MTH UNION PACIFIC 3 TRUCK SHAY STEAMENGINE TRAIN United States,ContemporaryThree rail featuring Proto-Sound 2.0, diecast boiler and tender body, diecast chassis, lighted cab interior, and synchronized puffing...
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MTH SOUTHERN PACIFIC 484 GS-2 STEAMENGINE TRAIN United States,ContemporaryThree rail featuring Proto-Sound 2.0, illuminated cab interior, and operating firebox glow. Item no. 20-3060-1....
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MTH NORTHERN PACIFIC 2884 YELLOWSTONESTEAM ENGINE United States,ContemporaryThree rail featuring Proto-Sound 2.0, diecast metal chassis, constant voltage headlight, lighted cab interior, and synchronized puffing...
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MTH UNION PACIFIC 4-8-4 FEF STEAM ENGINETRAIN United States,ContemporaryThree rail featuring Proto-Sound 2.0, diecast boiler and tender body, metal wheels and axles, and operating puffing ProtoSmoke system. Item...
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MTH WESTERN PACIFIC 4-8-4 GS-2 STEAMENGINE TRAIN United States,ContemporaryThree rail featuring Proto-Sound 2.0, diecast boiler and tender body, illuminated cab interior, and operating ProtoSmoke system. Item...
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MTH SOUTHERN PACIFIC 4-8-4 GS-2 STEAMENGINE TRAIN United States,ContemporaryThree rail featuring Proto-Sound 2.0, diecast boiler and tender, constant voltage headlight, illuminated cab interior, and operating...
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GULF MOBILE & OHIO USRA HEAVY PACIFICSTEAM ENGINE Contemporary,MTH three rail featuring Proto-Sound 2.0, diecast boiler and tender body, metal wheels and axles, lighted cab interior, and operating ProtoSmoke...
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MTH UNION PACIFIC 4-6-6-4 CHALLENGERSTEAM ENGINE United States,ContemporaryThree rail featuring Proto-Sound 2.0, diecast boiler and tender body, metal wheels and axles, and operating ProtoSmoke system. Item...
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MTH CANADIAN PACIFIC ROYAL HUDSON STEAMENGINE United States,ContemporaryThree rail featuring Proto-Sound 2.0, diecast metal chassis, decorative metal whistle, and lighted cab interior. Item no. 20-3313-1, cab no....
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MTH UNION PACIFIC FEF 4-8-4 NORTHERNSTEAM ENGINE United States,ContemporaryThree rail featuring Proto-Sound 2.0, diecast boiler and tender body, constant voltage headlight, and diecast truck sides. Item no....
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MTH CHAPELON 2-3-1E PACIFIC STEAM ENGINETRAIN United States,ContemporaryThree rail featuring Proto-Sound 2.0, diecast metal chassis, diecast boiler and tender body, decorative metal whistle, and operating firebox...
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