NATIVE AMERICAN NAVAJO F. L. BEGAY NECKLACEWITH SILVER DOLLARS Sterling. Signed 'F. L. Begay'. Weight: 9 troy ounces....
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(3 PR) JIMMY BEGAY JR. NAVAJO STERLINGEARRINGS(lot) Native American sterling silver earrings, Jimmy Begay, Jr. (Navajo, b.1954), for pierced ears, stamped JBJ sterling, including: (pair) earrings, with silver...
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SAM BEGAY NAVAJO SILVER CROSS PENDANTNECKLACENative American Navajo silver necklace, Sam Begay, large cross pendant, on long link chain, marked S.B., cross: approx 5"h, 3.25"w, necklace: approx 24.5"l (flat),...
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RARE KENNETH BEGAY STERLING & IRONWOODDESK CLOCKKenneth Begay, American (1913-1977). Native American indigenous artist crafted ironwood and sterling silver desk piece with clock, barometer and thermometer. Geometric...
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CALVIN BEGAY MULTI-STONE INLAID STERLINGBEAR PIN Calvin Begay Navajo Native American sterling silver bear form brooch inlaid with lapis lazuli, turquoise, coral, and sugilite, signed and marked "Sterling / Dine"...
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RICHARD BEGAY, ETC. NAVAJO STERLINGNECKLACES, 2 Group jewelry lot of two Navajo Native American silver necklaces, one Richard Begay necklace with sterling silver drop pendant mounted with malachite, amethyst...
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NATIVE AMERICAN STERLING TURQUOISE CUFF,2 MATCHED RING...Cuff 6.0"C. Approx. weight 194g. Rings sizes 6, 7. Stamped BEGAY.
Issued: 20th c.
Dimensions: 2.5"L x2.75"W
Country of Origin: United States
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NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBE KACHINA TURQUOISESILVER BRACELET...Hallmarked silver, with settings for approx. 65 turquoise stones.
Cast silver in motif of Native American Kachina tribal spirit with other designs. Total...
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NATIVE AMERICAN NAVAJO TURQUOISE SILVERBRACELET, RINGHallmarked silver bracelet; matching ring. Turquoise inclusions.
Cast silver with worked Native American Navajo designs. Total weight of bracelet, hallmarked...
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3 NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBAL SILVER ANDTURQUOISE RINGSHallmarked silver. One ring with turquoise and red coral.
Cast silver with worked Native American designs. One ring with seven turquoise stones and ARROWHEAD...
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FOUR NATIVE AMERICAN SILVER RINGS, TURQUOISE,RED CORAL...Hallmarked silver on two rings; two with red coral.
Cast silver with worked Native American designs in naturalistic motifs. One marked BEGAY, one marked L RAMONA...
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NATIVE AMERICAN 9 PC BLACKWARE & BOOK:1) Santa Clara Bowl by Merton & Linda Sisneros, Black on black with eagle feathers, twin mountains, their Grandmother's triangle, Kiva steps and the water serpent. Measures...
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NAVAJO SILVER OVERLAY BEAR PAW NECKLACE& EARRINGS(lot of 2) Native American sterling silver jewelry, stamped RB, possibly Richard Begay (Navajo, 20th c.), silver overlay bear paw motif, set with turquoise cabochons,...
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VICTOR MOSES BEGAY DOUBLE-SIDED SQUASHBLOSSOMNative American silver (content unknown) squash blossom necklace, Victor Moses Begay (Navajo, 20th c.), double sided with turquoise and red coral, bench bead strand,...
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VIOLET BEGAY NAVAJO CORAL CLUSTER STERLINGCUFFNative American sterling silver petit point cuff bracelet, Violet Begay (Navajo, 20th c.), with radiating clusters of red coral insets, stamped V JB sterling, approx 2.75"w,...
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WILFORD BEGAY NAVAJO SILVER & TURQUOISECUFFNative American silver (content unknown) cuff bracelet, stamped W. Begay (Wilford Begay, Navajo, b.1965), with bezel-set turquoise nuggets, approx 2"w, interior: (end...
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RAY BEGAY STERLING TEXAS LONGHORN BELTBUCKLELarge Native American sterling silver belt buckle, Ray Begay (Navajo), with Texas longhorn skull, multi stone inlay including opal, turquoise, and lapis lazuli, stamped...
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(5) LEATHER BELTS & BUCKLES, TWO NATIVEAMERICAN(lot of 5) Leather belts and buckles, mostly sterling, all buckle set removable from belts; (1) with Native American made sterling buckle and center stone with belt...
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LOREN THOMAS BEGAY STERLING MORENCITURQUOISE CUFFNative American sterling silver cuff bracelet, Loren Thomas Begay (Navajo, 20th c.), Morenci turquoise with iron pyrite matrix, on a split shank cuff, approx...
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WILFORD BEGAY NAVAJO TURQUOISE PETITPOINT CUFFNative American silver (content unknown) petit point cuff bracelet, stamped W. Begay (Wilford Begay, Navajo, b.1965), with radiating clusters of turquoise insets,...
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2) ALVIN & LULA BEGAY NAVAJO OVERLAYBOLO & BUCKLE(lot of 2) Native American sterling silver jewelry, Alvin and Lula Begay (Navajo/ Dine, b.1956), including: (1) two-piece bolo tie, silver overlay bolo ornament...
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2) ALVIN & LULA BEGAY NAVAJO OVERLAYBOLO & BUCKLE(lot of 2) Native American sterling silver jewelry, Alvin and Lula Begay (Navajo/ Dine, b.1956), including: (1) two-piece bolo tie, silver overlay bolo ornament...
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BEN BEGAYE NAVAJO STERLING CROSS PENDANTON CHAINNative American sterling silver cross pendant, signed Ben Begaye (Navajo/ Dine, 20th c.), with bezel-set turquoise cabochon, on a silver (content unknown) chain, hook...
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LOT) SOUTHWEST & NATIVE AMERICAN STERLINGEARRINGS(4 pair) Southwest and Native American silver earring group, various bezel set cabochons with spiny oyster, onyx, turquoise, and malachite, all for pierced ears, including:...
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VIOLET BEGAY NAVAJO STERLING PETIT POINTCUFFNative American sterling silver petit point cuff, Violet Begay (Navajo/ Dine, 20th c.), with radiating clusters of block turquoise insets, on a split shank bracelet, approx...
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NATIVE AMERICAN L. BEGAY STERLING SPIDERCUFFNative American sterling silver cuff bracelet, L. Begay, spider web design, spider set with turquoise and red coral cabochons, approx 1.5"w, interior: approx 6"l, gap:...
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LARRY MOSES BEGAY NAVAJO TURQUOISE CLUSTERCUFFNative American sterling silver cuff bracelet, signed LMB (Larry Moses Begay, Navajo/ Dine, 20th c.), radiating clusters of bezel-set turquoise, approx 2"w, interior:...
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FIVE NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN BRACELETSFiveNative American Indian bracelets, the sterling cuff bracelet Jimmy Poyer, the turquoise stamped sterling, and three stamped L. B. Sterling attributed to Lenora Begay, largest...
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NATIVE AMERICAN STERLING & ONYX COLLARNECKLACENative American sterling silver collar necklace, stamped AB (possibly Anna Begay, Navajo, 20th c.), foliate and feathered pendant, centering inset onyx, on link chain,...
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(2) NATIVE AMERICAN NECKLACE & CHARMBRACELET(lot of 2) Estate jewelry, including: (1) Native American sterling silver pendant, signed RB, possibly Richard Begay (Navajo/ Dine, 20th c.), on a ten-strand pulled...
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BEAUTIFUL RICHARD BEGAY NAVAJO CONCHOBELTNative American concho belt, the sterling marked buckle depicting Indian Kokopelli fertility dancers, signed "RB" (Richard Begay, Navajo, 1943-2013.), having nine conchos...
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LARRY MOSES BEGAY SILVER & TURQUOISECONCHO BELTNative American concho belt, the sterling marked buckle with turquoise initialed "LMB" (Larry Moses Begay, Navajo, 20th/21st c.), having fifteen alternating oval...
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FRANK PATANIA SR ATTR. THUNDERBIRD SHOPSTERLING SILVER AND TURQUOISE COLLAR NECKLACE, 30S-40S 16"L, 3"DROPFrank Patania Sr attr. Thunderbird Shop sterling silver and turquoise collar necklace, 30s-40s, with graduated...
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