2 BOOK OF HOURS PAGES & MARTIN LUTHERSUPPRESSED BIBLE ...1st item: Illuminated manuscript page on vellum from a Book of Hours, likely Italian, having Latin script with initials decorated in gilt, bordered with...
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BEHNKE, LEO (ED.). PAGE WRIGHT'S MANUSCRIPT.SOUTH PASA...Behnke, Leo (ed.). Page Wright's Manuscript. South Pasadena: Daniel's Den, 1991. Deluxe leatherbound edition, gilt-stamped with matching slipcase. All edges gilded,...
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TEN SUPER CARD PROBLEMS (THE TWENTY-DOLLARMANUSCRIPT) ...Vernon, Dai (ed. Faucett Ross). Ten Super Card Problems (The Twenty-Dollar Manuscript) and Five Close-Up Problems (The Three-Dollar Manuscript). [N.d.]. Legal-sized...
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TEN CARD PROBLEMS (THE TWENTY DOLLARMANUSCRIPT).[Vernon, Dai] Ross, Faucett. Ten Card Problems (The Twenty Dollar Manuscript). [Wichita], 1932. Limp linen cover with hand-lettered label, rear paper wrapper....
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HUGARD, JEAN. PRIVATE CARD MANUSCRIPTOF JEAN HUGARD, A...Hugard, Jean. Private Card Manuscript of Jean Hugard, and Other Publications. Author, ca. 1948/66. Two editions, mimeographs, the later edition accompanied...
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SCHMIDT, JOSEPH K. "NEW CARD CONTROLSYSTEMS" MANUSCRIP...Schmidt, Joseph K. "New Card Control Systems" Manuscript and Associated Correspondence. The author's typed manuscript of a book of his own gambling-themed...
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FAUCETT ROSS'S NOTEBOOKS AND PATTERSCRIPTS.Ross, Faucett. Faucett Ross's Notebooks and Patter Scripts. Hand- and typewritten by Ross and recording his methods and scripts for various routines in his professional...
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COLLECTION OF EDDIE MCGUIRE MANUSCRIPTSAND LETTERS.McGuire, Eddie. Collection of Eddie McGuire Manuscripts and Letters. Including an early carbon of the Phantom of the Card Table (bearing the penciled note from...
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ARCHIVE OF GENE MAZE-JEFF BUSBY LETTERSAND MANUSCRIPTS...Maze, Gene. Archive of Gene Maze-Jeff Busby Letters and Manuscripts. Spanning over 20 years, from 1974 - 96, Maze describes a host of card tricks, oftentimes...
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ARCHIVE OF MARLO LETTERS AND MANUSCRIPTS.Marlo,Ed (Ed Malkowski). Archive of Marlo Letters and Manuscripts. Spanning 1973 - 1978. Addressed to Jeff Busby and others, Marlo writes in great detail, often accompanying his...
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MANUSCRIPT, JOURNAL, FRENCH OCTAVO BOUNDIN VELLUM, 17T...Manuscript, Journal, French Octavo bound in vellum, 17th century Provenance: allegedly from Cyrus H. McCormick Estate records for French or Belgium Court...
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THREE PERSIAN GOUACHES TO INCLUDE TWOMANUSCRIPTS LEAVE...Three Persian Gouaches to include two manuscripts leaves with gilt gold decoration along with a courtyard scene along with painting on silk of an elephant...
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TWO ILLUSTRATED MANUSCRIPTS, ON PAPER,ORIENTALIST SCEN...Two Illustrated Manuscripts, on paper, Orientalist scene, having men on horseback, sight size 9 1/4" x 6" and 6 x 9 1/4". Provenance: The Estate of Alan...
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MANUSCRIPT, JOURNAL, FRENCH OCTAVO,BOUND IN VELLUM, 17...Manuscript, Journal, French Octavo, bound in vellum, 17th Century, overall 17" x 12". Provenance: Allegedly from Cyrus H. McCormick Estate, records for...
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COLLECTION OF BOOKPLATES, CIRCA 1900-1910 printed paper, comprising 34 bookplates, each tipped into a bound sketchbook, largest 19.5cm x 13cm, smallest 11cm x...
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EXTREMELY RARE EARLY 19TH CENTURY LUNARCOMPUTER EUROPE, CIRCA 1800 DIAMETER 18.5". COMPUTER, Europe, Circa 1800, Unsigned. Inscribed on the inner most dial "Instrumentum Lunare." Constructed of rigid laminated...
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POSTWAR ROBERT E. LEE CABINET CARD BYMATTHEW BRADY Taken in 1866 when the famous subject was president of Washington College (later, Washington & Lee University); the mount imprinted "Brady, Washington, D. C."...
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Seminole Finger-Woven Sash
second quarter19th century
red and cream raveled wool yarn; having long narrow strips edge beaded with white glass beads and terminating with braided fringe; attached to sash is a manuscript...
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EDWIN AUSTIN ABBEY (AMERICAN, 1852 -1911), THREE PIECES BY THE FAMOUS MURALIST, ILLUSTRATOR AND PAINTER INCLUDING A LETTER AND CARD...Edwin Austin Abbey (American, 1852 - 1911), three pieces by the famous muralist,...
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EDWARD BAWDEN EDITIONED PRINTS [By] Jeremy Greenwood. With an Introduction by Elspeth Moncrieff.Woodbridge: The Wood Lea Press, 2005.First edition, deluxe issue,...
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EXTENSIVEARCHIVE OF ORIGINAL DESIGNS AND SKETCHES mixed media (pencil; pen and ink; watercolour; bodycolour) some 150 items in total, on various paper and card stocks, various dimensions,...
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RARE HENRY MILLER FOLIO "INSOMNIA, ORTHE EVIL AT LARGE" LIMITED EDITION G., LTD. ED. ONE OF 385, SIGNED First Edition. Albuquerque, Loujon Press, 1970 ('First edition book & portfolio' . 'Edition G'). Signed...
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Dartmouth College Class of 1859 photographicyearbook, 54 pages, each with salt-print oval portraits identified in manuscript below the image, many with additional biographical information in script, mounted on heavy...
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Capt. George Randolph Dyer AQM--Lincoln-SignedCommission and Pilot Knob Archive Comprising an early eagle mast head commission partially printed on vellum 12.25 x 15.75 in. matted framed and glazed 14.25 x 17.25 in. dated...
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Five Richard Kidder Meade, Jr. ConfederateCivil War Letters, Civil War Era Photographs, Paintings, Meade Family Archive Virginia, 1861-1862: letter from Fort Sumter, March 21, 1861, to sister Julia Meade (1830-1906),...
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CSN Engineer Benjamin S. Herring Archive1853-1891 This fine lot features the following: Benjamin Herring's gray military vest with four attached naval buttons plus six unattached naval buttons most likely from the...
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Daniel Morgan signed document, manuscriptstatement clipped from larger document, "The above contract has been fully complied with by both parties, as per the settlement made this 23d day of Sept. 1800"...
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* BYRD RICHARD Little America. AerialExploration in the Antarctic: The Flight to the South Pole. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons 1930. 8vo 3/4 white over blue cloth spine lettered in gilt. Illustrated throughout...
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[Autographs and Manuscripts] Early LexingtonMissouri Manuscript Archive of Long-Schultz Families About 29 items. Includes 6 letters three with no dates one from 1858 one from 1867 and one from 1937 all mostly personal...
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*HUDSON W. H. The Naturalist in La Plata.London: Chapman and Hall 1892. 8vo publisher's illustrated cloth. First edition. Illustrated throughout with black and white plates. Wear to boards; inner hinges cracked;...
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*MORGAGNI GIOVANNI BATTISTA Adversariaanatomica omnia. Padua: Josephus Cominus 1717-1719. 6 parts in one each part with individual title page and colophon. [2] xxvii (8) 54 [2] (6) 104 (4) 116 (16) 92 (8) 124...
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*SWAMMERDAM JAN Tractatus physico-anatomico-medicusde respiratione usuque pulmonum. Leiden: Danielem Abraham & Adrian a Gaasbeeck 1667. Thin 12mo full vellum manuscript marginalia to title page. First edition of Swammerdam's...
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* FRANKLIN BENJAMIN Experiments andObservations on Electricity. London: Printed for David Henry 1769. [2] iv [2] 496 [i.e. 508] [16]. 4to contemporary calf. First complete edition of ''the most important scientific...
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Lot. Ephemera & Manuscript Materialrelating to the William Lister [Dupont] Austin Family - Montgomery County [Main Line] Pennsylvania, including: Manuscript Travel Diary. (Austin, Rebecca J.?) "Trip to Cuba."...
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Lot. Manuscript Material & Ephemera- Eugene Zimmerman: 3 Autograph Letters Signed "Zim." To Freeman H. Hubbard, Secretary American Association of Cartoonists and Caricaturists. Horseheads, N.Y., July 7, 1926;...
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[Civil War - Manuscripts] Civil WarLetters from Soldiers of the 21st 25th 31st & 32nd Maine Infantry with Report on Stonewall Jackson's Death Lot of 5 including: ALS from the Battle of Petersburg from Charles...
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