A LOUIS XV STYLE SATINWOOD AND MAHOGANYCOMMODEA Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted inlaid satinwood and mahogany commodeearly 20th centuryheight 35in (89cm); width 54in (137cm); depth 24in (61cm)...
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A LOUIS XV STYLE SIDE CABINETA LouisXV style gilt bronze mounted tulipwood, walnut and marquetry side cabinetlate 19th centurySurmounted by a marble top, the interior with three adjustable shelves over a pair...
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A LOUIS XV STYLE MARQUETRY SALON TABLEALouis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry salon tablelate 19th centuryFitted with a single drawer and felt lined slide.height 26 1/2in (67cm); width 20in (51cm); depth...
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A LOUIS XV STYLE MARQUETRY INLAID KINGWOODTABLEA Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry inlaid kingwood tablesecond half 19th centuryheight 28in (71cm); width 12 1/2in (32cm); depth 11in (28cm) Provenance:With...
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A LOUIS XV STYLE BUREAU EN PENTEA LouisXV style gilt bronze mounted 'Boulle' marquetry and ebonized bureau en pentelate 19th centuryThe hinged slant front reversing to a writing surface and opening to a sliding...
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LOUIS XV STYLE PETIT BUREAU PLAT WRITINGTABLE Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted mahogany and walnut petit bureau plat, 19th century, the writing table with inlaid butterfly-veneered center, the apron with two drawers...
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2 FINE LOUIS XV STYLE INLAID & BRONZEMOUNTED Stands. 1 oval with marquetry inlay (27" h x 17.5" x 13.25") and the other with leather top pull out and marble top (28" h x 11.5" x 8.75"). From a Purchase NY estate....
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ANTIQUE INLAID SATINWOOD SLIDE TOP BAR.Carved and inlaid Louis XV style satinwood, bronze mounted bar. From a Westchester, NY estate. Dimensions: 20'' x 21.5'' x 42''. Condition: Slight scratches....
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LOUIS XV-STYLE GILT BRONZE MOUNTED COMMODEDESCRIPTION:A Louis XV-Style Gilt Bronze Mounted Marquetry Commode, with a serpentine marble top over conforming cabinet doors.  CIRCA: 20th Century ORIGIN: France DIMENSIONS: H....
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A LOUIS XV STYLE WALNUT DRESSING TABLEALouis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry inlaid walnut dressing table Late 19th century The hinged top to reveal a mirror and fitted interior, with a single drawer below....
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A LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZE MOUNTEDCOMMODEA Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted inlaid commode circa 1900 Surmounted by a Breche d Alep marble top. height 34 1/2in (87.5cm); width 47in (119.5cm); depth 24in...
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A LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZE MOUNTEDKINGWOOD PARQUETRY... KINGWOOD PARQUETRY BUREAU PLAT, MODERN, the serpentine rectangular top centering an inset tooled leather panel within cross-banded borders and conforming...
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A LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZE MOUNTEDROSEWOOD AND AMARA... ROSEWOOD AND AMARANTH TABLE AMBULANTE, FRENCH, LATE 19TH CENTURY, in the form of a bureau plat and having a shaped rectangular top with canted corners...
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PAIR OF LOUIS XV/XVI STYLE BRONZE MOUNTEDAND INLAID KI...19th century, breche d'alep marble top, chamfered stiles, seven drawers with foliate inlay, Neoclassical mounts, serpentine apron, cabriole legs, sabots, 51-1/2...
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LOUIS XV STYLE FLORAL MARQUETRY BUREAUPLAT Continental, possibly French, bureau plat or desk in the Louis XV taste, having bronze mounts and mixed wood floral marquetry inlay, and a single drawer, rising on cabriole...
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LOUIS XV STYLE INLAID BRONZE MOUNTEDCOMMODE20th Century. Marble Top. 31 in. high. 29 in. wide. 14.5 in. depth....
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A Louis XV Style Gilt Bronze MountedMarquetry Mechanical Table
Late 19th Century
the marquetry concealing a pair of push-button triggers which reveal a hidden drawer.
Height 28 x width 16 x depth 12 inches....
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LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZE-MOUNTED MARQUETRYCOMMODE19th Century the serpentine rouge griotte top over a conformingly shaped case enclosing three long drawers, the drawer fronts and side panels inlaid with flowers, with...
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LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZE-MOUNTED TABLEmodern,the cartouche-shaped top marquetry-inlaid with a scene of a swan on a lake 22 inches wide; 13 1/2 inches deep; 29 1/8 inches high Condition:...
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PAIR OF LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZE MOUNTEDPEDESTALSwith fixed marble tops and marquetry and parquetry design Condition: with some repairs to parquetry design and slight nicks around marquetry; marble is earthquake...
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PARQUETRY AND MARQUETRY PETITE COMMODESPairof Louis XV/XVI-Style Bronze-Mounted Parquetry and Marquetry Petite Commodes, shaped top, candle slide, two drawers, stretcher shelf, cabriole legs, sabots, h. 32 in., w....
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FRENCH BRONZE MOUNTED WALNUT AND MARQUETRYVITRINE Louis XV style French bronze mounted and floral marquetry vitrine having rouge and white variegated shaped marbletop over a conforming raised hood with glass door...
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LOUIS XV-STYLE PORCELAIN BRONZE-MOUNTEDLOW TABLELouis XV-Style Porcelain and Bronze-Mounted Marquetry and Parquetry Low Table, banded shield top, oval floral plaques, cabriole legs, sabots, h. 18 1/2 in., w. 47...
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A LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZE MOUNTEDAND MARQUETRY DECORATED CLOCK A Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted and marquetry decorated clock, with a repousse dial having Roman markers and a weight driven movement, rising...
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A LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZE MOUNTEDMARQUETRY INLAID BOMBE COMMODE A Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry inlaid bombe commode, having a shaped variegated marble top, above two drawers decorated with...
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A PAIR OF LOUIS XV STYLE GILT BRONZEMOUNTED MARQUETRY INLAID PEDESTALS A pair of Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry inlaid pedestals, each having a shaped marble inset top with an ebonized border,...
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Transitional Louis XV/XVI Gilt-BronzeMounted Mahogany, Tulipwood and Sycamore Marquetry Commode
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Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted kingwoodand marquetry vitrine late 19th/early 20th century With a rectangular rouge languedoc marble top above a glazed door opening to three shelves above a reserve of figures...
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Louis XV Style Gilt-Bronze Mounted MarquetryInlaid Mahogany Petit Commode
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A Louis XV Style Gilt Bronze MountedBoulle Marquetry Bracket Clock having a foliate crest over the segmented enameled dial with Roman numerals set on a conforming bracket. Height 33 1/2 inches....
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TRANSITIONAL LOUIS XV/XVI GILT-BRONZEMOUNTED TULIPWOOD PURPLEWOOD AND MARQUETRY MARBLE-TOP COMMODE Shaped marble top over conforming case fitted with frieze drawer over two long drawers sans traverse with geometric...
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Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted rosewoodparquetry and marquetry vitrine The slightly swollen case with a glazed door opening to shelves above a floral marquetry bouquet; the whole outlined in gilt bronze, raised...
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Louis XV style inlaid bronze-mountedmixed-wood wardrobe late 19th/early 20th century molded cornice upon rectangular case with inlaid frieze above two doors concealing open storage upon bronze-mounted apron...
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Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted kingwoodand marquetry vitrine late 19th/early 20th century The shaped rectangular grey-veined white marble top above a glazed panel above a marquetry reserve of figures in a...
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A Pair of Louis XV Style Gilt BronzeMounted Side Chests having rose marble tops over the conforming case set with two drawers and an inlaid parquetry pattern raised on splayed legs. Height 28 3/4 x width 17...
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