GROUP OF CONTEMPORARY FOLK ART.Groupof Contemporary Folk Art Whimsy and Bird Carving. Small rooster signed R. Treshler, 1967; tweezers signed R. Treshler, 1969; Unsigned spice box, 13"l. Condition: : Good with...
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ANTIQUE CARVED FOLK ART WOOD SAILOR'SANCHOR AND CHAIN ...Antique Carved Folk Art Wood Sailor's Anchor and Chain Link Whimsy, all pieces connected.
Length 95 in.
Items may have wear and tear, imperfections...
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VINTAGE AMERICAN CARVED FOLK ART WOODSAILOR'S ANCHOR A...Vintage Carved Folk Art Wood Sailor's Anchor and Chain Link Whimsy, American, two anchors connected by a consecutive string of carved chain links, with...
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FRAMED FOLK ART WHIMSY19th century,wooden carved chain, in shadowbox frame, 17-3/4 x 7-3/4 x 2 in.
Accompanying note from Louise Ayman dated November 7, 1985 states the following:
"The whittled whimsies...
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FOLK ART WOODEN CARVED WHIMSY WALKINGSTICK American, late 19th/early 20th century. Folk art carved wood whimsy cane. Apparently unsigned....
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A Folk Art Carved Wood Sailor's WhimsyChain
20th Century
Length 73 inches....
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FOLK ART WHIMSICAL CARVED & PAINTEDWALKING STICKca. late 19th century; unsigned and unattributed carved hickory cane with an uncommon form hand grasping octagon top of stem, central portion with geometric dice...
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A Collection of Folk Art Carved PuzzleWhimsies and Other Articles
19th/20th Century
including three folk art carved puzzle whimsies, a tramp art box, a pair of candlesticks, two German carved hourglasses and two...
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A Folk Art Carved Sailor's Whimsy Chain
Length 40 1/4 inches.
Property from the Estate of Joanne Wojtusiak, Cornwall Bridge, Connecticut...
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Folk art whimsy in bottle with twigstand early 20th century one-gallon colorless glass jug housing an assembled carved wood whimsy; together with carved and painted twig stand. bottle H11'' stand H24 1/4''...
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HAND CARVED WHIMSY One piece carvingballs appear at center of column able to travel freely another demonstration of early folk art detail hand painted in white red and black. 16 1/2'' l. (Exc. Cond.)...
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Folk Art Carved Whimsy Bird Americanearly 20th century a carved whimsy bird mounted on a ball in cage base ht. 12 in....
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Folk Art Polychrome Carved Wood WhimsiesAmerican two polychrome carved wood whimsies a wishing well and a cage in ball stick; largest lg.12 in....
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Folk Art Carved Whimsy Dogs Americana pair of carved whimsy dogs with rolling balls in mouth; ht. 5.5 wd 5.5 in....
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Group of Folk Art Carved Whimsies American.A group of eleven folk art carved wood ball-in-cage whimsies; largest ht. 13.5 in....
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Group of Folk Art Carved Whimsy ChainsAmerican. A group of six folk art carved wood whimsy ball and chains; largest lg. 58 in....
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Group of Folk Art Carved Whimsy ChainsAmerican. A group of four folk art carved wood whimsy chains; largest lg. 35 in....
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Folk Art Carved Wood Ball in Cage WhimsiesAmerican. A group of four carved wood folk art ball-in-cage whimsies; largest ht. 10 in....
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Folk Art Carved Wood Whimsies Plus Americanassembled group of five folk art carved wood whimsy items including a carved wood box marked 1935 with slide top; a wood laundry fork; a chain with ball-in-cage; a ball-in-cage...
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Folk Art Carved Wood Whimsies American.A group of seven folk art carved wood whimsies including chains ball-in-cage sticks and large wood pin; largest lg. 26 in....
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Group of Folk Art Carved Whimsies lotof 7. American all of carved wood largest ht. 10 in....
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Rare folk art woodcarved whimsy 19thcentury unusual bird and alligator carved frame supporting chain and suspended strung bottles containing chain and spring-work carvings. H10'' L12'' D6'' Provenance: Hilton...
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