HOPI INDIAN STAINED COTTONWOOD CEREMONIALPENDANTHopi Indian stained cottonwood ceremonial pendant, 7 1/4" l. ; together with a Hopi painted dance rattle, 11" l.; and a Maidu feather headdress. Provenance: The Estate...
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LARGE HOPI INDIAN KACHINA DOLLLargeHopi Indian carved and painted cottonwood kachina doll, early to mid 20th c. , 12 1/2" h. Provenance: The Collection of Douglas and Janet Connor, Aspen, Colorado.
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TWO HOPI INDIAN KACHINA DOLLSTwo HopiIndian carved and painted cottonwood kachina dolls, early to mid 20th c. , 9 1/2" and 10 1/2" h. Provenance: The Collection of Douglas and Janet Connor, Aspen, Colorado.
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HOPI INDIAN CARVED AND PAINTED COTTONWOODKACHINAHopi Indian carved and painted cottonwood kachina doll, ca. 1920s , of Angwusnasomtaka also known as Tümas or Crow Mother, 8 1/4" h. Provenance: Descended in the family...
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LARGE HOPI INDIAN CARVED AND PAINTEDKACHINA DOLLLarge Hopi Indian carved and painted cottonwood Sio Salako kachina doll, ca. 1920s , 13 1/2" h. Provenance: Descended in the family of Hon. Lewis V. Bogy, Commissioner...
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HOPI INDIAN CARVED AND PAINTED QALETAGAKACHINAHopi Indian carved and painted cottonwood Qaletaga kachina doll, ca. 1920s , 8 1/4" h. Provenance: Descended in the family of Hon. Lewis V. Bogy, Commissioner of Indian...
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PAIR OF HOPI INDIAN KACHINA DOLLS, CA.1920SPair of carved and painted cottonwood Hopi Indian snake dancer kachina dolls, ca. 1920s , with hide accents mounted to original platform, 10" h., 11 3/4" l. Provenance:...
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THREE HOPI CHILDREN'S KACHINAS, CA.1920SThree Hopi carved and painted cottonwood children's kachina dolls, ca. 1920s , to include Hahai-i Wuhti, Maii with removable mask, and a maiden, tallest - 5". Provenance:...
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THREE SMALL HOPI KACHINAS, CA. 1920SThreesmall Hopi carved and painted cottonwood kachina dolls, ca. 1920s , to include Koshare hand clown, Koyemsi Mud Head clown, and Chakwaina, tallest - 5 5/8" h. Provenance: Descended...
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FOUR HOPI INDIAN KACHINA DOLLS, CA.1920SFour Hopi Indian carved and painted cottonwood kachina dolls, ca. 1920s , to include two A’hote, Hochani, and Cholla, tallest - 9 1/2" h. Provenance: Descended in the...
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HOPI KACHINA, POSSIBLY RUGANHopi Kachina,possibly Rugan (Corn Kachina), cottonwood root, pigments, red yarn, classic hourglass form with flaring skirt, tightly held arms to body, and rainbow visor on case mask. 9îH....
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HOPI KACHINA, CROW MOTHERHopi Kachina,ìCrow Motherî, cottonwood and pigments (natural and commercial), of classic form with large ìwingî ear tabs and wearing manta. 7 1/2î H. 1930-40s. Provenance: Property...
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4 HOPI NATIVE AMERICAN KACHINA DOLLS1stitem: Route 66 Kachina, Hopi-made, ìHilili,î pine and commercial pigments, with classic attributes, 3 1/2îH. 1930-40s. 2nd item: Hopi Kachina, Possibly ìLaguna Gambler,î...
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HOPI FLAT KACHINA, QOQLO OR QOQLEHopiFlat Kachina, Qoqlo or Qoqle, cottonwood root and pigments (natural and commercial), of classic crib doll form. 6î H. 1920-30s. Provenance: Property from the estate of Dorothy...
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20TH C. NATIVE AMERICAN HOPI WOOD KACHINABY A. HONANIE...Native American, Arizona, Hopi culture, Moenkopi, ca. late 20th century CE. A wonderful, signed wooden kachina doll by the talented Hopi carver and silversmith...
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HOPI INDIAN PAINTED COTTONWOOD WARRIORKACHINAHopi Indian painted cottonwood warrior kachina doll, 10 1/2" h.
Horn broken and reglued, arms repaired, losses to paint....
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HOPI INDIAN PAINTED COTTONWOOD KACHINADOLLHopi Indian painted cottonwood kachina doll, 12" h.
Losses to paint, nose likely repaired....
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