen, working Montgomery,...
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16 MISSISSIPPI COIN SILVER SPOONS, WILSON& KLEINSixteen (16) Mississippi coin silver dessert spoons, stamped WILSON & KLEIN in rectangles with STANDARD banner for S.H. Wilson and John A. Klein, working in partnership...
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19 PCS. COIN SILVER FLATWARE, KY, GAAND OHIO INCL. PAR...19 pieces coin silver flatware of Kentucky, Georgia, and Ohio interest. Includes 1 fiddle handle teaspoon with incuse mark HALEY & SONS, PARIS KY; 1 early...
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FOUR MARQUAND COIN SILVER SPOONSprobablyGeorgia, mid 19th century, including two fiddle handle serving spoon, sheaf of wheat decoration on handle, shell back bowl, monograms, two fiddle handle tablespoons, monograms,...
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EIGHT PIECES GEORGIA COIN SILVER FLATWAREmid19th century, including fiddle and thread ladle, marks for Foster & Purple (Columbus, working 1844-1845), "Columbus GA"; downturned fiddle handle mustard ladle, marks for...
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SET OF SIX GEORGIA COIN SILVER TABLESPOONSearlyto mid 19th century, fiddle and thread handles, monogram "Sims", marks for Francis Clark (Augusta, Georgia, working 1816-1840), 14.95 oz. T., 8-3/4 in.
Provenance: Collection...
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23 PIECES COIN SILVER FLATWAREAmerican,19th century, most fiddle and thread handles, including 12 forks; five dessert spoons; three serving spoons; three teaspoons, monograms, various makers, probably Northern,...
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ELEVEN MARQUAND COIN SILVER FLATWARE,SHELL PATTERNprobably Georgia, mid 19th century, fiddle handle with shell tip, including ladle, 13-1/4 in.; three dessert spoons, 7 in.; five teaspoons, 6-1/4 in.; two forks,...
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NINE MARQUAND COIN SILVER FORKSprobablyGeorgia, mid 19th century, fiddle and reeded handles, including eight pieces hollow handle: four 6-3/4 in. forks and four 7-3/4 in. knives, silver tines and blades; 7 in....
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TEN MARQUAND COIN SILVER SPOONS, WHEATAND FLOWERSprobably Georgia, mid 19th century, fiddle handles with sheaf of wheat and basket of flowers decoration, including set of six teaspoons, dessert spoons, and teaspoons,...
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ELEVEN PIECES MARQUAND COIN SILVER FLATWAREprobablyGeorgia, mid 19th century, most with fiddle handle, monograms, including large ladle, 13 in.; six fiddle handle forks, 8 in.; teaspoon, 6 in.; salt spoon, 3-3/4 in.; two salt...
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24 PIECES MARQUAND COIN SILVER FLATWAREprobablyGeorgia, mid 19th century, shaped fiddle handles, including with twelve 7-3/8 in. spoons and twelve 8-1/2 in. forks, all with monograms on back, all marked "F.M." and pseudo...
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THREE MARQUAND COIN SILVER SPOONS, BASKETOF FLOWERSpossibly Georgia, mid 19th century, all with fiddle handle, basket of flower decoration, bowl backs with shell, monograms, marks for Frederick Marquand (Savannah,...
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SIX PIECES SAVANNAH COIN SILVER FLATWAREGeorgia,early/mid 19th century, including most with fiddle handle, including sauce ladle, sugar spoon with shell bowl, marks for Horton & Rikeman (working 1850-1856); three soup/dessert...
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ELEVEN PIECES SOUTHERN COIN SILVER FLATWARE,WILMOTGeorgia or South Carolina, 19th century, including set of six serving spoons, marks for Samuel Wilmot, Sr. (New Haven, Connecticut, working 1798-1808; Georgetown, South...
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EIGHT GEORGIA COIN SILVER SPOONSGeorgia,mid 19th century, all with fiddle handles, including set of three teaspoons, serving spoon, teaspoon, marks for Otis Childs (Milledgeville, Georgia, working 1837-1872 and...
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18 PIECES D. B. HEMPSTEAD COIN SILVERSPOONSGeorgia, mid 19th century, fiddle handles, including set of three serving spoons; set of six teaspoons with basket of flowers; set of six teaspoons; two pairs of serving...
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20 PIECES GEORGIA COIN SILVER FLATWAREColumbus,mid 19th century, including set of six forks, olive pattern forks; set of three forks, olive pattern forks; sugar spoon, olive pattern; two mustard ladles, olive pattern;...
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24 PIECES GEORGIA COIN SILVER FLATWAREColumbus,mid 19th century, fiddle handles including two serving spoons, set of five teaspoons, teaspoon, marks for Thomas S. Spear (Bloomfield, New Jersey, working 1845-1857 and Columbus,...
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16 SAVANNAH COIN SILVER SPOONSGeorgia,early/mid 19th century, including most with fiddle handle, coffin handle serving spoon and two teaspoons, marks for John Pearson (Savannah, Georgia, NY), probably retailer;...
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THIRTEEN PIECES SOUTH CAROLINA COINSILVER SPOONSmid to late 19th century, most with fiddle handles, including five dinner forks, one lunch fork, and one berry spoon, marks for James E. Spear (Savannah, Georgia,...
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Six Pieces Macon Coin Silver FlatwareGeorgia, 19th century: includes Day and Maussenet fiddle-and-thread butter knife and forks; two M. D. Barnes serving spoons; J.A. & S.S. Virgin teaspoon, monograms, 9.28 oz.T.;...
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Southern Coin Silver Ladle Savannah,Georgia, early 19th century, downturned tipt back fiddle handle, rounded fins, marks for Frederick Marquand (Savannah, Georgia, 1820-1826, and New York, New York, 1826-1831),...
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Six American Coin (.900) Silver "Fiddle"-PatternTeaspoons, second and third quarters 19th century, including three by Cornelius A. Burr (ca. 1816-1863) of Rochester, New York, l. 5-3/4"; one by James R. Hobby (ca. 1818-aft....
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Set of Eleven Coin Silver Spoons NewYork, early 19th century, downturned tipt-back fiddle handles, seven with marks for John Targee (New York City, working 1797-1828), and four with marks for Frederick Marquand...
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Georgia coin silver spoons: fiddle andthread handles, rounded fins, marked "H.J. Osborne" (Henry J. Osborne, Milledgeville, Georgia, circa 1848, Augusta, Georgia, circa 1860), monogram, 5.77 oz.T., 8-3/8 in.,...
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Savannah coin silver ladle, downturnedtipt back, fiddle handle, rounded fins, marked "D.B. Nichols Co" (David B. Nichols, Savannah, Georgia, working 1820-1830), monogrammed "JML", 5.83 oz.T.,...
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Southern Coin Silver Flatware Charleston,19th century, marks for John Mood (Charleston, South Carolina, circa 1810, 1834-1841, also Athens, Georgia), all with downturned fiddle handles: ladle inscribed "Burnham",...
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Southern coin silver: five pieces withmarks for C. H. Zimmerman & Co. (New Orleans, Louisiana, working 1866-1871), one child's mug, beaded border, shield and flower decoration, monogram, 2-3/4 x 3-1/4 x 2-1/4...
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Southern Coin Silver Ladle Georgia,mid 19th century, fiddle-and-thread handle, rounded fins, marks for "Foster & Purple" (W. Foster and Samuel B. Purple, Columbus, Georgia, working 1844-1845), partial marks,...
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Georgia coin silver ladle, fiddle handlewith shell decoration, rounded fins, shell on bowl back, marked "F.M." (Frederick Marquand, New York City, circa 1815; Savannah, Georgia, 1820-1828) with pseudo hallmark possibly...
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Southern Coin Silver Ladle Georgia,mid 19th century, fiddle and thread handle, rounded fins, marks for Clark & Co. (Francis Clark & Co., Augusta, Georgia, working 1822-1852), monogram, 6.47 oz.T., 13-1/2 in.,...
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Georgia Coin Silver Ladle downturnedtipt back fiddle handle, rounded fins, marks for "J. Fogle" (John Jacob Fogle, Milledgeville, Georgia, working 1825-1837, and Columbus, Georgia, working 1837-1841), pseudo...
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Southern Coin Silver Ladle Georgia,mid 19th century, downturned tipt-back fiddle handle, rounded fins, marks for "A.H. Dewitt" (Abram Henry Dewitt, Columbus, Georgia, working circa 1847), no monogram, 5.54...
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Southern Coin Silver Flatware Georgia,mid 19th century, two pieces, marks for J. Hayden (Columbus, circa 1840): fish server with pierced and engraved fish blade, beaded handle, monogram, 12 in.; spoon with shaped...
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