A CHINESE ROOTWOOD SCULPTURE An organicrootwood sculpture, comes together with a very fine carved custom stand....
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CHINESE CARVED ROOTWOOD BITONG BRUSHPOT Chinese carved rootwood bitong brush pot, cylindrical form naturalistically carved to resemble a tree trunk with knots. 5" H x 4.675" diameter. Provenance: From the estate...
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(2) CHINESE ROOTWOOD CARVING BOY FIGURES(lotof 2) Large Chinese carved wood and rootwood figures, early 20th c., fashioned from several pieces of wood, each of a young boy standing on one foot with hand reaching up,...
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A CHINESE CARVED HARDWOOD FIGURE OFA SAGE IMMORTAL, 20... A SAGE IMMORTAL, 20TH CENTURY, possibly depicting Zhongli Quan, having a traditional large bald head above a serene expression with long mustache and...
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A CHINESE HAND PAINTED WHITE MARBLEAND CARVED WOOD TAB... AND CARVED WOOD TABLE SCREEN, REPUBLIC PERIOD (1912-1949), the polychrome painted rectangular plaque enclosed in original Huanghuali frame, centering...
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LARGE CHINESE ROOTWOOD CARVING OF SHOULAO Chinese rootwood carving of Shou Lao, likely 19th century, carved and assembled figure of the immortal holding a peach with a crane nearby. 36" H x 16" W....
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CHINESE CARVED ROOTWOOD RUYI SCEPTERLATE 19TH CENTURY LENGTH 17”., Late 19th Century, Ruyi and vine design. Dimensions: Length 17"....
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PAIR OF CHINESE CHIP-CARVED AND STAINEDROOTWOOD STANDS 20TH CENTURY HEIGHTS 15". TOPS 10" X 11". ROOTWOOD STANDS 20th Century Both with two live-edge surfaces supported by an entwined rootwood pedestal on a rockery-form...
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A CHINESE CARVED ROOTWOOD SCULPTURE19th century, a large figure is featured wearing platform boots and having a long beard and mustache, he wears an official's hat and carries a staff in his left hand, his...
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Seven Chinese Scholar's Objects
comprisinga carved bamboo brushpot, a burlwood inset stand, a rootwood carving, three brushes, and snuff bottle displaying stand.
Height of tallest 11 in., 28 cm....
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A CHINESE ROOTWOOD RUYI SCEPTER WITHSTAND Qing dynasty (1644-1912), of a naturalistic gnarled form with slight arch to middle and terminating in curled ends, comes together with carved wooden stand with plum...
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LARGE ANTIQUE CHINESE BAMBOO BIRDCAGE19th/20th c., China, of domed cylindrical form, Jiangsu province bamboo, with elaborate pierce-carved figural bracket feet, rootwood perch, and large metal hanging hook, approx....
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LARGE CHINESE ROOTWOOD CARVING OF SHOUXINGLarge antique Chinese rootwood carving of Shou Xing or Hsing, god of longevity and one of the three Sanxing stellar gods, likely 19th century, carved and assembled figure...
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A CHINESE ROOTWOOD SCULPTURE OF BUDAIWITH CHILDREN Qing dynasty (1644-1912), late 19th or early 20th century, very finely carved root wood sculpture of a Budai "Laughing Buddha" with happy smiling children climbing...
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A pair of Chinese bronze bookends, circa1930, each modelled as a seated figure by a censer, 15cm high, a carved soapstone figure of a fisherman, a carved rootwood figure of a luohan and a resin figure...
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LARGE ANTIQUE CHINESE CARVED WOOD BIRDCAGE19th/20th c., China, of domed cylindrical form, with elaborate pierce-carved figural bracket feet, rootwood perch, and large metal hanging hook, approx. 58"h x 20"dia...
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Chinese elephant ivory model of Shouloulate Qing dynasty Single-piece carving depicts the figure leaning on a rootwood staff and holding a bough with ripe peaches; with subtle ink-rubbed highlights. H: 12...
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Chinese soapstone lohan Well-carvedrobed and sitting figure adorned with inset glass jewels; sparse gilding and rubbed-ink highlights; carved base resembles rootwood clump. H: 5 in. ,000-3,000 ...
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A Chinese Nine-Panel Lacquer Gilt andHardwood Floor Screen Qing Dynasty the main panel depicting immortals set in a mountainous landscape shown with various attributes with figures holding a sword peaches fan...
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A Chinese rootwood carving of Shao Laoand attendant late 19th / early 20th century standing holding a peach in his left hand 16.25ins Estimate ?150-200 All three figures are detachable the left arm of the attendant...
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A Chinese Rootwood Carving of naturalisticform. Height 9 1/2 x width 10 1/4 inches....
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Rare and Important Chinese rootwoodruyi late 18th century The broad 'lingzhi' head partially envelops two pebbles to the rear, the gnarled burl head issues from a twisting shaped stem, terminating with...
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Chinese carved rootwood figural group,boy seated on buffalo walking on lily pads, glass eyes, boy and buffalo carved from one piece with several knot holes, 20th century, 12-3/4 in. Separations, boy lacking implement...
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Small Chinese boxwood carving qingdynasty Three dimensional and openwork carving of figures in natural setting; affixed to carved rootwood-form base. H: 2.5 in....
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Chinese rootwood brush pot qing dynastyOf natural form with knotty, twisted features; cylindrically-carved interior open at points to exterior. H: 6 in....
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Fourteen Chinese carved wooden miniaturesqing dynasty Comprising three double-gourd studies, one double-gourd bottle, two burl rings; three lotus blossom studies with loosely-carved seeds; one leaf-form pendant;...
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Chinese carved zitan covered box Qing dynasty Small box of organic, rootwood form; carved with openwork tendrils to base and lid. H: 2 in. L: 3.5 in....
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Chinese Rootwood Carving of Shou Xing20thcentury the smiling God of Longevity strides with a small companion each with inlaid ivory or bone eyes on a low integral base.16.75 in.Vertical split along the upper torso...
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