ONASIAN WORKS OF ART ????????????????????????????????????????including art reference books for jade, works or art, archaeology, musuem and exhibition catalogues, in total 46...
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Biblia Sacra, Parishs, 1865
Les Fleurs du Mal by Baudelaire, Librairie Alphonse Lemerre, Paris
Recovery of Jerusalem by Edward Fairfax,...
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EASTON PRESS PRESIDENTS LEATHER BOUND69 VOLUMES 69 Leather Bound Easton Press Volumes, dealing with Presidents / Presidential Politics, to include: The Works of John Adams (2 vols), James K. Polk (2 vols), James...
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(44) 19TH CENTURY HALF BOUND LEATHERBOOKS Concerning the lives and work of Greek and Roman poets, historians, philosophers, and leaders. Various translators. London: A.J. Valpy, M.A., and Henry Colburn and Richard...
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COMPLETE WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS, 30ANTIQUE VOLUMESThe Works of Charles Dickens, published by Colonial Press (Boston), ca. 1910. The complete set, comprised of 30 octavo-size volumes (8.5 x 6 inch covers), bound...
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ONE SHELF OF LITERATURE CLASSICS ANDBOOK SETS One shelf of literature classics and book sets, including a set of Britannica Great Books, "Balzac's Works" Vols. III and XIV, etc....
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TWO SHELVES OF BOOKS Two shelves ofbooks, including "Balzac's Works," Vol. I and II, a set of Britannica Breat Books, etc....
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THREE SHELVES OF LEATHER BOUND FICTION:(47) FRANKLIN MINT CLASSICS TOGETHER WITH 6 VOL TOLSTOI WORKS WITH DARK GREEN END BOARDS; (5... Three shelves of leather bound fiction: (47) Franklin Mint classics together...
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A GROUP OF FIFTY-THREE ANTIQUE HISTORYBOOK TITLES, NAP... BOOK TITLES, NAPOLEONIC, SCIENCE AND ENGLISH INTEREST, 1751-1902, comprising, "History of England," a set of twelve vols., Froude, London, 1870; "Hudibras,"...
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HARVARD CLASSICS ALUMNI EDITIONSet ofHarvard Classics. Alumni Edition, set no. 434. Edited by Charles W. Elliot, LLD. Published by P. F. Collier & Son, New York, 1910. Titles include ìThe Autobiography of Benjamin...
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(8) VOLS, 19TH CENTURY LEATHER BINDINGSIncludes: 1) The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. Williams, 1842, vols. I and II bound as one; 2) and 3) Library of Entertaining Knowledge: Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles....
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[LEATHER BINDINGS]. A group of 12 worksin 20 volumes, in 19th and 20th-century leather bindings, including:
JOWETT, B. The Politics of Aristotle. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1885. 2 vols. -- MILTON, John. Poetical...
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COLLECTION OF LEATHER-BOUND BOOKScomprising"The Works of George Eliot", Cabinet Edition, William Blackwood, Edinburgh and London, 1885: Volumes 1 - 21 (7 1/4 x 4 3/4 inches); Charles C.F. Greville, "The Greville Memoirs",...
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[ENGLISH LITERATURE AND HISTORY], 25VOLUMES, INCLUDING: SKEAT, SAINTSBURY, CHURCHILL, CHURCH, COWAN, AND OTHERS[English Literature and History], 25 vols., most 4to, including: 7 vols., Walter W. Skeat, The...
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THE WORKS OF HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW,6 VOLSThe Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow , 6 vols in total, Poetical Works in 4 vols, 1881, Prose Works in 2 vols, 1882, published by Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., 8" x 5...
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Shakespeare’s Works, Vol. I & II,edited Mary Cowden Clarke, published by D. Appleton and Co. 1866 and 1871, in gilt decorated leather bindings. Condition: minor wear to edges on bindings CT Transfer Fee $10...
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GROUP OF LEATHERBOUND SETS, (20) VOLS.Includes: James Prior. The Life and Miscellaneous works of Oliver Goldsmith. John Murray, 1837, (6) vols.; The Complete Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. James R. Osgood,...
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(12 VOLS) 'THE WORKS OF SAMUEL RICHARDSON,'1883(12 vols) "The Works of Samuel Richardson," by Samuel Richardson (English, 1689-1761), each with leather spine, gilt embossed lettering and gilt page ends, numbered 636/750,...
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27 VOLS) LIBRARY BOOKS, MACAULAY, BINGHAM,MARRYAT(27 vols) Leather and quarter-leather bound English library shelf books, all with gilt lettering to binding, including: (10 vols) "The Life and Works of Lord Macaulay,"...
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20) SHELF BOOKS: SIR WALTER SCOTT &SAMUEL JOHNSON(lot of 20) Library shelf books: Literature subjects, all with leather spine, gilt embossed lettering, including: (11) by Sir Walter Scott (Scottish, 1771-1832),...
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21 VOLS) WORKS BY SIR WALTER SCOTT,FIRST EDITIONS(lot of 21) Works by Sir Walter Scott (Scotland, 1771-1832), printed by James Ballantyne and Company, Edinburgh, all quarter leather bound, and gilt lettering,...
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[LITERATURE]. A group of 28 works ofart, history, and literature, including:
DRYDEN, John. The Works. NY: Croscup & Sterling Company, n.d. 10 volumes (of 18, vols., lacking vols. I-II of Drama, vols. I-II of...
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SZARKOWSKI AND HAMBOURG. THE WORK OFATGET. FOUR VOLUMES ATGET. FOUR VOLUMES, [Art] Szarkowski, John and Hambourg, Maria Morris. The Work of Atget. New York: The Museum of Modern Art. Folio. Vol. 1 Old France,...
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Marryat (Capt F) Works, 9 vols., 8vo.,cont. half blue stained calf (worn), 1874...
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(21) VOLS: WORKS OF WASHINGTON IRVING,1860 The Works of Washington Irving, G. P. Putnam, New York, 1860-1864, vols. 6-26 including The Life of Washington (5 vols) and Mahomet (2 vols), and Life and Letters of...
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CLARENCE H. WHITE (AMERICAN, 1871 -1925) WITH ALFRED STIEGLITZ (AMERICAN, 1864 - 1946) 8 ½" x 6" photogravure; 12" x 8 ½" paper mount "The Arbor" from "Camera Work", Vol. 23, July 1908. Photogravure tipped...
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Leatherbound books: poetry and satireSwift Jonathan. MISCELLANIES. Vols I-XI. London: Charles Bathurst 1751. H7''; Swift Jonathan [Lemuel Gulliver]. TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL REMOTE NATIONS OF THE WORLD. London: Charles...
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(COLLECTED WORKS) A group of five setsof collected works in fine leather binding comprising the Memoirs of Casanova (S.l.: Privately Printed 1894) 12 vols. The Essays of Macaulay (Boston and New York: Houghton...
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(COLLECTED WORKS) A group of four setsof works in 26 volumes bound in leather. The Complete Works of Charles Dickens. New York and London: Harper & Brothers n.d. 15 vols. 8vo 3/4 red morocco over marbled boards....
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THE WORKS OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FirstEdition Philadelphia 1818-Manning Vol. 1 Diplomatic Correspondence Vol. ll William Duane The Works...Vols. lll lV V and Vl 1809 William Duane; 8 1/2 x 5 3/4 in. contemporary...
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Lot. Lea, Isa Observation on The GenusUnio. Philadelphia [1842]-[1874]. Vols. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, index to vols. 1-13, vol. 3 only; A Synopsis of The Family Unionidae, Philadelphia, 1870. 4to, printed...
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11 vols. English Drama - 18th-CenturyImprints: Cibber, Colley. The Dramatick Works of... London: W. Feales, 1736. 5 vols. 12mo, contemp. gilt-paneled mottled calf; rubbed & blistered, re-backed in 19th-Century...
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Books: Fine art furniture decorativearts and travel guides Bernier Rosamond. MATISSE PICASSO MIRO: AS I KNEW THEM. New York: Alfred A. Knopf 1991. Bridgman George B. BRIDGMAN'S LIFE-DRAWING. London: John Lane...
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6 vols. Boyle, Robert: The PhilosophicalWorks. London: for W.J. Innys, and J. Osborn, and T. Longman, 1725. 3 vols. 4to, contemp. paneled calf; worn & rubbed, covers detached, bdgs. broken. Scattered internal foxing...
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Fine leatherbound books: various titlesHolmes Oliver Wendell. THE POETICAL WORKS OF OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. 3 vols. Boston: Houghton Mifflin and Co. 1891. Dumas Alexander. THE COUNT OF MONTE-CRISTO. 2 vols. New...
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JOHN LA FARGE (american 1835-1910)"A BOY AND HIS DOG (DICKEY HUNT)" Oil on paperboard laid on canvas 40 x 34 in. (101.6 x 86.4cm) provenance: Albert Stickney, New York, 1884(?)-1908. Mrs. Albert Stickney,...
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