MARY TILLMAN SMITH, OIL ON TIN PAINTINGMaryTillman Smith (Mississippi, 1904-1994) oil on tin folk art painting in shades of yellow, red, and black. Unsigned. Mounted on a contemporary wooden frame. Sight - 36 3/4"...
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CUZCO SCHOOL OIL ON TIN VIRGIN MARYPAINTING"Miraculous Virgin Mary", circa 19th century oil on tin painting depicting St. Juan Diego reveling the miraculous image of the Virgin De Guadalupe on his tilma (cloak)....
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St. Joseph and the Christ Child, oil on tin, with painted nicho punched frame, 12-5/8 x 7-1/2 x 1 in.; Virgin, oil on tin with nicho frame with reverse painted...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, SOUL OF MARY, MEXICOUnframedoil on tin retablo, Mexico, Alma de Maria (Soul of Mary), depicting the Virgin Mary in a blue mantle over a white gown, with crown of white flowers, holding branches of roses,...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, OUR LADY OF SORROWS,MEXICOFramed oil on tin retablo, Mexico, Nuestra Senora de los Dolores (Our Lady of Sorrows), depicting the Virgin Mary in dark blue mantle, radiating halo with rays of light...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, THE HOLY FAMILY,MEXICOFramed oil on tin retablo, Mexico, La Sagrada Familia (The Holy Family), inscribed lower left, depicting the Virgin Mary in a blue mantle over a red gown, the Holy Spirit...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, LA PIEDAD PIETA,MEXICOFramed oil on tin retablo, Mexico, La Piedad (Pieta), the Virgin Mary cradling the Crucified Jesus, a sword piercing her breast, accompanied by another female figure,...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE,MEXICOUnframed oil on tin retablo, Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (Our Lady of Guadalupe), Mexico, 19th c., depicting the miracle of the tilma, the Virgin Mary in a blue mantle...
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FRAMED OIL ON TIN RETABLO, THE HOLYFAMILY, MEXICOFramed oil on tin retablo, Mexico, La Sagrada Familia (The Holy Family), depicting the Virgin Mary in a blue mantle over a white gown, the Holy Spirit above...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, OUR LADY OF SORROWS,MEXICOFramed oil on tin retablo, Mexico, Nuestra Senora de los Dolores (Our Lady of Sorrows), depicting the Virgin Mary in a blue cloak, a dagger piercing her heart, hands...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, LA PIEDAD PIETA,MEXICOFramed oil on tin retablo, Mexico, La Piedad (Pieta), depicting the Virgin Mary holding the Crucified Jesus, a blade piercing her heart, set in a nocturnal landscape...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, THE CRUCIFIXION,19TH C.Unframed oil on tin retablo, The Crucifixion, depicting Jesus on the cross, flanked by John the Evangelist holding a chalice and the Virgin Mary, signed lower center...
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FRAMED OIL ON TIN RETABLO, OUR LADYOF SOLITUDEFramed oil on tin ex-voto retablo, La Soledad (Our Lady of Solitude), Mexico, the Virgin Mary standing on an altar, rising above devotional text, sight: approx...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, LADY OF MT CARMEL,ANIMA SOLAUnframed oil on tin retablo, Nuestra Senora del Monte Carmelo (Our Lady of Mount Carmel), Bolivia, the Virgin Mary holding the Christ child and scapulars, flanked...
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FRAMED OIL ON TIN RETABLOS NONNATUSVIRGIN MARYFramed oil on tin retablos, three retablos housed in a single frame, including: (1) San Ramon Nonato (Saint Raymond Nonnatus), (1) Alma de Maria (Soul of Mary),...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, ALMA DE MARIA (SOULOF MARY)Unframed oil on tin retablo, Alma de Maria (Soul of Mary), late 19th/ early 20th c., depicting the Virgin Mary with a dove and flowers, approx 14"h, 10"w, 0.1lbs **Provenance:...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, ALMA DE MARIA (SOULOF MARY)Framed oil on tin retablo, Alma de Maria (Soul of Mary), late 19th/ early 20th c., depicting the Virgin Mary with a halo, in a blue mantle over a white gown, holding...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, ALMA DE MARIA (SOULOF MARY)Unframed oil on tin retablo, Alma de Maria (Soul of Mary), late 19th/ early 20th c., depicting the Virgin Mary in a blue mantle over a white gown, wearing a crown...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, ALMA DE MARIA (SOULOF MARY)Unframed oil on tin retablo, Alma de Maria (Soul of Mary), late 19th/ early 20th c., depicting the Virgin Mary in a blue mantle over a white gown, wearing a crown...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, ALMA DE MARIA (SOULOF MARY)Unframed oil on tin retablo, Alma de Maria (Soul of Mary), late 19th/ early 20th c., depicting Mary in blue gown, with the Holy Spirit as a dove at her breast, approx...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, THE OMNIPOTENT HANDOF CHRISTUnframed oil on tin retablo, La Omnipotente Mano Poderosa/ Las Cinco Personas (The Omnipotent Powerful Hand/ Five Persons), late 19th/ early 20th c., depicting the...
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(3) OIL ON TIN RETABLOS, OUR LADY OFSORROWS(lot of 3) Oil on tin retablos, Nuestra Senora de los Dolores (Our Lady of Sorrows), late 19th/ early 20th c., depicting the Virgin Mary dressed in a blue mantle, a...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO, OUR LADY OF SORROWSUnframedoil on tin retablo, Nuestra Senora de los Dolores (Our Lady of Sorrows), late 19th/ early 20th c., depicting the Virgin Mary, a sword piercing her heart, background with the...
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FRAMED OIL ON TIN RETABLO, OUR LADYOF REFUGEFramed oil on tin retablo, Nuestra Senora del Refugio (Our Lady of Refuge), late 19th/ early 20th c., the Virgin Mary and Christ Child enthroned above clouds, encircled...
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FRAMED OIL ON TIN RETABLO, OUR LADYOF SORROWSFramed oil on tin retablo, Nuestra Senora de los Dolores (Our Lady of Sorrows), Mexico, late 19th/ early 20th c., depicting the Virgin Mary, a dagger piercing her...
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TWO SPANISH COLONIAL DEVOTIONAL PAINTINGS,19TH CENTURY OR EARLIER The first an oil and gold leaf on tin depicting the Virgin Mary flanked by symbols of her immaculacy, including the spotless mirror, lilies, roses,...
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A MEXICAN RETABLO AND EX-VOTO The firstis 19th century, oil on tin, depicting the Virgin Mary and inscribed "N.S. De la Cueva Santa / Especial Abogada para una buena / Confesion," mounted and framed under glass...
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RETABLO, THE SACRED HEART OF MARY, OILON TIN 19th c., Spanish Colonial School, depicting Mary holding roses and lilies, 9.5"h x 6.5"w (sight), 11.75"h x 8.75"w (frame)...
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FRAMED OIL ON TIN RETABLO, LA PIEDADPIETAFramed oil on tin retablo, La Piedad (Pieta), the Virgin Mary cradling the Crucified Jesus, a sword piercing her breast, sight: 9.5"h, 7.5"w, overall: 15"h, 13"w, 2.25lbs...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO 'OUR LADY OF SORROWS'Oilon tin retablo, Nuestra Senora de los Dolores (Our Lady of Sorrows), depicting the Virgin Mary, a dagger piercing her heart, Veronica's Veil alongside the Arma Christi/ Instruments...
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FRAMED OIL ON TIN RETABLO OUR LADY OFSORROWSFramed oil on tin retablo, Nuestra Senora de los Dolores (Our Lady of Sorrows), depicting the Virgin Mary, a dagger piercing her heart, alongside the Arma Christi/...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO NUESTRA SENORA DELREFUGIOUnframed oil on tin retablo, Nuestra Senora del Refugio (Our Lady of Refuge), depicting the Virgin Mary and Christ Child enthroned above clouds, approx 14"h, 10"w,...
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OIL ON TIN RETABLO THE HOLY TRINITY& VIRGIN MARYUnframed oil on tin retablo, La Santisima Trinidad/ La Coronacion de la Virgen (Holy Trinity/ Coronation of the Virgin Mary), approx 13"h, 8.5"w, 0.5lbs...
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(2) FRAMED OIL ON TIN RETABLOS ARCANGELSAN RAFAEL(lot of 2) Framed oil on tin retablos, including: (1) Nuestra Senora del Refugio (Our Lady of Refuge), depicting the Virgin Mary and Christ Child enthroned above...
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AN ANTIQUE MEXICAN RETABLO AND A VINTAGEEX VOTO PAINTING The first a retablo depicting a male saint holding a crucifix and a palm frond, oil on tin mounted to two old boards and presented within an ebonized frame...
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