MAP MEXICAN STERLING SILVER CANDELABRA,PAIR MAP Mexican sterling silver three arm candelabra, weighted, hallmarked and marked to underside "MAP 925 Sterling Hecho en Mexico." 13.125" H x 13.5" W x 5.25" D....
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MAP MEXICAN CENTRAL RAILWAY & CONNECTIONSTEXASFramed Map of the Mexican Central Railway and Connections, late 19th c., published by Poole Brothers in Chicago, showing railway routes through Mexico and south Texas,...
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JEWELRY. ASSORTED GROUPING OF STERLINGAND MIXED Metal Jewelry. Including a graduated sterling choker - stamped, "925"; a 14kt yellow gold accented sterling necklace with an oversized toggle clasp - stamped, "MR...
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LARGE WILLIAM IV STYLE MAHOGANY 30 INCHTERRESTRIAL GLOBE, W. & A. K. JOHNSTON LIMITED, EDINBURGH AND LONDONFitted with brass hour circle on the north pole, a calibrated brass meridian, and a horizontal band with...
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Personal Narrative of Explorations andIncidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, Connected with the United States and Mexican Boundary Commission, During the Years 1850, '51, '52, and '58....
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2 TEXAS MAPS INC. GREENLEAF, TALLIS1stitem: Jeremiah Greenleaf, "Texas Compiled from the Latest and Best Authorities," from a rare 1848 reissue of Greenleafís 1842 Universal Atlas. Greenleaf's 1842 map of Texas...
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AN ANTIQUE MAP, "MAPA DE LOS ESTADOSUNIDOS DE MéJICO,"...AN ANTIQUE MAP, "Mapa de los Estados Unidos de Méjico," NEW YORK, 1828, hand colored lithograph on paper, White Gallaher and White, publisher, Balch...
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AN ANTIQUE MAP, "CARTE DE LA CôTE DEL'AMéRIQUE, SUR L'...AN ANTIQUE MAP, "Carte de la Côte de l'Amérique, sur l'océan pacifiqque septentrional compernant Le Territorie de l'Orégon, les Californies, La Mer...
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AN ANTIQUE MAP, "MAP OF HARRIS COUNTY,TEXAS," ST. LOUI...AN ANTIQUE MAP, "Map of Harris County, Texas," ST. LOUIS & NEW YORK, 1879, hand colored lithograph on paper with some pencil inscriptions in land plots,...
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A REPUBLIC OF TEXAS MAP, "MAP OF THEUNITED STATES AND ...A REPUBLIC OF TEXAS MAP, "Map of the United States and Mexico, Including Oregon, Texas and the Californias," NEW YORK, CIRCA 1846, hand colored lithograph...
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A REPUBLIC OF TEXAS MAP, "MEXICO," JOHNARROWSMITH, LON...A REPUBLIC OF TEXAS MAP, "Mexico," JOHN ARROWSMITH, LONDON, CIRCA 1842, hand colored engraving on paper, plate 44, by John Arrowsmith(1790-1873), a page...
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AN ANTIQUE EARLY REPUBLIC OF TEXAS MAP,"NEW MAP OF TEX... "New Map of Texas with the Contiguous American & Mexican States," PHILADELPHIA, 1836, hand-colored lithograph on paper, first edition-second issue, engraved...
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AN ANTIQUE LATE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS MAP,"NEW MAP OF TEXA... "New Map of Texas with the Contiguous American & Mexican States," PHILADELPHIA, 1845, engraved by J.H. Young, published by S. Augustus Mitchell, "Sold...
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A LATE MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR ERA MAP,"MAPA DE LOS ESTAD... "Mapa de los Estados Unidos de Mejico, Revised Edition," JOHN DISTURNELL, NEW YORK,1848-1850, hand colored copper plate engraving on paper, the Gulf...
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JOHN TALLIS (1817-1876) A 'GOLD RUSH'MAP, "MEXICO, CAL... MAP, "Mexico, California and Texas," LONDON, EDINBURGH AND DUBLIN, CIRCA 1851, hand-colored lithograph on paper, "The Illustrations by H. Warren & Engraved...
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CHARLES V. MONIN (ACTIVE 1830-1880)A REPUBLIC OF TEXAS...CHARLES V. MONIN (Active 1830-1880) A REPUBLIC OF TEXAS MAP, "Amerique Septentrionale," CIRCA 1839, hand-colored engraving on watermarked wove paper,...
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CLAVIGERO, FRANCESCO SAVERIO, HISTORYOF MEXICOClavigero, Francesco Saverio (Trans. Charles Cullen) , The History of Mexico. Collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians...Land, the Animals, and Inhabitants of...
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ESTATE TRAY LOT OF MEXICAN STERLINGJEWELRY: To include Los Castillo Mosaico Azteca bracelet links inlaid with abalone approx. 7''l. 1.2 troy oz; Saul sterling and carved tiger eye bird necklace 19'' 1.4 troy...
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George Wilkins Kendall (1809-1867) andCarl Nebel (1805-1855) The War between the United States and Mexico illustrated embracing pictorial drawings of all principal conflicts... 1851 Appleton & Co. New York and...
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Colton's 1849 Map of the U.S. ShowingCalifornia Gold Fields Approx. 34 x 42 in. (sight) map dissected and mounted on linen. Hand-colored with inset map of the Atlantic Ocean with a number of ships traversing...
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