AFRICAN NAMJI CARVED WOOD DOLL W BEADS,CAMEROON African carved wood doll / standing sculpture, the body decorated with multicolor beads, textile, and cowrie shells, the coiffure styled with cowrie shells, by the...
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GROUP OF 4 ANTIQUE AFRICAN WOOD CARVINGSOlder wood carvings; unknown tribal affiliations. 1) Nude man holding object, 20". 2) White painted or stained man in burlap pants, 19". 3) Woman holding an infant (the...
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TWO VINTAGE WEST AFRICAN CEREMONIALMASKSA pair of vintage West African masks. The first mask is a Senufo tribe Guro mask (Cote d'Ivoire / Mali), a horned mask of carved and painted wood measuring 20" x 9" x...
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THREE AFRICAN MASKS Three African masks:the first, a cowry shell mounted and hooded painted wood mask together with two metal clad masks, the larger of an antelope, the smaller of human from Ghana, the greatest...
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AFRICAN TOMA HORNED RELIQUARY, LIBERIAAfricanToma Horned Reliquary, Liberia. Carved wood, cowrie shells, fabric and rafia. Provenance: Collection of Allan Stone, New York. Size: 51'' x 23'' x 4'' (130 x 58 x 10 cm)....
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TWO AFRICAN CARVED WOOD POWER FIGURESTwoAfrican Power Figures. Including: a Songye Power Figure. Carved wood, with cowrie shell, metal,leather, and beaded decoration. Provenance: Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York,...
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AFRICAN BAMILEKE LEFEM FIGURE, CAMEROON,HT. 50.5"Large African Bamileke Lefem Commemorative Seated Figure, Cameroon. Carved wood with cowrie shell and bead decoration. Early 20th century. Provenance: Collection...
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AFRICAN GUERRE MASK AND HEADDRESS, HT.40"African Guerre Mask and Headdress. On stand. Carved, paint decorated wood with cloth. and cowrie shell decoration. Provenance: Collection of Allan Stone, New York. Size:...
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PAIR OF AFRICAN YORUBA IBEJI (TWINS)FIGURES, NIGERIAPair of African Yoruba Ibeji (Twins) Figures, Nigeria. Carved and paint decorated wood with beaded jewelry and cowrie shell strands. Provenance: The Miles...
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MALI MARKA MASKMarka mask from Mali;copper affixed to wood with Cowry (Cowrie) shell accents; measures approximately 20" tall; please refer to photographs for condition. The Marka are neighbors of the Bamana...
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AFRICAN WATER BUFFALO MASK WITH COWRIESHELLS TABWA KIY...Tabwa carved wood helmet mask in the form of a water buffalo with cowrie shells accenting the snout and brow from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Remnants...
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GRP: 8 MODERN AFRICAN OBJECTSGroup ofeight wooden modern African objects including a pipe, human figures, and masks. Pipe includes bead and cowrie shell decorations.
Height ranges from 4 3/4 in to 15 in. Width...
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TWO WEST AFRICAN CARVED WOODEN MASKSBambaraTribe, seven horned N'tomo mask with mud, cowrie shells and organic material, 25 in.; Ivory Coast, painted black Goru mask with horns, 17-1/4 in.
Note: Per Consigner - Guro...
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BAMBARA COWRIE SHELL MASK, MIXED MEDIA(West African, 20th century). Cowrie shells, wood, metal plate and hair, 26" H x 10" W x 5" D....
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GROUP (4) AFRICAN CARVED WOOD FIGURESStyle of Kuba, Mumuye, Yoruba, Tabwa, one with cowry-shell decorated vest, one on custom wood stand, 19"h (largest), 9"h (smallest)...
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(2) AFRICAN MASKS, IBGO AND EKET STYLENigeria, the Eket of carved wood with sun symbol on forehead, 13.25"h x 6.5"w; the Igbo of carved and painted wood with beads, leather and textile, with attached woven fiber...
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AFRICAN YORUBA CARVED WOOD MATERNITYFIGURE 68"HAfrican tribal carved wood maternity figure,Yoruba People, Nigeria, female figure with cowrie shell earrings, holding two children, standing on double-sided mask...
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WEST AFRICAN CARVED WOOD FIGURE IN CLOTHCOSTUMEWest African carved wood figure, long neck with carved rings, cowrie shell necklace, attached hand pieced fabric, under likely added (larger) over shirt with cowrie...
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(2) AFRICAN CARVED WOOD CEREMONIAL MASKS(lotof 2) Carved African wood masks, possibly from the Kuba Lele People, Democratic Republic of the Congo, each mask with woven hood/ headdress, cowrie shells, and carved figural...
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LARGE AFRICAN WOOD, COWRIE SHELL & BEADEDFIGURELarge African seated commemorative figure, possibly Cameroon, carved wood, clad in woven material covered with cowrie shells, eyes and mouth formed with with applied...
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(2) AFRICAN CARVED WOOD MASKS KUBA &CHOKWE PEOPLE(lot of 2) Carved African wood masks, including: (1) Chokwe People, Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Zambia, fiber netting for hair and holding the mask...
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AFRICAN KUBA BWOOM HELMET MASK ON STANDLargeAfrican Kuba Bwoom helmet mask, Democratic Republic of Congo, late 19th/early 20thc., fashioned with pierced copper, carved wood, cowrie shells, seeds, colored trade beads,...
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AFRICAN DRC SHORT CARVED WOOD FIGURE,W/ COWRIES Central African, 20th century. Democratic Republic of the Congo Songye style short divination figure with bell and cowrie shell necklace. Unmarked. Provenance:...
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(2) WEST AFRICAN CARVED WOOD & COWRIESHELL MASKS(lot of 2) West African face masks, both likely Dan, Liberia, including: (1) having braided hair, eye slits with applied metal, and carved nose and mouth, over...
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4 ETHNOGRAPHIC DECORATIVE ITEMS4 ethnographicitems. Carved wood mask with enamel dot work designs. Wood monkey statue on a rope. Yoruba style beaded sash with cowrie shells on burlap. African style wood shield, stamped...
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TWO AFRICAN CARVED WOOD IBEJI FIGURESTwoAfrican Carved Wood Ibeji Figures in Cowrie Shell Vests , Yoruba, Nigeria, standing male figures carved with arms lowered at sides on an integral circular mound, blue pigment...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL HELMET MASK (BWOOM),KUBA PEOPLES, Kuba peoples, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Sankuru River region; wood, beads, cloth, leather, copper and cowrie shells; 11.75"H....
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A group of seven vintage African woodcarvings, including: a black painted female figure 12”H, seated figure with ropes 15”H, carved hardwood mancala board 17”L, impressive large mask with tusks, snakes,...
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AFRICAN BAMANA WOODEN CHI WARA HEADDRESSAfrican, Bamana / Bambara people of Mali, Chiwara headdress in the form of an antelope in wood, plant fiber, hide, and cowrie shells, likely early 20th century or later. 70"...
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AFRICAN WOOD AND SHELL PLAQUE AND FIGURE.Twentieth century. Mask plaque with pigment, boar tusks and cowrie shells embedded in clay. Edge loss. 18"l. And a standing figure with black pigment and clay "beard" embedded...
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AFRICAN SONGYE POWER FIGURE, DEMOCRATICREPUBLIC OF THE CONGO 59¼" x 14" x 15 1/5" Community Power Figure: Male (Nkisi), 20th century. Wood, metals, cowrie shells, fiber, raffia, gourds, beads, and feathers. Standing...
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An African carved wood headrest 9.5inswide x 6.5ins high an Afican ebonised wooden ''Totem'' figures 14.75ins high a carved wooden figure of a male figure playing a pipe 25.75ins overall and a woven hessian cloth...
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African Ceremonial Headdress with GazelleRaffia wove headdress with cowrie shells supporting a carved wood open carved gazelle having applied cotton decorations. Supported on wood stand....
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Two African Carved Wood Ibeji Figuresin Cowrie Shell Vests Yoruba Nigeria standing male figures cared with arms lowered at sides on an integral circular mound blue pigment highlights each wearing a cloth vest...
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