FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MAHOGANY SIDEBAOARDFrenchLouis XVI style ormolu accented mahogany sideboard, 20th c., having three central doors with foliate inlay, the two ends with curving doors, rising on tapered legs, 42"h,...
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FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP SIDEBOARDFrenchLouis XVI style mahogany sideboard, late 19th c., accented with ormolu, string and marquetry inlay, having marble top, two frieze drawers above two doors flanked at each curved...
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LOUIS XVI BRASS MAHOGANY BUREAU A CYLINDRE,18TH C Louis XVI brass-mounted mahogany bureau a cyllindre, or roll up desk, 18th century and possibly later, apparently unsigned, with rectangular fleur peche marble top...
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MONUMENTAL 19TH C. FRENCH LOUIS XVISTYLE CABINET French, 19th century. Monumental Louis XVI style mahogany display cabinet with dore bronze ormolu and large glass door front. Christies label affixed to verso....
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E. 20TH LARGE LOUIS XVI STYLE TRIPLEDOOR ARMOIRE French, first quarter 20th century. Louis XVI style mahogany triple door armoire having, one mirrored door, book match veneer, and bronze ormolu accents. Apparently...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE ORMOLU-MOUNTED MARQUETRYBEDFrench Louis XVI style mahogany bed, 19th c., richly decorated throughout with gilt ormolu mounts, the headboard having molded cornice over floral marquetry and parquetry...
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2)LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MARQUETRYNIGHTSTANDS(pair) French Louis XVI style mahogany nightstands, 19th c., with gilt ormolu mounts, having square marble top over single drawer, medial shelf and marquetry cabinet...
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MAISON KRIEGER LOUIS XVI STYLE MAHOGANYCOMMODEFrench Louis XVI style demilune mahogany commode, Maison Krieger, Paris (fl.1826-1910), early 20th c., marble top with rounded cup corners, conforming ormolu-mounted...
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FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MAHOGANY MIRROREDARMOIREFrench Louis XVI style mahogany breakfront armoire, early 20th c., shaped cornice with gilt metal trim, over three doors, center door faced with beveled mirror plate,...
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FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MAHOGANY VITRINEFrenchLouis XVI style mahogany display cabinet, 20th c., three glazed panes including the front door, opening to single display shelf, brass ormolu accents, rising on tapered legs,...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style mahogany sideboard, late 19th/ early 20th c., shaped marble top, over two drawers with contrasting banding, ormolu foliate bosses, two paneled...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MAHOGANY AND ORMOLUMIRROR Mid 20th century, beveled mirror, arched reeded frame with dolphin ormolu mount and applied cross bands, flush base....
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MAISON GOUFFE ORMOLU-MOUNTED MAHOGANYSIDEBOARDFrench Louis XVI style mahogany sideboard, Maison Gouffe, 20th c., rectangular case with canted corners, bronze dore mounts, two drawers over two cabinet doors, interior...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MAHOGANY AND ORMOLUMOUNTED SIDE TABLE Mid 20th century, circular form mahogany veneer wedged pie top with brass surround, single conforming drawer, fluted legs, pierced lower stretcher, gilt...
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ANTIQUE LOUIS XVI STYLE MAHOGANY ORMOLUMOUNTED CYLINDER DESK 19th century, mahogany veneer, one part form, the upper rectangular top with quad-book-matched panel, applied pierced brass gallery surround, scrolled...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and BurledAmboyna Tiered Server, early 20th century, the ovoid top banded and within an ormolu edge, joined to two lower like shelves by paneled square supports continuing to tapering...
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LOUIS XVI-STYLE MAHOGANY AND ORMOLU-MOUNTEDD-SHAPE CABINET WITH MARBLE TOP The bowfront cabinet with shaped marble below three center drawers flanked by cupboards; 35 3/4 x 7 ft. 4 in. x 27 in....
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-TopRafraichissoir, ca. 1900, the inset rectangular white marble top with two inset containers and a three-quarter pierced brass gallery, above a frieze fitted with one end drawer,...
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Fine Louis XVI-Style Mahogany BureauCylindre, late 19th century, the long rectangular Noir Francais marble top above three small drawers, with a paneled cylinder below opening to an arrangement of six drawers...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-TopCabinet, late 19th century, the rectangular variegated gray marble top with molded edge and shaped corners above a conforming case fitted with two paneled cupboard doors,...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany Dining Table,early 20th century, the oval top opening at the center to accommodate leaves, above an ormolu-banded frieze, raised on square tapering legs ending in brass caps and casters,...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany Bed, early20th century, the headboard slightly domed and centered by an ormolu acanthine crest above a paneled back centered by an oval panel, inlaid with decorative brass stringing,...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany Bureau Cylindre,first quarter 19th century, the rectangular top with a three-quarter pierced brass gallery over three short drawers, with a cylinder bureau below, opening to an interior fitted...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-TopBouillotte Table, late 19th century, the circular variegated charcoal gray marble top within a full pierced brass gallery, above a frieze fitted with two small drawers and...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany Center Table,late 19th century, the circular top brass bound and above a frieze fitted with four short drawers, raised on fluted, tapering circular legs ending in ormolu toupie feet, h....
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany Desk, late19th century, the rectangular top with an inset gilt-tooled leather writing surface above a frieze fitted with a central drawer flanked by two short drawers to one side and...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-TopOccasional Table, early 19th century, the rectangular top with an inset variegated gray marble top, above a frieze fitted with two drawers, each with ormolu banding, joined...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany Bureau Plat,early 20th century, the rectangular top with an inset leather writing surface and turreted cornets above a frieze fitted with three faux drawers, raised on fluted, tapering...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-TopBouillotte Table, early 20th century, the circular variegated marble top with a full pierced brass gallery, above a paneled frieze fitted with one drawer and accented by...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-TopCommode, mid-19th century, the rectangular breche d'Aleps marble top with rounded edge above a conforming case fitted with two long doors, each with two inlaid banded panels...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and SatinwoodOccasional Table, second quarter 19th century, the circular top with an inlaid gaming board pattern, above a frieze with an applied ormolu ring mount, raised on paneled,...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-TopSecretaire Abattant, early 19th century, the inset variegated white marble top with a three-quarter pierced brass gallery and turreted corners, above a case fitted with a...
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Transitional Louis XV-into-Louis XVI-StyleMahogany and Marble-Top Commode, fourth quarter 19th century, the bowed rouge royale marble top with molded edge, above a conforming case fitted with four long drawers, all...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Marble-TopCenter Table, late 19th century, the inset rectangular variegated marble top above a frieze with applied ormolu swags flanking an ormolu panel featuring various putti at...
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Louis XVI-Style Mahogany and Brass-MountedVitrine, the door with two glazed windows, mounted with gilt-brass ormolu throughout, h. 67-1/2", w. 30", d. 20"....
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