ROYAL DOULTON TINY CHARACTER JUG, OLIVERTWIST PROTOTYP...Rare prototype with bowl of gruel and spoon handle, denim blue shirt, and green hat.
This tiny jug was intended to be a part of a proposed Oliver Twist set...
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ROYAL DOULTON TINY CHARACTER JUG, OLIVERTWIST PROTOTYP...Rare prototype colorway with bowl of gruel and spoon handle, light blue shirt, and brown hat.
This tiny jug was intended to be a part of a proposed Oliver...
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COCKEREL PROTOTYPE LARGE - ROYAL DOULTONANIMAL FIGUREUnique large prototype cockerel in tan, green, blue, and red coloration.
The bottom reads 'Sample for demonstration only.' #royaldoulton #prototype #cockerel
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HELEN OF TROY HN4497 DESIGN PROTOTYPE- ROYAL DOULTON F...Rare figurine; Prototype / Design Original "AH" written on bottom. Gold gilt accents.
Women of History series. Royal Doulton backstamp. "This item is the...
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SEATED LADY WITH ROSE PROTOTYPE - ROYALDOULTON FIGURIN...Prototype Model 2430 never put into production. Elegant lady sitting, wearing a white and blue dress, holding a pink rose.
Royal Doulton backstamp. Weight:...
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CHRISTMAS HAT BOX - ROYAL DOULTON PROTOTYPEFIGURINEUnique petite prototype figurine. She wears a yellow ruffled dress and red overcoat, carrying a hat box.
Royal Doulton backstamp reads 'This item is the property of...
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LADY DANCER PROTOTYPE - ROYAL DOULTONFIGURINEFine China. Limited edition number 3 of 3 prototypes released in 2004. She wears a red and peach flowing dress.
This figurine was intended to be Columbine (a partner...
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PROTOTYPE ROYAL DOULTON FLAMBE CERAMICBISCUIT JARRed and black glaze cylindrical covered container with two short handles, decorated relief of pea pod plants.
Prototype from the Doulton Archives. No backstamp....
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ROYAL DOULTON PROTOTYPE SMALL CHARACTERJUG, GUARDSMANThe Queen's Guard in green tunic, and black bearskin hat prototype colorway. The handle is a sword draped in dark red.
Prototype of D6771. Glazed, hand painted...
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ROYAL DOULTON TOBY JUG PROTOTYPE, FATHERCHRISTMASRare prototype; manufactured at Stoke-on-Trent by Royal Doulton. Green base and doll with orange coloration dress.
Royal Doulton Prototype Only backstamp. Royal Doulton...
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VANITY HN2475 COLORWAY PROTOTYPE - ROYALDOULTON FIGURI...Rare prototype colorway. She wears a blue dress with purple and red floral patterning, holding a black and gold mirror.
Royal Doulton backstamp. Marked 'The...
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THIS LITTLE PIG COLORWAY PROTOTYPE -ROYAL DOULTON FIGU...Rare prototype colorway. Modeled as a baby wrapped in a white blanket with light blue and pink floral pattern.
Royal Doulton backstamp. Marked 'This item...
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FIREMAN PROTOTYPE - SMALL - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUG...A mustachioed fireman in uniform. Respirator mask and water hose handle. Glazed, hand painted ceramic.
Prototype of D7276. Marked Royal Doulton Prototype,...
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SOLDIER PROTOTYPE - SMALL - ROYAL DOULTONCHARACTER JUG...Prototype colorway khaki tunic, bayonet, and canteen with desert rat patch.
Marked Original Sample and The Property of Royal Doulton Tableware Ltd. Not Produced...
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BON APPETIT HN2444, PROTOTYPE COLORWAY- ROYAL DOULTON ...Rare prototype colorway in a glossy finish. With dark grey and dark brown coloration on a green base.
Royal Doulton backstamp. #royaldoulton #prototype
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CLINT EASTWOOD PROTOTYPE - SMALL - ROYALDOULTON CHARAC...A rare figure jug of fame movie star, Clint Eastwood. Handle is a collection of his props and awards.
Prototype Royal Doulton backstamp. #Prototype #RoyalDoulton...
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VIKING HN2375, PROTOTYPE - ROYAL DOULTONFIGURINERare prototype colorway in a glossy finish. With light blue and light brown coloration and black sandals.
Royal Doulton backstamp. Hand-marked HN2375 #royaldoulton...
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FEEDING PROTOTYPE - ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINERareprototype bone china figurine; lady in white dress holding a seed bowl and feeding poultry.
Royal Doulton backstamp. #prototype
Dimensions: 8.25"H
Manufacturer: Royal Doulton
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VANITY HN2475 COLORWAY PROTOTYPE - ROYALDOULTON FIGURI...Rare prototype colorway. She wears a blue dress with purple and red floral patterning, holding a black and gold mirror.
Royal Doulton backstamp. Marked 'The...
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BARACK OBAMA , PROTOTYPE - LARGE - ROYALDOULTON CHARAC...Very rare original Prototype, far more detailed than the released version ceramic molded figure of the 44th president of the United States; white house and...
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JOHN F. KENNEDY, PROTOTYPE - LARGE -ROYAL DOULTON CHAR...Very rare original Prototype, far more detailed than the released version ceramic molded figure of the 35th president; black suit jacket; astronaut holding...
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KING CHARLES PROTOTYPE - ROYAL DOULTONFIGURINEFigurine, King Charles. Prototype. Green and Gold
Exquisite King Charles with Staff Prototype. Gold cape, emerald green jacket, black trousers, shoes and hat with...
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Exquisite Jack Point Prototype painted in red and white check, deep emerald green and deep navy blue
Artist: C.J. Noke
Issued: 1930?s-1990?s
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OMAR KHAYYAM, PROTOTYPE - ROYAL DOULTONFIGURINERoyal Doulton. Omar Khayyam. Prototype. Cream pants, top and warm rose colored robe and blue turban.
Royal Doulton. Omar Khayyam Prototype in cream top, pants, warm...
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JESSE OWENS, PROTOTYPE - TINY - ROYALDOULTON CHARACTER...Royal Doulton. Tiny Character Jug. Jesse Owens Prototype
Rare prototype color way with running shoes handle and black tank top. This tiny jug was intended...
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PRES. BILL CLINTON, PROTOTYPE - SMALL- ROYAL DOULTON C...Prototype ceramic molded figure of the 42nd president in a brown suit jacket; saxophone and American flag handle.
Royal Doulton Prototype Only backstamp.
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ANN BOLEYN, PROTOTYPE COLORWAY - ROYALDOULTON FIGURINE...Rare Unique Prototype Colourway Painted By Mick Woodhouse.
HN3232; Six Wives of Henry VIII Series. Unique porcelain prototype figure of King Henry VIII's...
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MRS. CLAUS PROTOTYPE - LARGE - ROYALDOULTON CHARACTER ...Prototype colorway, from the Christmas series. Modeled as Mrs. Claus with stocking handle. Prototype Only backstamp. Royal Doulton backstamp.
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AUTOMATED SEFALALJIA PROTOTYPE.AutomatedSefalaljia Prototype. Wallace, Idaho: Jeff Busby Magic Inc., 1990. A miniature hardwood box, used as a prototype to design Busby's version of the classic Stewart James effect....
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ALUMINUM PAUL FOX CUP PROTOTYPES.AluminumPaul Fox Cup Prototypes. Circa 1990. Three spun aluminum cups with Paul Fox's design. Lightweight aluminum, with bold marks inside. Likely a prototype set used in the manufacture...
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ALUMINUM CUPS AND BALLS PROTOTYPES.AluminumCups and Balls Prototypes. American, ca. 1960s. Set of three small spun aluminum cups, likely prototypes due to mismatched shape of rims. 3" high, mouths 2 3/8" across....
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*Prototype Searle Semi-Automatic Pistol.32 cal. 3" barrel no serial number. Prototype ?no markings. Finished in the white with black grips. Includes eight mechanical drawings used to build the pistol from 1917...
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KENTON OVERSIZE CAISSON PROTOTYPE Aftermuch examination by several collectors this toy has been attributed as a prototype for Kenton and never a museum piece commercially produced or seen by anyone. It measures...
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DAVID OSCARSON PROTOTYPE STERLING CIGARTUBE: One of only 4 prototypes produced by David Oscarson nearly 10 years ago for the artist Maria Saldarriaga. Constructed of sterling and red ''soft'' enamel. Unmarked as...
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DAVID OSCARSON PROTOTYPE STERLING CIGARTUBE: One of only 4 prototypes produced by David Oscarson nearly 10 years ago for the artist Maria Saldarriaga. Constructed of sterling and red ''soft'' enamel. Unmarked as...
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DAVID OSCARSON PROTOTYPE STERLING CIGARTUBE: One of only 4 prototypes produced by David Oscarson nearly 10 years ago for the artist Maria Saldarriaga. Constructed of sterling and red ''soft'' enamel. Unmarked as...
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