PRE COLUMBIAN JALISCO POTTERY SEATEDFEMALE FIGUREPre Columbian Jalisco pottery seated female figure, mounted on wood block. Figure lacks arms....
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NATIVE AMERICAN DECORATED POTTERY SEATEDRAIN GOD HOLDING BOWL, H: 6 1/4 IN. (15.9 CM.)Native American Decorated Pottery Seated Rain God Holding Bowl,, Dimensions: H: 6 1/4 in. (15.9 cm.)...
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TWO PRE-COLUMBIAN JALISCO POTTERY SEATEDFIGURES, HT. 6...Two Pre-Columbian Jalisco Pottery Seated Figures. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Sizes: 1) 6'' x 4.5'' x 3'' (15...
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PRE-COLUMBIAN JALISCO POTTERY SEATEDFIGURE, HT. 7.5"Pre-Columbian Jalisco Pottery Seated Female Figure. 200 BCE- 200 CE. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Size: 7.5'' x...
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PRE-COLUMBIAN NAYARIT POTTERY SEATEDFIGURE, HT. 8.5"Pre-Columbian Nayarit Pottery Seated Figure Holding a Bowl, 200 BCE - 200 CE. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Size:...
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PRE-COLUMBIAN CHINESCO POTTERY SEATEDFIGURE, HT. 11.5"...Pre-Columbian Chinesco Pottery Seated Figure. State of Nayarit, 200 BCE - 200 CE. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN....
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PRE-COLUMBIAN JALISCO POTTERY SEATEDFIGURE, HT. 11"Pre-Columbian Jalisco Pottery Seated Figure. 200 BCE - 200 CE. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Size: 11'' x 8.5'' x...
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PRE-COLUMBIAN JALISCO POTTERY SEATEDFIGURE, HT. 14"Pre-Columbian Jalisco Pottery Seated Figure. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Size: 14'' x 8.5'' x 9.5'' (36 x 22 x 24...
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PRE-COLUMBIAN NAYARIT POTTERY SEATEDFIGURE, HT. 12"Pre-Columbian Nayarit Pottery Seated Figure Holding a Child. 200 BCE- 200 CE. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Size:...
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PRE-COLUMBIAN CHUPICUARO POTTERY SEATEDFIGURE, HT. 14"...Pre-Columbian Chupicuaro Pottery Seated Figure. State of Michoacan. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Size: 14'' x...
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PRE-COLUMBIAN COLIMA POTTERY SEATEDFIGURE, HT. 11.5"Pre-Columbian Colima Pottery Seated Figure, 200 BCE - 200 CE. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Size: 11.5'' x 8.5''...
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PRE-COLUMBIAN COLIMA POTTERY SEATEDFIGURE, HT. 11.5"Pre-Columbian Colima Pottery Seated Male Figure, 200 BCE - 200 CE. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Size: 11.5'' x...
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ZACATECAS POTTERY SEATED FEMALE FIGURE,HT. 15.5"Zacatecas Pottery Seated Female Figure, 200-500 CE. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Size: 15.5'' x 7.75'' x 5'' (39 x 20 x...
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PRE-COLUMBIAN NAYARIT POTTERY SEATEDFIGURE, HT. 12"Pre-Columbian Nayarit Pottery Seated Female Figure. 200 BCE - 200 CE. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Size: 12'' x 6.5''...
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PRE-COLUMBIAN NAYARIT POTTERY SEATEDFEMALE FIGURE, HT....Nayarit Pottery Seated Female Figure. 200 BCE - 200 CE. Provenance: The Miles and Shirley Fiterman Collection, Minneapolis, MN. Size: 20.5'' x 8.5'' x...
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10 INDUS VALLEY MEHRGARH POTTERY FEMALEFIGURESAncient Central Asia, Indus Valley, Mehrgarh period, ca. 3500 to 2800 BCE. A fabulous ensemble of 10 characteristically abstract Indus Valley females, 6 full figures...
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JALISCO POTTERY SEATED MALE FIGUREPre-Columbian,West Mexico, Jalisco, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A fabulous, hand-built pottery figure shown seated with legs bent before him, feet together, and arms crossed, as he rests his...
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NARINO POTTERY SEATED COQUERO FIGUREPre-Columbian,Colombia, Highland Narino region, Capuli Cultural Complex, Narino culture, ca. 850 to 1500 CE. An intriguing, hand-built pottery coca-chewing figure - known as a coquero -...
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LARGE TLATILCO POTTERY SEATED FEMALEFIGURE, EX-BONHAMS...Pre-Columbian, Valley of Mexico, Tlatilco culture, Early Formative period, ca. 1150 to 550 BCE. A splendid, hollow-built, pottery figure of sizable form...
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INDUS VALLEY MEHRGARH POTTERY SEATEDGODDESS FIGUREAncient Central Asia, Indus Valley, Mehrgarh culture, ca. 3500 to 2800 BCE. An intriguing, hand-built pottery figure known as a mother goddess shown in a seated...
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GROUP OF 3 COLIMA POTTERY SEATED FIGURESPre-Columbian,West Mexico, Colima, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A fine gathering of 3 hand-built pottery figures, each seated in a variety of poses. The first figure sits with crossed legs, holds...
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SUMERIAN POTTERY SEATED FIGURE W/ BEARD,TL TESTEDAncient Near East, Mesopotamia, Sumer, ca. 3rd to early 2nd millennium BCE. A remarkable pottery figure of a male shown seated. Positioned with knees bent as though...
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NAYARIT POTTERY SEATED WARRIOR FIGUREHOLDING CLUBPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Nayarit, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A hand-built and highly burnished pottery figure of a warrior seated with bent legs upon a spike emanating...
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LARGE COLIMA POTTERY SEATED MALE FIGUREPre-Columbian,West Mexico, Colima, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A large and lovely pottery figure depicting a serene man seated with bent legs upon a pair of posterior spikes. Highly burnished...
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Pre-Columbian, West Mexico, Jalisco, San Juanito, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. An exemplary bichrome terracotta seated figure with traits characteristic of San...
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FINE COLIMA POTTERY SEATED ITHYPHALLICFIGURAL VESSELPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Colima, Protoclassic period, ca. 100 BCE to 250 CE. A hand-built pottery vessel in the form of a seated ithyphallic figure. Highly...
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IMPRESSIVE NAYARIT CHINESCO POTTERYSEATED NUDE MALEPre-Columbian, Western Mexico, Nayarit, Chinesco, Type C, Protoclassic period, ca. 100 BCE to 250 CE. An impressive pottery figure of a male shown seated with...
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REMARKABLE OLMEC POTTERY WAILING BABYFIGUREPre-Columbian, Mexico, Olmec culture, ca. 10th to 6th century BCE. A dramatic terracotta figure of a seated human baby, posed with legs akimbo and both hands resting...
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ZACATECAS POTTERY SEATED NUDE FEMALEFIGURAL VESSELPre-Columbian, West Mexico, Jalisco region, Zacatecas culture, Protoclassic Period, ca. 100 BCE to 250 CE. A splendid pottery vessel in the form of a nude female...
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JAMACOAQUE POTTERY SEATED FIGURE W/BIRD HEADDRESSPre-Columbian, Ecuador, Manabi Province, Jamacoaque (also Jama Coaque or Jama-Coaque) culture, ca. 500 CE. A delightful pottery figure of an elaborately-adorned...
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Pre-Columbian, Mayan territories, Highlands, ca. 600 to 900 CE. In a word - breathtaking! Important, large and literally beyond...
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RARE COLIMA REDWARE POTTERY SEATED DOGPre-Columbian,West Mexico, Colima, ca. 300 BCE to 300 CE. A hand-built and highly burnished redware pottery dog in a rare seated pose with paws placed in front and a thick tail curling...
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PAIR OF CHINESE POTTERY SEATED MUSICIANSTANG DYNASTY HEIGHTS 9"., Tang Dynasty, Traces of original polychroming. Dimensions: Heights 9"....
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TRIBAL: FOUR CERAMIC FIGURES: COLIMAPOTTERY SEATED DWARF FIGURE, WEST MEXICO, C. 300 BC TO 200AD, 3 3/4" H.; AND A MEXICAN COLONIAL...TRIBAL: Four ceramic figures: Colima pottery seated dwarf figure, West Mexico,...
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JALISCO POTTERY SEATED MALE "HUNCHBACK"FIGUREJalisco Pottery Seated Male "Hunchback" Figure , c. 300 BCE-300 CE, the smiling figure modeled with his hands clasping his knees and wearing a tall, cross-banded headdress,...
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WHIELDON TYPE POTTERY SEATED CAT, 19THC.Whieldon type pottery seated cat, 19th c., with mottled glaze, 11 1/2" h.
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Heavy restoration to base,...
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