GEORGE BOYER LIMOGES PORCELAIN DINNERSERVICE, 87 George Boyer Limoges France gilt-rimmed porcelain partial dinner service with cobalt blue borders comprising 72 plates, 6 cups, and 9 saucers, some with RCM monogram,...
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JL COQUET LIMOGES PORCELAIN PART DINNERSERVICE,77 J.L. Coquet Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, in the Hemisphere Toundra Automne pattern, with elegant hand-painted gilt details, comprising 12 dinner plates,...
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VIGNAUD LIMOGES PORCELAIN DINNER SERVICE,114 PCS Vignaud Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, 114 pieces, white ground with gilt encrusted rim, comprising 12 dinner plates, 12 luncheon plates, 12 soup bowls,...
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(96) FRENCH LIMOGES PORCELAIN DINNERSERVICE(lot of 96) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, having white ground decorated with birds perched on flowering branches to center, accented by floral elements...
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(48) FRENCH LIMOGES PARCEL GILT DINNERSERVICE(lot of 48) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, having white ground with green border, gilt scalloped rim, comprising: (18) dinner plates, approx 9.5"diam;...
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(14) FRENCH LIMOGES PORCELAIN FISH SERVICESET(lot of 14) French Limoges porcelain partial fish service, 20th c., each having a gilt rim centering a fish pattern, comprising: (12) plates, 9.5"diam, (1) oval serving...
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(LOT OF 12) FRENCH PORCELAIN FISH PLATESAND PLATTERS, LATE 19TH CENTURY (Lot of 12) French porcelain fish plates and platters, late 19th century, comprising Haviland Limoges porcelain partial fish service by B....
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(36) A. LANTERNIER LIMOGES PARTIAL DINNERSERVICE(lot of 36) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, A. Lanternier & Co., 20th c., comprising: (17) dinner plates, approx 9.75"diam, (14) salad plates, approx...
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(39) HAVILAND LIMOGES PORCELAIN PARTIALSERVICE(lot of 39) French porcelain partial dinner service, Charles Field Haviland Limoges, CHF653 pattern, early 20th c., comprising: (20) dinner plates, approx 9.75"diam,...
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(29) FRENCH LIMOGES PORCELAIN PARTIALSERVICE(lot of 29) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, retailed in Madrid, including: (12) dinner plates, approx 9.5"diam, (2) soup bowls, approx 9.5"diam, (11)...
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(29) FRENCH LIMOGES 'CHEN YANG' PORCELAINPLATES(lot of 29) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, Puiforcat Raynaud & Co., in the "Chen Yang" pattern, 20th c., comprising: (8) dinner plates, approx 10.5"diam,...
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(28) FRENCH LIMOGES PORCELAIN PARTIALSERVICE(lot of 28) French Limoges porcelain partial service, including: (12) dessert plates, 6 3/8"diam, (4) handled cups, (8) saucers, 5.75"diam, (1) butter dome and strainer,...
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(19) FRENCH HAVILAND LIMOGES 'COROMANDEL'PLATES(lot of 19) French Limoges porcelain partial service, Theodore Haviland, in the "Coromandel" pattern, with flower basket, including: (8) dinner plates, 9 5/8"diam, (11)...
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(46) FRENCH LIMOGES PORCELAIN PARTIALSERVICE(lot of 46) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, Porcelaine d'Art, 20th c., having apple green border with gilt floral chains, comprising: (30) dinner plates,...
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(34) FRENCH LIMOGES GEORGES BOYER 'RENOIR'PLATES(lot of 34) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, Georges Boyer, retailed by Galerie Urban, late 20th c., in the limited-edition "Renoir" pattern, numbered...
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(36) FRENCH LIMOGES PARCEL GILT PORCELAINSERVICE(lot of 36) French Limoges porcelain partial service, Charles Ahrenfeldt, retailed by F. Schultze & Company, Cincinnati, including: (16) plates, approx 9.5"diam, (9)...
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(30) FRENCH LIMOGES PORCELAIN PARTIALSERVICE(lot of 30) France transfer-printed porcelain partial dinner service, D.R.B. (Descotte, Reboisson, Baranger), Limoges, 20th c., with silvered rim, pink floral design,...
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(81) RAYNAUD 'KOUTANI' PORCELAIN DINNERSERVICE(lot of 81) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, Raynaud, in the "Koutani" pattern (white), having floral designs, parcel gilt accents, including: (16)...
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Two Bill Goldsmith for Site Corot LimogesPorcelain Partial Services
Potpourri Yellow pattern:
7 breakfast cups
7 saucers
7 side plates
1 covered sugar
Faux Bois Yellow pattern:
8 dinner plates
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VIGNAUD LIMOGES PORCELAIN PART SERVICE'TheSeville" pattern with gilt and blue laurel border, with stamped factory marks, a partial service comprising: 7 dinner plates (9 3/4 inches diameter), 8 salad plates (7 1/2...
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LIMOGES PORCELAIN PARTIAL SERVICEredprinted mark "Superieur / Limoges France"; "Versailles" pattern, comprising 9 dinner plates (9 3/4" dia.); 9 luncheon plates (8 1/2" dia.); 9 salad plates (7 1/2" dia.); 8...
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THEODORE HAVILAND LIMOGES PORCELAINPARTIAL SERVICEred printed factory mark "Theodore Haviland Limoges France Patenet applied for"; comprising 6 dinner plates (9 1/2" dia.; 6 soup bowls (7 1/2" dia.); 6 fruit/dessert...
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BERNARDAUD LIMOGES "MADISON" PORCELAINPART SVC. Bernardaud Limoges porcelain partial service in the "Madison" gold pattern comprising twelve (12) soup bowls, twelve (12) entree or dinner plates, twelve (12) luncheon...
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21 PCS DINNER SERVICE, LIMOGES, VIRGINAND YOUNG 21 piece Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, white ground with heavy gilding, including 8 dinner plates and 6 service plates, marked on reverse made for Virgin...
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(64) LIMOGES BRANARDAUD 'VIRGINIE' DINNERSERVICE(lot of 64) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, Leonard Bernardaud and Company, in the "Virginie" pattern, parcel gilt trim, bird and insect motifs, each...
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(84) LIMOGES SALMON & CO. PORCELAINDINNER SERVICE(lot of 84) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, Salmon and Company, each having scalloped rim, with foliate rose vine motifs, varied maker's marks...
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(91) FRENCH DRB LIMOGES PORCELAIN DINNERSERVICE(lot of 91) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, DRB France, having parcel gilt trim and floral motifs, maker's mark underfoot, including: (36) dinner plates,...
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(29) FRENCH LIMOGES 'CHEN YANG' PORCELAINPLATES(lot of 29) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, Puiforcat Raynaud & Co., in the "Chen Yang" pattern, all marked underfoot, comprising: (8) dinner plates,...
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(48) FRENCH LIMOGES PORCELAIN DINNERSERVICE(lot of 48) French Limoges porcelain partial dinner service, Aux Lions De Faience, each with floral and ribbon motifs, parcel gilt trim, maker's mark underfoot, including:...
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Limoges Porcelain Partial Dinner Service
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60-PIECE LIMOGES PORCELAIN PARTIAL DINNERSERVICE Porcelaines GDA. Including five dinner plates six luncheon plates six soup plates six salad plates six dessert bowls six bouillon with twelve saucers five demitasse...
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Fifty-Six-Piece Theodore Haviland, Limoges,Porcelain Partial Dinner Service, for ten persons, first quarter 20th century, in "Jewel" pattern, comprised of seven dinner plates, dia. 10", eight bread-and-butter plates,...
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Forty-Piece Deshoulieres, Limoges, PorcelainPartial Dinner Service, for eight persons, in "Orleans" decor, consisting of eight dinner plates, dia. 10-3/8", eight soup plates, dia. 8-7/8", eight salad plates, eight...
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A Limoges Porcelain Partial Dinner Serviceretailed by A.B. Daniel & Sons London comprising 4 covered entree dishes 2 serving bowls and 14 plates each with flowers on a white ground. Diameter of dinner plate 10 1/8...
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Limoges porcelain partial dinner servicecirca 1900 soup tureen H6'' 4 soup bowls Dia.7 3/4'' 12 plates Dia.9 1/2'' 9 plates Dia.8 1/2'' 2 round serving bowls Dia.9'' and 10 1/4'' round platter Dia.13 3/8'' oblong...
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Haviland Limoges Dresden Flowers porcelainpartial service including eleven plates, four cups, and five saucers; transfer decorated florals with gilt accents. Each piece marked. Plates: 8 1/2"Diam. Very good condition....
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