CHINESE EXPORT DEER MOTIF PLATE ON ORMOLUSTAND Chinese Export Deer Motif Blue and White Porcelain Plate on Ormolu Double Handled Stand with Grape Vine Design, circa late 19th century. Overall: 5.5" H x 11" W x 9.75"...
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Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers-ForestAnimals. Group includes 12 pairs of S&P shakers including a variety of forest animals ranging in size from 1.75"-5.25". A pair of skunks, marked Napco Japan, with stickers...
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HAND BLOWN ART GLASS FIGURINE, STAGDEER ON BURL WOOD S...Magnificent clear glass leaping stag deer sculpture on a polished burl wood stand.
There is a elongated glass stick on the front right side of deer's...
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J.W. FISKE, DEERJ.W. Fiske cast ironstanding deer on a rectangular plinth. Appears to be unmarked. Dimensions (overall) 61.25"h x 49"l x 19"w. For shipping quote, please contact Box Brothers Sacramento at
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ARTS & CRAFTS DEER METAL STAND W/ LALIQUEGLASS ASHTRAY...Arts & Crafts style metal stand for Lalique crystal ashtray. Surmounted with deer decoration. Lalique ash tray is marked along the underside.
Ashtray; height:...
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CHINESE MING DYNASTY BRONZE DEER W/STANDChinese Ming Dynasty bronze sculpture of a caparisoned deer holding a lingzhi mushroom set on a wooden stand.
With stand; height: 10 3/4 in x width: 6 1/2 in x depth:...
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19TH C. ZUNI POLYCHROME OLLA W/ DEERHEARTLINESNative American, Southwestern United States, Zuni, ca. 19th to early 20th century CE. A stunning coil-formed pottery olla vessel with a slightly concave base and...
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19TH C. BORNEO DAYAK DEER ANTLER SWORDHANDLEIndonesia, Borneo, Central Kalimantan, Dayak peoples, ca. 19th century CE. A beautiful and ornate Dayak "Mandau" sword handle that is hand-carved from deer horn and...
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20TH C. NATIVE AMERICAN SIOUX PORCUPINEFUR HAIR ROACHNative American, Midwest to Eastern United States, Eastern Plains Tribes, Sioux, ca. late to mid-20th century CE. A fine hair roach, an iconic adornment of Native...
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CHEROKEE NATIVE AMERICAN PORTRAIT PAINTINGPortraitof a Native American, tempera colored paper, signed "Standing Deer," label reads "Qualla C-op: This article was made by a Cherokee Indian, and a member of the Qualla Arts...
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CHINESE ENAMELED SILVER GILT SPOTTEDDEER STAGChinese enameled silver (content unknown) gilt spotted deer, late 20th c., standing on carved wood stand, stamped silver at underside, approx 8"h, 6.5"w, 2.25"d,...
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(2) CHINESE CLOISONNE DEER DESK STAND& INKWELL(lot of 2) Chinese cloisonne enamel, late 19th/ early 20th c., including: (1) desk stand, deer's head above platform with dragons amongst stylized clouds, two recessed...
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Two Chinese Wood Figures
Han Dynasty(206 BC-220 AD)
comprising a tall standing figure carved from a single log, shown with hands gathered under wide flaring cuffs, and stylized shoes peaking out beneath the...
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A LARGE GROUP OF TONALá POTTERY CHARGERSAlarge group of Tonalá pottery chargers, Thirteen works: Charger with an owl Circa 1970s; Tonalá, Mexico 12.125" Dia. Charger with seated rabbit Circa 1940s; Tonalá,...
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CARVED JADE DEER GROUP ON STANDCarvedJade deer with baby deer, on wooden stand.
1 antler chipped.
8" H x 7" L x 2" D...
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PAIR OF ANTIQUE ASIAN PAINTED CARVEDWOOD DEER FIGURESPair of Antique ChinesePainted Carved Wood Deer Figures, each depicting a goat or deer, standing on a rectangular base with relief-carved border Dimensions:...
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JOSEPH HENRY SHARP, STANDING DEER, TAOS,1982Joseph Henry Sharp, (1859 - 1953) Standing Deer, Taos, 1982, restrike etching, edition of 250 embossed in paper lower left: JH Sharp Sharp created a series of etchings...
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TAOS, PHILLIP MARTINEZ, DRUM DEPICTINGDEER + HUNTER, 1998Phillip C. Martinez, (Taos, 20th Century) Drum Depicting Deer + Hunter, 1998, wood & hide with stand inscribed: PHILLIP C MARTINEZ TAOS PUEBLO NM '98'...
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DEER PATINATED METAL SCULPTURE / CANDLEHOLDER, 2 Pair of patinated metal sculpture of a standing deer forming candle holder, apparently unsigned. Each: 16.5" H x 12.5" W x 5" D....
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JOE BEELER "HORNED DEER IN FIELD" SMALLWATERCOLOR Joe Neil Beeler, CAA (American / Arizona 1931-2006), "Horned Deer in Field", watercolor on watercolor board depicting a standing deer looking out at the landscape,...
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FIRST NATIONS GERARD TSONAKWA STONEDEER SCULPTUREFirst Nations carved stone figural sculpture, Standing Deer, signed Tsonakwa (Gerard Tsonakwa, Abenaki Nation, Canada, b.1943), with painted wood antlers, stone...
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LARGE FLOOR STANDING BRASS FIGURE OFA DEER / BUCK / STAG SCULPTURE WITH ANTLERS 34 1/2"H X 25"W X 11 1/2"DLarge floor standing brass figure of a deer / buck / stag sculpture with antlers, Dimensions: 34 1/2"H...
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LARGE CHINESE DEHUA GUANYIN W/ DEER,19TH C. A tall, Chinese, porcelain Dehau/ Blanc de Chine figure of Guanyin, standing with flowing robes and ribbons, a large tasseled ruyi shawl at the shoulders, a lingzi...
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QINGDYNASTY, 19TH CENTURY ? ????????carved with the female immortal riding a deer, her left hand holding lingzhi fungus, right arm with a vase, the deer standing on all fours,...
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(2) HANSA STUFFED DEER TOYS Lot of (2)Stuffed Deer by Hansa Toys, both with Hansa 2000 seam tags, incl: Standing Bambi doe, 19 1/2" high, 28" wide; and Recumbent deer, 8" high, 17" wide. Good condition....
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CHINESE 100 DEER HU VASE WITH ZITANSTAND Chinese 100 deer Hu vase with a zitan stand, the vase of teardrop form with deer head handles, the body decorated with 100 spotted deer in a mountainous landscape with...
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Pr. Chinese Qing Jade Deer on YamanakaStandsAn Exqusitite pair of Chinese jade deer in the recombent position with left leg forward the stone a medium gray graduating to light celedon with a fine polish mounted...
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A Black Forest Carved Wood Three-PieceDesk Set comprising a rocker blotter a letter stand and an encrier centered by a figure of a standing deer flanked by inkwells before a pen tray. Width of widest 16 inches....
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Silver-plated centerpiece, figural basewith standing deer under palm tree, bowl insert, both with marks for Spain, 20th century, partial maker's mark "Val(?)", no monograms, 16 x 11 x 10 in. Loss...
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CAST IRON DEER. Attributed to the WhitmanFoundry Massachusetts late 19th-early 20th century. Standing deer with layers of weathered paint. On an iron base. 56''h. 43 1/2''w....
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A Large Chinese Porcelain "Hundred Deer"Vase Hu 20th c. globular pear shaped body with deer-head handles decorated allover with deer in a landscape base with apocryphal Qianlong seal mark height 20 in. presented...
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A French Bronze Animalier Figure AlfredDubucand (1828-1894) depicting a standing deer raised on a naturalistic oval base. Height 5 1/2 inches....
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Antique percussion half-stock long riflewith set trigger and brass trigger guard signed "Enterprise Gunworks and "Kill" above a standing deer figure. 58"l....
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Pair gilt metal candelabra with glassprism and deer; molded grape and classical design stand, three candle, resting deer, marble base. 17 1/2"H. Good condition, one deer missing antlers....
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Chinese Republic Period Porcelain VaseExquisitelypainted to depict two standing deer a pine tree lotus blossoms the reverse with four lines of calligraphy and two red seal marks with sealmark to footrim 14'' H circa late...
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