ANTIQUE CAMEL GUNAntique Middle Easterninlaid camel long gun, 55 inches, 58 caliber flintlock circa early 1800's....
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MIDDLE EASTERN FLINTLOCK LONG RIFLE,BEADED TACKS AND J...Middle Eastern Flintlock long rifle, beaded tacks and jeweled stock.
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of lots can vary widely and...
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An 18th Century Eastern flintlock pistolwith engraved barrel and gilt seal marks, the lock side plate engraved with hound and scrolls and with engraved trigger guard, ramrod and cap end to the carved walnut stock,...
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Antique Middle Eastern Flintlock Pistol-17''...
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THREE MIDDLE EASTERN GUNS 19TH CENTURYTHREEMIDDLE EASTERN GUNS, 19th Century, Two flintlock pistols, lengths 19.5" and 20", and a long gun, length 66"....
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NEAR EASTERN JEZAIL FLINTLOCK MUSKET19th century, 49-1/2 in. smoothbore barrel slightly flared at muzzle, a proof stamped at rear, full wooden stock sheathed in decorative metals forward of the lockplate, wooden...
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THREE DECORATIVE WEAPONS Includes twoMiddle Eastern style edged weapons, and a reproduction Hawkins Flintlock pistol....
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MIDDLE-EASTERN "JEZAIL" FLINTLOCK MUSKETMiddle-Eastern"Jezail" Flintlock Musket , 19th c., metal-inlaid full stock, engraved butt, barrel l. 44 1/2 in., total l. 59 in...
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MIDDLE EASTERN FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS19TH CENTURY LENGTH OF BLUNDERBUSS BARREL 11”. TOTAL LENGTH 20”., 19th Century, Together with a heavily carved wooden powder flask, length 7.5". Dimensions: Length of...
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MIDDLE EASTERN FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS19TH CENTURY LENGTH OF BARREL 7”. TOTAL LENGTH 15.5”., 19th Century, Part-octagonal, part-round barrel. Heavily carved stock. Dimensions: Length of barrel 7". Total...
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MIDDLE EASTERN STYLE FLINTLOCK CARBINE17 3/4" barrel, approx. 30" overall; two possible faint maker's mark atop barrel at lock; heavily engraved metal mounts; hammer holds in two positions...
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EASTERN FLINTLOCK BLUNDERBUSS. Fourthquarter 19th century. Full stock with mother of pearl inlay. Lock is stamped with lion and "1875". Overall wear and some loss to inlay. 37"l....
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AN EARLY MIDDLE EASTERN FLINTLOCK RIFLEWITH BONEand brass inlay. An incised camel scrotum powder flask and early primer flask. Rifle is in as-found condition with corrosion to lock and barrel. 50 1/2" long. Primer...
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INLAID TURKISH / MIDDLE EASTERN FLINTLOCKPISTOL: 19th century ornate stock with silver wire inlay in sunburst panels carved butt in form of serpent with bone horns and red glass eyes. Engraved lock plate embossed...
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Middle Eastern snaphaunce flintlockpistol with matching dagger 19th century: 1) pistol with carved inlaid bone stock with brass and stone mounts; part-octagon cannon-style barrel 13 in. L.; 22 in. L. overall;...
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TWO FLINTLOCK PISTOLS AND POWDER HORN.European 18th century. Similar pistols with wire inlay and brass trim with a tooled barrel. Probably made for the Middle Eastern market. Imperfections. 16''l. Plus a small...
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Mid-Eastern Flintlock Pistol .610 borediameter 12" round barrel. Brass furniture silver wire inlay. Condition: Part of the stock is missing....
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PISTOL - Middle Eastern flintlock pistolearly long barrel pistol with ornate engraved base of barrel simple wrapped barrel band crude lock with single stamp 20'' long overall 14 1/2'' long barrel....
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Miquelet Middle-Eastern flintlock rifle;brass ferrules, mother of pearl and brass trim, and metal ram. 49"L. Good condition, normal wear....
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FLINTLOCK PISTOL. European early 19thcentury. Made for the Middle Eastern market. Ornately detailed mahogany grip and stock round barrel with added white metal overlay at the fore-end. Steel butt cap German...
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Flintlock blunderbuss, extensive engravedbrass mounts, probably middle eastern, 18th or early 19th century, 20-1/2 in. Stock with cracks and repairs, lacking several surface elements....
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Pair of Flintlock Pocket Pistols byHewson of London .50 bore diameter ? 4.25" octagonal barrels locks marked Hewson.?Forward-action flintlocks with safeties. ?Engraved breech engraved triggerguard and ferules.?...
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Early Mid-Eastern Flintlock Pistol .60bore diameter 11" barrel with engravings. Three brass maker's cartouches. Carved stock with brass furniture. Condition: Very good....
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PISTOL - Middle Eastern flintlock pistolearly long barrel pistol with ornate engraved base of barrel simple wrapped barrel band crude lock with single stamp 20'' long overall 14 1/2'' long barrel....
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Mid-Eastern Flintlock Pistol .570 borediameter 12" barrel top of barrel with some engraving. Iron furniture carved stock with silver wire inlaid.? Large silver plate on the back of the grip with a small round...
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Middle Eastern flintlock pistol, muzzleloading, 12 in. barrel, extensively carved stock with silver butt ornamentation; no permit required. Stocks with cracks and repairs, 30 percent original color, scattered light...
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