AN ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL INLAID WALNUTTABLEAn Italian Neoclassical inlaid walnut tableearly 19th centuryheight 30in (76cm); width 45 1/2in (116cm); depth 25in (65cm)...
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AN ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL INLAID WALNUTCOMMODEAn Italian Neoclassical inlaid walnut commodeearly 19th centuryheight 34in (86.5cm); width 47 1/2in (121cm); depth 22 3/4in (58cm)...
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AN ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL WALNUT CENTERTABLEAn Italian Neoclassical parcel ebonized inlaid walnut center tablelate 18th centuryheight 30in (76.5cm); width 38 1/2in (98cm); depth 28 1/2in (73cm)...
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AN ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL MIXED WOOD TABLE,NAPLESAn Italian Neoclassical specimen marble, fruitwood, kingwood, amaranth, walnut and marquetry inlaid two tier tableNapleslate 18th century, the marble top of a later...
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL INLAID WALNUT WRITINGTABLEItalian Neoclassical Inlaid walnut writing table. Partially incorporating antique elements. Measures appx 30 1/2" t x 38" w x 20 1/2" d. Good condition....
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17 X 12 1/4 in. diam.
In generally good condition. Scattered scuffs and nicks. Structurally sound.
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL WALNUT TABLE ORDESK Italian Neoclassical walnut table or desk, late 18th century, the wide top the apron with single drawer with inlaid diamond lozenge motifs, raised on square tapered legs....
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL WALNUT MARQUETRYGAMES TABLE, HAVI...Italian Neoclassical Walnut Marquetry Games Table, having rectangular parquet top with star and banded motif above a plain apron fitted with a drawer on...
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL WALNUT THREE-DRAWERCOMMODEItalian Neoclassical walnut commode, early 20th c., string inlaid top and drawer fronts, three drawers, bottom drawer locks, circular ring pulls with urns, rising on...
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL FOUR-DRAWER COMMODEItalianNeoclassical walnut commode, in the manner of Giuseppe Maggiolini (Italian, 1738-1814), 19th c., contrasting scrolling foliate marquetry, two half drawers over two long drawers,...
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL WALNUT SAMPLERCOMMODE19th Century. Rectangular, with three drawers on tapering square feet, inlaid with panels of varied woods. Height 13 in. Width 19 in. Depth 10 in....
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An Italian Neoclassical Style MarquetryDecorated Walnut Cabinet
Late 19th Century
Height 40 1/4 x width 29 3/4 x depth 16 3/4 inches.
Property from the Estate of Ruth Lippman, Phoenix, Arizona...
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL STYLE INLAID WALNUTCOMMODE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY 33 X 47 1/2 X 23 1/4 IN. (83.82 X 120.65 X 59.06 CM.) COMMODE, EARLY 20TH CENTURY, the rectangular case with molded top inlaid with entrelac and...
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL STYLE INLAID WALNUTSIDE CABINET SIDE CABINET, the rectangular top above a frieze drawer and a door on square tapering legs - h:33.50w:18.25d:14.25in....
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RIST NEOCLASSICAL ITALIAN STYLE INLAIDBURL WALNUT BUFFET/SIDEBOARD BURL WALNUT BUFFET/SIDEBOARD, the D-shaped banded top above a conforming case fitted centrally with a drawer over two doors flanked by doors,...
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PAIR ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL STYLE INLAIDWALNUT COMMODES, H: 32 X W: 23 X L: 15 IN. (81.28 X 58.42 X 38.10 CM.)Pair Italian Neoclassical Style Inlaid Walnut Commodes,, Dimensions: H: 32 x W: 23 x L: 15 in. (81.28...
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PAIR OF ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL CROSSBANDEDMARQUETRY AND PARQUETRY WALNUT COMMODES PROBABLY LOMBARDY REGION, CIRCA 1800Pair of Italian Neoclassical Crossbanded Marquetry and Parquetry Walnut Commodes, Probably Lombardy...
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ANTIQUE ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL INLAIDWALNUT DESKAntique Italian Neoclassical Inlaid Walnut Desk , top centered with foliate scroll panel, kneehole configuration of drawers, tapered legs, h. 31 1/2 in., w. 47...
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL INLAID CHEST WalnutThree Drawer Chest, with parquetry inlaid top and drawer fronts, round brass drop bail pulls and brass escutcheons, set on square tapered legs, 33 1/2" high, 48 1/2" x 22...
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AN ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL WALNUT MARQUETRYAND PARQUETRY DECORATED DINING TABLE An Italian Neoclassical walnut marquetry and parquetry decorated dining table, the circular top with a star form medallion centering the...
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AN ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL MARQUETRY BURLWALNUT SECRETARY, LATE 18TH CENTURY An Italian Neoclassical marquetry and burl walnut veneered secretary, late 18th century the drop front with a center fan rosette medallion,...
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An Italian Neoclassical Inlaid WalnutCommode 19th c. top and sides with bookmatched veneers and inlaid roundels three long drawers over square tapered legs string inlay throughout height 38 1/4 in. width 47 in....
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Italian Inlaid Walnut Bedside Commode,second quarter 19th century, in the neoclassical taste, the rectangular top banded and with a central inlaid floral spray, above a case fitted with a single drawer over an...
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North Italian neoclassical walnut andmarquetry miniature commode late 18th century, lombardy Of diminutive proportions, the rectangular quarter-veneered top inlaid with a floral roundel and marked at the...
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL WALNUT INLAID CHEST-OF-DRAWERS18th century having restorations. Two aligned half-width drawers above three graduated full-width drawers having cockbeading; bracket feet; with key - 41 in. x 50 1/2 in....
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Pair Italian Neoclassical style marquetryinlaid walnut commodes late 19th early 20th century rectangular top with marquetry inlay above conforming case with single door opening to reveal storage area on tapered square...
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An Italian Neoclassical-Style Ebonizedand Inlaid Walnut Commode three graduated drawers square tapered legs....
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A North Italian/Austrian NeoclassicalBurled Walnut and Inlaid Cabinet Desk late 18th/early 19th c. upper case with a stepped plinth fitted with a drawer above a door enclosing small drawers four serpentine drawers...
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Northern Italian Neoclassical Walnut,Tulipwood and Marquetry Commode
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An Italian Neoclassical Inlaid WalnutPoudreuse late 18th c. the tripartite lift top with mirrored center lid kneehole configuration of drawers with punchwork carved arch molded tapered square legs height 29 in....
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Italian Neoclassical style inlaid walnutdemilune single-drawer stand 19th century; three-legged stand with parquetry border inlaid top and star inlaid drawer 28 H. 24 in. W. 10 1/2 in. D. Estimate $ 400-600 Heavy...
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL BURR WALNUT INLAIDMINIATURE CHEST OF DRAWERS The three-paneled top with diagonal checkered edge the case with three long drawers above an inlaid fluted edge and tapered legs. 12 x 18 1/2 x...
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL INLAID FIGUREDWALNUT GAMES TABLE The folding top with narrow cross-banding opening to a playing surface with fabric removed the two-drawer frieze on square tapered legs. 30 1/2 x 32 x 16...
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL FRUITWOOD INLAIDWALNUT GAMES TABLE The folding quarter-veneered cross-banded top with central beaded ring within concentric diamond bands and interlaced stringing the line-inlaid frieze on...
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Italian Neoclassical Style Gilt-MetalMounted Marquetry Inlaid Walnut Buffet
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