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Marble Bust of Joan of Arc
Estimate: $400 - $600...
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Marble Bust of Joan of Arc
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MARBLE BUST, YOUNG JOAN OF ARC, FLEURDE LIS PENDANT.Marble Bust of Young Joan of Arc. with Fleur de lis pendant. Retains marble base and original fitted green marble pedestal with bronze decoration. Marble with...
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GIUSEPPE BESSI (D.1922) ALABASTER JOANOF ARC BUSTItalian carved multi-color alabaster bust, Jeanne D'Arc, signed Prof Besji (Professor Giuseppe Bessi (Besji), Italy, 1857-1922), on an oval marble base, on base:...
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JOAN OF ARC ITALIAN MARBLE BUST AFTERGIOVANNI BESSIAn early 20th century marble and alabaster carving of Joan of Arc, after Giovanni Bessi(Italian, 1857-1922). Incised "J. D'ARC" to the front base, and incised...
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A CLASSICAL STYLE MARBLE BUST A Classicalstyle marble bust, depicting Joan of Arc, wearing patinated armor flanked with lion head shoulders, and rising on a confirming stand, unmarked: 27"h...
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GIUSTO VITI (ITALIAN, 19TH CENTURY),ALABASTER AND MARBLE BUST OF JOAN OF ARC Inscribed signature to verso, mounted on an engraved hexagonal alabaster plinth, depicting a nicely rendered youthful Joan without...
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CARVED MARBLE AND ALABASTER BUSTCARVEDMARBLE AND ALABASTER BUST, depicting Joan of Arc, incised title on rectangular base Jeanne D'Arc. Dimensions: 9.25"H x 9.25" x 7.75"....
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TWO ITALIAN MARBLE/ALABASTER SCULPTURES:JOAN OF Joan of Arc bust by E. (Prof.) Montoni, artist signed, 13.75"H; alabaster lady seated on marble bench, unsigned, 16"H x 11.5"W....
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E. GUERRIERI (20TH C.) MARBLE AND ALABASTERSCULPTUREE. Guerrieri (Italian, Active Early 20th Century)Joan of Arc (Early 1900s.)The fine example displays a nicer shine and contrast of color than is typically seen in...
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Marble Bust of Joan of Arc
Estimate: $400 - $600...
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