CARVED WOOD CAROUSEL HORSE ATTRIB ALLANHERSCHELL COCarved Wood Carousel Horse attributed to The Allan Herschell Co., New York, circa 1920. The Jumper has been stripped years ago but retains original paint remnants,...
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ALLAN HERSCHELL TROJAN JUMPER CAROUSELHORSETrojan/ roached mane jumper carousel horse, c. 1920s, Allan Herschell, carved and painted wood, dapple grey, tightly tucked head with ears back, inset eyes, painted breast...
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ARMITAGE HERSCHELL TRACK MACHINE CAROUSELHORSETrack machine jumper carousel horse, Armitage Herschell/ Herschell-Spillman Companies, late 19th/ early 20th c., carved and painted wood, with inset eyes, painted breast...
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ALLAN HERSCHELL CAROUSEL HORSE ON STAND:Polychromed wood & aluminum, Allan Herschell carousel horse, in jumping form. Adorned with jewels. Mounted on a spiraling brass post with a scrolling gold toned metal base....
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ALLAN HERSCHELL CAROUSEL HORSE ON STAND:Polychromed wood & aluminum Allan Herschell carousel horse, in jumping form. Adorned with jewels. Mounted on a spiraling brass post with a scrolling gold toned metal base....
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HERSCHEL SPELLMAN CARVED WOOD CAROUSELHORSE Circa 1915; detailed carved and painted wood galloping horse, with natural hair removable tail, inset glass eyes, and inset jewels on collar, legs appear to be high...
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ALLAN HERSCHELL JUMPER CAROUSEL HORSEC.1920Forward facing jumper carousel horse, Allan Herschell Company, c.1920s, with tucked ears, carved and painted saddle and blankets, carved tail, on stand with brass pole,...
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MAN - O - WAR CAROUSEL ROCKING HORSEATTRIBUTED TO HERSCHELL SPILLMAN circa 1900. Carved wood carousel horse with original paint....
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A Herschel Spillman Carousel Horse
Early20th Century
Height 38 x length 46 inches....
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PAINTED WOOD CAROUSEL HORSEthe horseon brass pole mounted to a wooden base inscribed "Herschell / Spillman 1910"; the base: 38 inches wide; 19 inches deep; the horse: 62 inches wide; 11 inches deep; overall:...
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CARVED AND PAINTED CAROUSEL HORSE, EARLY20TH C.Carved and painted carousel horse, early 20th c. , attributed to the Armitage-Herschell factory, overall h. - 53"., 45" l....
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An early 20th C. paint decorated woodcarousel sign, with makers name Herschell Spillman Co. , Pat. 1904, NY. 75"L x 7"H Condition: abrasions and paint loss, shrinkage cracking CT Transfer Fee $20...
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A Herschell-Spillman Carved and PaintedWood Carousel Horse
Late 19th/Early 20th Century
with glass eyes.
Height 55 1/4 x width 52 x depth 11 inches....
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ARMITAGE-HERSCHELL CAROUSEL / TRACKHORSE: Early inner row jumper track machine figure attributed to Armitage-Herschell. In the County Fair style, with horsehair tail, leather ears and large brown glass eyes....
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A Herschell Spillman Carousel Panel
Height 58 x width 38 1/2 x depth 1 1/2 inches.
Purportedly from Algonac Island Park in St. Clair, Michigan....
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Herschell Spillman Carved And PaintedCarousel HorIn leaping position probably a star gazer retains an early well done repaint original tail and glass eyes with display stand 52''Long x 39''H horse 60''H to top...
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Wooden carousel horse, carved and caparisonedgalloping horse, shield at breast and on cantle, glass eyes, metal and leather elements, probably Armitage Herschell Company, late 19th/early 20th century, 47 x 52-1/2 x 11-1/2...
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Wooden carousel horse, carved and caparisonedgalloping horse, shield at breast and on cantle, glass eyes, metal and leather elements, probably Armitage Herschell Company, late 19th/early 20th century, 35 x 55 x 10 in.,...
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Wooden carousel horse, carved and caparisonedgalloping horse, shield at breast and on cantle, glass eyes, metal and leather elements, probably Armitage Herschell Company, late 19th/early 20th century, 43 x 55 x 12 in.,...
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Wooden carousel horse, carved and caparisonedgalloping horse, shield at breast and on cantle, glass eyes, metal and leather elements, probably Armitage Herschell Company, late 19th/early 20th century, 39 x 58 x 11-1/2...
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American carved carousel horse ca. 1900retaining traces of its original painted surface possibly by Armitage Herschell 48 1/2" h. ?...
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Herschell Trojan carousel horse, fromOcean City, NJ carousel, damaged by fire in 1927, aluminum legs from knees down, 58" l, 45" h Estimate $2,000-4,000...
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VINTAGE PAINTED CAST METAL CAROUSELHORSE attributed to the Allen Herschell or Parker Company mid-20th century an inside row jumper. Overall length - 51.5 inches....
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Paint decorated carousel horse, laminatedpine with painted decoration overall, glass eyes, articulated mane and horsehair tail, American, probably Armitage Herschell Company, early 20th century, 55-1/2 x 61-1/2 x...
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19th c. carousel horse. Attr. to Herschell-Spillman(N.Y.). Glass eyes and real horse hair tail. In old weathered paint surface. 45'' Length 44'' Ht. (10'' W.)....
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A VINTAGE CARVED AND UNPAINTED AMERICANCAROUSEL HORSE Herschell-Spillman Co. North Tonawanda New York c. 1909 an inside row jumper with inset glass eyes inset glass ''jewels'' and original horsehair tail; displayed...
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