Minor wear and in good condition.
Notwithstanding this report or any discussion concerning condition of a...
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Fulvio Bianconi. Fazzoletto vases, collectionof twelve. 1948, incamiciato glass, glass with alternating glass rods. 10½ h × 12 w × 11 d in. estimate: $3,000–5,000. Incised signature to underside of two examples...
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MURANO GLASS FAZZOLETTO HANDKERCHIEFVASEDESCRIPTION: A Murano Glass Fazzoletto Handkerchief shaped vase, crafted in clear glass with amber, brown, white, and black spiral accent motif and further finished with...
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VENINI GLASS SMALL FAZZOLETTO VASE 20thc., Murano, Italy, yellow and white lattice decorated handkerchief vase, acid etched 3-line signature "Venini, Murano, Italia", 3.75"h x 5"w...
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(2) MURANO VENINI LATTICINO ART GLASSVASES(lot of 2) Italian Murano art glass vases, Venini (Paolo Venini, Italian, 1895-1959), mid 20th c., with filigrana/ latticino designs, both examples marked underfoot,...
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THREE VENETIAN MURANO GLASS ITEMSThreeVenetian Murano glass items, Mid-20th Century Likely by Venini, each clear glass with gold leaf inclusions, comprising a ribbed "Fazzoletto" handkerchief vase, a "Bullicante"...
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FULVIO BIANCONI FOR VENINI, FAZZOLETTOVASE Mid 20th c., red and green canne glass vase / bowl, three-line acid stamp to underside "Venini Murano Italia", 6.75"h x 12.5"w x 6.5"d...
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Three pieces Italian glass: fazzolettovase, yellow and white latticino bands, base marked "Venini-Murano", 3-1/4 in.; tumbler with multi-colored bands, probably Venini, 4-1/4 in.; shallow bowl, bands...
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Venini fazzoletto Murano art glass vase.Hanky form of teal cased over white. Three line acid stamp. 8"H. Very good condition....
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Venini Murano fazzoletto art glass vase.Hanky form of amber cased over white. Three line acid stamp. 12 3/4"H. Very good condition....
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Venini Murano fazzoletto hanky formwhite art glass vase. Three line acid stamp. 9"H. Very good condition....
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Venini a canne fazzoletto Murano artglass vase. Hanky form composed of yellow and pale green canes. Four line acid stamp. 2"H. Very good condition....
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Murano fazzoletto handkerchief art glassvase. 3"H....
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Lino Tagliapietra basket Murano glassvase for Effetre International, 1986. Yellow fazzoletto form with overall fine applied cane wrapping, style of Dale Chihuly. Engraved signature 10"H. Very good condition....
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Eight Murano hanky form art glass vasesand bowls, one Dino Martens dish. The Martens mezza filigrana bowl of leaf form with spiralling blue, white and copper cane, the remaining fazzoletto vases with zanfirico,...
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Lot of 3 Murano fazzoletto vases, filigranaand latticino. Swirling black, pink and white cane hanky vase probably Aureliano Toso, pink and white latticino cane hanky vase, and a fine pink cane hanky vase. Tallest:...
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Venini fazzoletto art glass handkerchiefvase. Venini Murano paper label. 4"H. Very good condition....
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Nine Murano art glass hanky form vases.Fazzoletto polychrome vases-the largest aqua cased over white, two murrine, and other various techniques applied. Three with paper labels. Largest: 8 1/2"H x 10 1/2"W. Very...
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Large Murano purple glass fazzolettovase, Incalmo and Iridato techniques. Unusual and appealing freeform vase of plum opaline color body with purple trimmed white ribbon lip covered in shimmering gold leaf and...
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Murano white opaque glass fazzolettovase on black foot. 5"H....
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