FRAMED INK & WATERCOLOR FRAKTUR BIRTH& BAPTISM REca. 1833 record date; attributed to "Mahantongo Valley Artist", on laid rag paper, hand drawn and written following forms of printed taufscheins using bold watercolors...
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FINE FRAMED HUBER/HOOVER FAMILY COMBINEDBIRTH RECca. post 1818 with later infill of later born children; unique form ink and watercolor Fraktur on rag paper, possibly attributed to "Cross Legged Angel Artist" by...
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2 FRAMED FOLK ART PAINTINGSca. 1830-1910;ink and watercolor Fraktur-type drawing of mother and daughter in blousy sleeve dresses on composition ledger paper, period with ink drawn outline, hand and facial features,...
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BUCKS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRAKTURBucksCounty, Pennsylvania watercolor and ink on paper fraktur, dated 1814 , with unusual intricate hand drawn hearts, floral vines, and borders, 16" x 13 1/2".
Competitive in-house...
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HAND DRAWN ILLUSTRATION & FRAKTUR WRITTENRECORD Fca. 1817; non-typical form Fraktur following form of printed Frakturs with cherub, angels and birds on stems, hand drawn in ink with watercolors, text boxes brightly...
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HAND DRAWN FRAKTUR BIRTH CERTIFICATEDATED 1777.Early Hand Drawn Fraktur Birth Certificate Dated 1777. Decorated with palm trees, potted tulips and floral motifs. Image 13-1/2" x 11-3/4"; framed and matted, 21-3/4"...
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CHRISTIAN MERTEL BIRTH AND BAPTISM CERTIFICATE.HandDrawn and Hand Colored Birth and Baptism Certificate. Attributed to Christian Mertel, dated 1787. Vibrant mirror image of angel, houses, crown lions and floral motifs. Text...
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BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE ATTRIBUTED TOM. BRECHALL.Hand Drawn and Colored Birth and Baptismal Certificate. Signed Martin Brechall, dated 1818. Vibrant mirror image fraktur of hearts and floral motifs. John Walter...
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EARLY 19TH C. PA HAND DRAWN & COLOREDFRAKTUREarly 19th C. PA Large Hand Drawn & Colored Fraktur.
Published in “The Gift is Small The Love is Great” Pg. 24-25-attributed to George Peter Deisert. Union Township,...
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EARLY 19TH C. HAND DRAWN AND COLOREDVORSCHRIFTEarly 19th C. Southeastern PA Hand Drawn and Colored Fraktur Mirror Image Vorschrift. Vibrant mirror image of a red decorated urn with flowing vines ending in red...
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Two Hand-Drawn Bookplate Frakturs
LikelyPennsylvania, 19th Century
one identified to Mary Weaver and dated 1845.
framed together with two small drawings of a bird and tulips.
8 x 4 1/4 inches.
the other identified...
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FRIEDERICH KREBS PRINTED AND HAND COLOREDFRAKTURFriederich Krebs printed and hand colored fraktur for Catharina Riesser, b. 1778, 13" x 15 3/4".
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot.
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JOHANN VALENTIN SCHULLER FRAKTUR BIRTHCERTIFICATEJohann Valentin Schuller (Southeastern Pennsylvania, early 19th c.) , printed and hand drawn fraktur birth certificate for Hanwendel Latscha, b. 1811 in Northumberland...
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TWO PENNSYLVANIA PRINTED FRAKTUR, ETC.TwoPennsylvania printed fraktur, together with a hand drawn example.
Competitive in-house shipping is available for this lot....
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Four printed fraktur together with aremnant hand drawn family ledger dated 1837 16 1/4" x 12 3/4". ?...
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Reading Pennsylvania printed and handdrawn fraktur by Gottlob Jungmann dated 1799 with tulips and flowers surrounding a central... ?...
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Early North Carolina Fraktur 1805 DatedFebruary 1805 a hand drawn fraktur in German in ink on laid paper in well-defined script a death record written in black a vase with flowers and the inscription Die liebe...
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OHIO SHOW TOWEL AND RELATED FRAKTUR.Anna Fundenburg Montgomery County 1836 cotton and linen. Traditional motifs include stylized pots of flowers one on the top of a single drawer work table. The lower edge...
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Martin Brechall (Southeastern Pennsylvaniaactive 1783-1830) vibrant watercolor and ink on paper printed and hand drawn fraktur with... ?...
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Three Pennsylvania fraktur rewards ofmerit 19th c. to include two hand drawn examples for A Good Boy and A Good Girl. ?...
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