An oval sauce tureen and cover on fixed stand
A circular sauce tureen and cover
A small pail...
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A tureen and cover
Two vegetable dishes and covers
A circular vegetable...
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Ten octagonal dinner plates
Fourteen soup plates
Four breakfast bowls
Two leaf shaped dishes
Two square...
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Seventy-Two-Piece Collection of Dinnerware,consisting of a thirty-nine-piece Bayreuther, Bavaria, porcelain partial dinner service for twelve persons in the 18th-century Meissen taste, comprised of nine dinner plates,...
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(LOT OF APPROX 93) MEISSEN PORCELAINASSEMBLED DINNER SERVICE (Lot of approx 93) Meissen porcelain assembled dinner service with gilt cobalt border and floral sprays, each with underglaze blue crossed swords,...
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MEISSEN BLUE ONION PORCELAIN, 93 PCS.Largeassembled collection of Meissen Blue Onion pattern porcelain dinnerware, mostly 20th century with blue sword mark and green Germany stamp, consisting of 12 dinner plates (ten...
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A MEISSEN SCATTERED FLOWERS PART DINNERSERVICEA Meissen porcelain part dinner service in the Scattered Flowers pattern late 19th/early 20th century Comprising thirty 9 3/4in dinner plates; sixteen 9 1/8in soup...
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MEISSEN PORCELAIN B/W PARTIAL DINNERSERVICEin the Onion pattern comprising thirty-seven plates (five with gilt rims, one plate slightly larger), twenty-four soup bowls (one with gilt rim), twelve salad plates,...
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3 PIECE PORCELAIN INCLUDING MEISSENCHEESE DISH: Comprising; 1- Austrian handled serving bowl, 1- Dresden vegetable bowl, & 1- Meissen covered butter dish, marked with crossed swords at underside. Largest Approx....
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(25) MEISSEN GILT BLUE FLOWER COFFEESERVICE(lot of 25) Meissen porcelain coffee service, having gilt trim, depicting flowers and insects in blue glaze, including: (9) demitasse cups with (6) demitasse saucers,...
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A Meissen Blue Onion Porcelain DinnerService
19th/20th Century
14 dinner plates
11 luncheon plates
15 dessert plates
12 salad plates
13 fruit bowls
12 tea cups
12 soup bowls
11 finger bowls
5 oval...
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A Meissen Porcelain Tête-à-Tête
Late19th Century
comprising a coffee pot, creamer, covered sugar, two teacups and saucers and a serving tray, each with seconds crossed swords in underglaze blue to the underside.
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BLUE AND WHITE MEISSEN COLLECTION OFTHREE PIECES Porcelain anniversary wine jug, Meissen, the 200th Birthday of the Meissen Porcelain Manufactory 1710-1910, white porcelain painted blue with Meissner Saxon...
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76 PIECES MEISSEN BLUE ONION PORCELAINDINNERWARE76 pieces Meissen Blue Onion pattern porcelain dinnerware. All with crossed swords marks. 11 dinner plates, 2 dinner plates with gilt rims, 2 bread & butter plates,...
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MEISSEN PORCELAIN SET OF 12 TEACUPSAND OTHER ITEMS AND OTHER ITEMS, including 5 serving pieces and an associated Meissen tazza with pierced border and covered sugar bowl, underglaze blue crossed swords mark,...
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MEISSEN PORCELAIN PART DINNER SERVICEMEISSENPORCELAIN PART DINNER SERVICE, underglaze blue crossed swords marks under bases, with scattered polychrome flowerheads and gilt borders, including an oval tureen and cover;...
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A Meissen Porcelain Dinner Service
17 dinner plates
12 luncheon plates
12 soup bowls
17 bread plates, with 5 additional bread plates of a smaller size
12 cups and saucers (24)
2 dessert...
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A Meissen Green Vine Porcelain DinnerService
14 dinner plates
11 luncheon plates
17 soup bowls
4 dessert plates
3 bread plates
10 teacups
9 saucers
1 covered teapot
2 covered sugars
2 creamers
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7 PIECE LOT OF MEISSEN PORCELAIN 7 piecelot of onion pattern Meissen porcelain with blue cross swords under glaze on reverse consisting of a covered tureen 6"H 11"W 8.5"D, an oval platter 13.5", serving bowl 9.25",...
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A Set of Meissen Porcelain Plates
19thCentury and Later
comprising eighteen salad plates and a serving tray bearing crossed swords in underglaze blue to the underside, together with nine coffee cups, three teacups,...
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A Meissen Porcelain Covered ServingDish
20th Century
bearing crossed swords in underglaze blue with four incised lines and impressed marks to the underside.
Height 8 x width 13 3/8 inches....
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A Collection of Continental and EnglishPorcelain Articles
comprising two G. L. Ashworth Bros. Ironstone plates; three plates marked Mintons Denmark to the underside; two soup bowls marked Manufactured for Hudson...
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GROUP OF MEISSEN PORCELAIN: Reticulatedcenter bowl 8'' dia. 3'' tall. Two porcelain serving spoons 8'' length. Covered cup and saucer with flower finial and panels of romantic scenes. All marked with the blue cross...
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MEISSEN PORCELAIN COVERED SERVING DISH.H: 6'' W: 14.5'' D: 10'' Condition: No Specific Condition Recorded - Sold As Is...
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Meissen porcelain 107-piece partialassembled dinner service in the ''Blue Onion'' pattern comprising: 16 dinner plates 8 luncheon plates 9 dessert plates 7 bread plates 8 cups and saucers 6 crescent-shaped...
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Meissen Blue Onion pattern porcelainpartial service consisting of: 18 plates Dia.9 1/2'' 10 plates Dia.6 5/8'' 8 leaf-shaped dishes L5 3/4'' 12 leaf-shaped bowls L5'' 14 cups with 10 saucers covered sugar and...
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FOUR ROYAL COPENHAGEN ''BLUE FLOWER''PATTERN COVERED BOUILLON CUPS printed mark underglaze wave mark each with ozier patterned borders and blue acorn finials h: 5.5 in dia: 4.25 in.; together with a Royal Copenhagen...
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An Extensive Meissen Porcelain "ScatteredFlowers" Pattern Dinner Service 20th c. comprising a large oval covered tureen a round lidded vegetable 2 square serving bowls 2 round serving dishes 3 round graduated platters...
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Forty-Six-Piece Meissen Porcelain PartialDinner Service, for twelve persons, fourth quarter 19th/first quarter 20th century, in "Blue Onion" decor, the partial service comprised of eight dinner plates, dia. 11",...
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Interesting Nine-Piece Collection ofMeissen Porcelain, first quarter 20th century, all serving pieces in the "Blue Onion" pattern, comprised of an elliptical fish platter with mazarine, h. 2", w. 11-1/2", l....
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Assembled Sixty-One-Piece Meissen PorcelainPartial Dinner Service, for twelve persons, by Bloch and Company, Eichwald, or Ernst Teichert, Meissen, in "Blue Onion" decor, comprised of five dinner plates, dia. 9-1/2",...
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Five-Piece Porcelain Soup-Serving Group,consisting of a Schlaggenwald (Haas and Czjzck) floral-polychromed and parcel-gilt porcelain covered two-handled soup tureen and stand in the "Old Meissen" style, second quarter...
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*A Meissen Porcelain Partial DinnerService in the Chinese Butterfly Pattern comprising a coffee pot a teapot a creamer a covered sugar two oval platters two square serving bowls a circular serving bowl a circular...
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A Meissen Porcelain Partial Dinner Servicein the Chinese Butterfly pattern comprising a coffee pot a teapot a creamer a covered sugar two oval platters two square serving bowls a circular serving bowl a circular platter...
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FIVE PIECES MEISSEN PORCELAIN. Including''Blue Orchid'' plate and covered dish ''Indian'' luncheon plate ''Indian Painting-Red'' serving platter ''Blue Flower'' plate with reticulated border - 15 3/4 in. long platter....
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93-PIECE MEISSEN PORCELAIN DINNER SERVICE.''Blue Onion'' pattern; 20th century; underglaze blue crossed swords mark. Including 20 dinner plates 16 salad plates 13 demitasse cups with 14 saucers two dessert bowls two...
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