LOUIS XV STYLE 12 ARM BRONZE CHANDELIERC.1910A large Louis XV style twelve arm bronze chandelier circa 1910. Ht: 36" Wd: 29" Dpth: 29"...
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A LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZE CHANDELIERALouis XV style gilt bronze eight light chandelier first half 20th century height approximately 40in (101.5cm); diameter approximately 27in (68.5cm)(br/)Provenance: Property...
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A LOUIS XV STYLE TWELVE LIGHT CHANDELIERALouis XV style gilt bronze and rock crystal twelve light chandelier late 19th century height approximately 46in (117cm); diameter approximately 27 1/2in (70cm)
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GILT BRONZE LOUIS XV STYLE CHANDELIER,HAVING MARBLE CE...Gilt Bronze Louis XV Style Chandelier, having marble center with nine lights, height 40 inches, diameter 25 inches. Provenance: The Estate of Alina Roisen,...
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IMPRESSIVE LOUIS XV STYLE 32-LIGHT CHANDELIER19th/20th c., France, silvered bronze, strung glass, crystal prisms, the circular armature set with four seated cherubs bearing three tiers of scrolling twisted rope arms...
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LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZE AND CRYSTALCHANDELIER 20th c., France, floriform gilt metal standard set with three candelabra sockets, and issuing two tiers of scroll arms supporting cut crystal drops, 27"h x 16"dia...
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LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZE 9-LIGHT CHANDELIER19th/20th c., France, in the manner of Jacques Caffieri, the twisting, floral scroll balustrade post supporting three triple branching foliate scroll arms topped with electrified...
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LOUIS XV STYLE BRONZE SIX-LIGHT CHANDELIERFrench, 20th century, bronze six light chandelier in the Louis XV taste, having a spreading floral and pomegranate stem issuing foliate scrolled arms, apparently unmarked....
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FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE BRONZE & CRYSTALCHANDELIERFrench Louis XV style gilt bronze chandelier, early 20th c., having scrolled foliate frame, arms terminating in floral bobeches with faux candle covers, with hanging...
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LOUIS XV STYLE CUT GLASS AND BRONZECHANDELIER CHANDELIER, the pear shaped frame with central baluster form cut glass support issuing arms and hung overall with faceted prisms - h:36w:24in....
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LOUIS XV-STYLE BRONZE TWELVE-LIGHT CHANDELIERLouisXV-Style Bronze Twelve-Light Chandelier, bell-form, foliate arms ending in cherub busts, h. 33 in., dia. 32 in. Provenance: Cornstalk Fence House, New Orleans, LA. Provenance:...
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LOUIS XV-STYLE PATINATED BRONZE CHANDELIERLouisXV-Style Patinated Bronze Twelve-Light Chandelier, tiered form, foliate arms, h. 63 in., dia. 41 in....
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BELLE EPOQUE GILT BRONZE PUTTI CHANDELIER,C. 1900 French Belle Epoque fourteen light gilt bronze chandelier in the Louis XV taste, circa 1900, having a scrolled pierced floral draped body issuing curving acanthus...
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LOUIS XV STYLE BRONZE & CRYSTAL 9-LIGHTCHANDELIERItalian Louis XV style bronze and crystal nine-light chandelier, early 20th c., having molded frame, issuing nine scrolled foliate arms, ending on floral bobeches...
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LOUIS XV STYLE BRONZE DORE 15-LIGHTCHANDELIERLouis XV style bronze dore fifteen-light chandelier, after a design by Jacques Caffieri (French, 1678-1755), in need of wiring, small break to foliate arm/ accent,...
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FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE BRONZE 8-LIGHTCHANDELIERFrench Louis XV style bronze eight-light chandelier, early 20th c., having scrolled foliate frame, issuing eight scrolled arms, ending on floral bobeches and faux...
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DIMINUTIVE LOUIS XV-STYLE BRONZE CHANDELIERDiminutiveLouis XV-Style Bronze Five-Light Chandelier , 19th c., foliate arms, electrified, h. 12 in., dia. 16 in....
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MONUMENTAL GILT BRONZE, CUT CRYSTALCHANDELIERMonumental Antique Louis XV-Style Gilt Bronze and Cut-Crystal Forty-Two Light Chandelier, canopy issuing scrolled tendrils, foliate and vasiform standard, scrolled...
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LOUIS XV-STYLE BRONZE FIVE-LIGHT CHANDELIERDiminutiveLouis XV-Style Bronze Five-Light Chandelier, 19th c., foliate arms, electrified, h. 12 in., dia. 16 in....
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Louis XV style six arm chandelier, heavilycast bronze, central support issuing three winged putti blowing trumpets, each holding two candle cups, 20th century, 32 x 28 in. Scattered surface wear and abrasions, minor...
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A Louis XV Style Gilt Bronze Fifteen-LightChandelier the scrolling foliate candle arms set in tiers of five and ten hung with prisms throughout. Diameter 30 inches....
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*A Louis XV Style Gilt Bronze Chandelierthe baluster form standard issuing the foliate cast candle arms. Height 17 1/2 inches....
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A Louis XV Style Bronze Twelve-LightChandelier having a tapering foliate cast standard issuing the conforming scrolling candle arms. Height 32 inches....
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Good Louis XV-Style Gilt-Bronze andCut Glass Eight-Light Chandelier, early 20th century, of cage form, the cage centered by a cut glass steeple-form standard and issuing four foliate arms, each with two candle...
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Louis XV style dore bronze chandelierof cageform with twelve scrolled arms terminating in faux candle sleeves with nine interior lights; the whole densely hung with prisms and pendant drops. 56''H x 29.5'' Dia....
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A Louis XV-Style Gilt Bronze and CutGlass Chandelier glass arms hung with cut class and spherule pendants height 21 in. diameter 20 in....
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Louis XV style gilt bronze six-lightchandelier The triform rope supports with an acanthus coronet, the lower section with a frosted cut glass trumpet form center issuing six outscrolling rococo scrolling...
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Louis XV Style Gilt Bronze Chandelier20th century, six lights, heavy casting with three scrolled double arms, six lights, rope drapery and foliate decoration, 32 x 17-1/2 in.,...
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A Louis XV Style Gilt Bronze Ten-LightChandelier having a foliate cast standard issuing the conforming candle arms in two tiers. Height 21 1/4 x diameter 22 3/4 inches....
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