- Paul Stankard. paperweights, set of
two. 1980, 82, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 1¾ h × 3 dia in. estimate: $1,000–1,500. Works feature foxgloves, a honey bee, and a root person. Blue paperweight...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. paperweights, set of
two. 1982, 84, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2 h × 3 dia in. result: $2,250. estimate: $1,000–1,500. Paperweights feature waterlilies and budding roses and each...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Paperweight. 1975, lampworked
glass, polished clear glass. 1¾ h × 2¾ dia in. result: $563. estimate: $800–1,200. Paperweight features orchids. Signed in murrina near base ‘S’ with etched date...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Rose Hips. 1993, lampworked
glass, polished clear glass. 2¼ h × 3 dia in. result: $2,000. estimate: $1,000–1,500. Paperweight features rosehips, blossoms, root person, and bee. Signed and dated in...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Collection of six paperweights.
1977-86, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2¼ h × 3¼ dia in. result: $4,375. estimate: $3,000–5,000. Each example signed in murrina near base ‘S’ with etched...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Paperweights, set of
four. 1974-1977, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2 h × 2¾ dia in. estimate: $1,500–2,500. Lot is comprised of one Experimental and three Botanical paperweights,...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical paperweights,
collection of five. 1981-1985, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2 h × 3 dia in. result: $2,125. estimate: $2,000–3,000. Paperweights feature a bee and a variety...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Paperweights, set of
three. 1975, 1979, 2008, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 1¾ h × 3 dia in. result: $1,170. estimate: $1,000–1,500. Paperweights feature orchids, a root person,...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical paperweights,
set of three. 1996, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2¼ h × 3¼ dia in. result: $4,375. estimate: $3,000–5,000. Paperweights feature a dragonfly, bees, root people,...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard and Jim D'Onofrio. Botanical
paperweights, set of two. 1986/1987, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2 h × 3¼ dia in. result: $2,000. estimate: $2,000–3,000. Paperweights feature squash, root...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical orb. c. 2005,
lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 3½ dia in. result: $4,000. estimate: $2,000–3,000. Paperweight features orchids. Signed in murrina ‘P Stankard’. Provenance:...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Large Botanical orb.
c. 2005, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 5¼ dia in. result: $6,250. estimate: $5,000–7,000. Paperweight features trumpet flowers, blueberries, bee, root person...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical paperweights,
set of three. 1972-78, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2¼ h × 2¾ dia in. result: $1,625. estimate: $2,000–3,000. Signed in murrina to each example, one etched...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Experimental Orchid Bouquet
paperweight. 1981, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2¼ h × 3 dia in. result: $3,250. estimate: $1,200–1,800. Paperweight features variety of lady slipper orchids....
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical paperweights,
set of four. 1997, 1985, 1990, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2¼ h × 3 dia in. result: $3,750. estimate: $2,500–3,500. Etched signature and date to each example....
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical paperweight.
2008, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 3¾ dia in. result: $4,750. estimate: $2,000–3,000. Paperweight features orchid, blueberries, red berries, and a variety of...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Large Botanical orb.
2008, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 5½ dia in. result: $7,205. estimate: $5,000–7,000. Paperweight features bees, blueberries, and a variety of flowers. Signed...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical orb. 2011,
lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 3¾ dia in. result: $5,670. estimate: $2,500–3,500. Paperweight features a bee, blueberries, and a variety of flowers. Signed and...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Paperweights, set of
three. 1973, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 1¾ h × 2 dia in. result: $882. estimate: $1,000–1,500. Paperweights feature a variety of flowers, one with berries....
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical paperweights,
set of two. 2001, 2005, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2¾ h × 3¼ dia in. result: $4,410. estimate: $2,000–3,000. Paperweights feature ants, orchids, bee, gilt...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical paperweight.
1993, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2¼ h × 3 dia in. result: $4,032. estimate: $1,000–1,500. Paperweight features wild rose, rosehips, bee and honeycomb. Signed...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Collection of four works.
1979-99, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2 h × 2½ w × 2? d in. result: $7,860. estimate: $3,000–4,000. Paperweights feature a beetle, berries, flowers, bees,...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical orb. 2009,
lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 3¾ dia in. result: $10,080. estimate: $2,500–3,500. Paperweight features bees, an insect, blueberries, and a variety of flowers....
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical paperweight.
2003, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2½ h × 3 dia in. result: $4,788. estimate: $1,000–1,500. Paperweight features wild roses, rose hips, white flowers, and an...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical paperweight.
2000, lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 2½ h × 3¼ dia in. result: $2,268. estimate: $1,000–1,500. Paperweight features orchids, buds, insects, a root person, and...
[more like this] - Paul Stankard. Botanical orb. 2012,
lampworked glass, polished clear glass. 4 h × 3¾ dia in. result: $4,788. estimate: $2,500–3,500. Paperweight features flowers and buds, a bee, and word murrina 'Seeds'....
I FIORI DI MU...A pattern of millefiori canes of colors, sizes and shapes. Murrina Veneziana. Storycard and pouch.
The Venetian Murrina Paperweight created by the glass makers...
I FIORI DI MURANOA beautiful pattern of millefiori canes all sizes and shapes. Murrina Veneziana. Hand created by the Murano Glass Artisans. Murano, Italy. Storycard.
[more like this] - Paul Stankard
(American, b. 1943)
of Three Root People Botanical Paperweight Works, 1994-97
lampworked glass, polished clear glass
signed in murrina ‘PS 95’ and etched 'Paul J. Stankard H9 '95'
SWEDISH GLASS, FOUR SIGNED, MOST WITH LATTICINO OR MILLEFIORI DECORATION, 20TH C., INCLUDING: SW...ART GLASS: Ten pieces of Italian or Swedish glass, four signed, most with...
[more like this] - Twenty-one Murano latticino, zanfirico,
and murrine art glass bowls, paperweights, and angels. The two paperweights with polychrome murrina. Three with paper labels, red and green angel with Gump's label. Tallest:...
[more like this] - La Murrina Moretti for Ercole Moretti
glass plate, 1990. Cane signature to plate. Also along with a Murano murrine paperweight and a dish. 7 1/2"Diam....
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