NEOCLASSICAL CARVED THREE PART MIRRORNeoclassicalCarved Three Part Mirror, having central urn carving over three sections, all having beveled glass, height 82 inches, width 51 inches.
All lots are sold "AS...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE MIRRORNeoclassicalStyle Mirror, having elaborate gilt frame, 43" x 34"
All lots are sold "AS IS" The condition of lots can vary widely and are unlikely to be in a perfect condition....
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILTWOOD DOUBLE ARCHMIRRORNeoclassical style giltwood mirror, 20th c., double arch frame, flat mirror plates, central eglomise glass pane with faux marble design, approx 46.5"h, 58.75"w...
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NEOCLASSICAL HALL MIRRORNeoclassicalhall mirror. 19th Century. gilt frame with curling fluting and prunting all around. Loss to gesso and gilt.
60" H x 33" L...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE BRASS HALL MIRRORNeoclassicalStyle brass hall mirror. Early 20th Century. Brass decoration and railings with vegetative motifs, beveled glass mirror with bulging mirror sides. Paneling is loose on back....
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILTWOOD AND COMPOSITIONMIRROR MIRROR, the central rectangular plate in a mirrored slip frame carved with coin pattern surmounted by an urn - h:38.50w:43.50in....
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PARCEL-GILT WHITEPAINTED MIRROR PAINTED MIRROR, the shaped rectangular plate in a molded frame carved with drapery, h: 56 x w: 34.5 in....
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PARCEL-SILVERED GILTWOODMIRROR MIRROR, the circular beveled plate in molded frame, dia: 40 in....
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILT QUADRILATERALMIRROR MIRROR, Provenance: Property of a Washington, D.C. Estate...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILT FRAMED MIRRORNEOCLASSICALSTYLE GILT FRAMED MIRROR, the rectangular mirror plates with central seam set into cavetto molded frame with acanthus leaf motif -...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILT FRAMED WALLMIRROR MIRROR, the rectangular mirror plate set into cavetto molded giltwood frame, h: 50 x w: 23 in....
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE CARVED GILTWOOD ANDCOMPOSITION MIRROR COMPOSITION MIRROR, the rectangular mirror plate surmounted by lute, horn and flute cresting flanked by openwork floral and foliate scrolls, h: 65 x w:...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE COMPOSITE GOLD PAINTEDWALL MIRROR WALL MIRROR, the rectangular mirror plate with reeded and acanthus molded interior frame and floral cartouches surmounted by urn and bellflower swags, h: 56.5...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILT FRAMED MIRRORNEOCLASSICALSTYLE GILT FRAMED MIRROR, the rectangular mirror plates with central seam set into cavetto molded frame with acanthus leaf motif, h: 51 x w: 30 in. Provenance: 2720 Dumbarton...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE CUT GLASS AND GILTFRAMED MIRROR FRAMED MIRROR, the rectangular mirror plate surmounted by cut glass mirror plate with sunburst, set into textured gilt frame, h: 61.5 x w: 31 in. Provenance:...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILT GESSO OVAL WALLMIRROR MIRROR, 20th Century, the oval mirror plate framed by carved and composite molded gilt frame, h: 30 x w: 34 in....
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NEOCLASSICAL PARTIAL GILT EBONIZED WOODMIRROR AND MEXICAN TIN AND TILE FRAME MIRRORNeoclassical Partial Gilt Ebonized Wood Mirror and Mexican Tin and Tile Frame Mirror,...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE MIRROR AND GILT FRAMEMIRRORNeoclassical Style Mirror and Gilt Frame Mirror,...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE DECORATED FRAME MIRRORNeoclassicalStyle Decorated Frame Mirror...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILT MIRROR AND AROUND MIRRORNeoclassical Style Gilt Mirror and a Round Mirror...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE BLACK PAINTED 'SHELL'DECORATED CONSOLE TABLE AND A LABARGE BLACK PAINTED MIRRORNeoclassical Style Black Painted 'Shell' Decorated Console Table and a LaBarge Black Painted Mirror,...
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NEOCLASSICAL-STYLE OVERMANTEL MIRRORNeoclassical-StyleGilt Metal-Mounted, Painted and Parcel Gilt Overmantel Mirror , paneled reserve, columnar surround, h. 50 in., w. 40 1/2 in...
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NEOCLASSICAL-STYLE EBONIZED, GILTWOODMIRRORNeoclassical-Style Ebonized and Giltwood Mirror , urn and griffin crest, draped corners, divided mirror plates, guilloche inner liner, egg and dart out liner, h. 58...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILTWOOD MIRRORNEOCLASSICALSTYLE GILTWOOD MIRROR, the central pierced tassel carved crest with swags leading to carved draped and spiral carved sides surrounding the corresponding plate - h:33w:22d:3in....
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NEOCLASSICAL GILTWOOD MIRRORNEOCLASSICALGILTWOOD MIRROR, the rectangular plate within a molded frame surmounted by an architectural finial issuing foliage, the skirt also with scrolling foliage - h:54w:26in....
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GOLD PAINTED MIRRORNEOCLASSICALSTYLE GOLD PAINTED MIRROR, surmounted by a carved shell above enclosed mirror plate with C-scrolls and trailing flowers - h:58.50w:31in....
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NEOCLASSICAL/ROCOCO TRANSITIONAL GOLDPAINTED MIRROR PAINTED MIRROR, surmounted by an eagle with a mirror plate enclosed by trailing vines and C-scrolls - h:61.50w:31.50in....
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE COBALT AND CUT GLASSMOUNTED GILTWOOD MIRROR MOUNTED GILTWOOD MIRROR, the oval plate in conforming frame applied with faceted drops - h:30w:20in....
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE HALL MIRRORNeoclassicalstyle hall mirror. 20th century. Mirror adorned with acanthus leaves and smaller mirror above. Desilvering to smaller top mirror. Wear, separations, cracks, and scuffs throughout...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE BLACK & PARCEL GILTMIRRORNeoclassical style black painted and parcel gilt wall mirror, 20th c., having molded cornice and arcaded crest, frame accented with floral elements, encasing flat mirror...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILTWOOD WALL MIRRORNeoclassicalstyle giltwood wall mirror, 20th c., having split pediment crest, over floral swags, shaped frame, encasing sectioned flat mirror plate, ending in foliate finial, approx 44"h,...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILT CURTAIN FRAMEDWALL MIRRORNeoclassical style gilt painted wall mirror, 19th/ 20th c., shaped mirror framed with rope-tied drapery, encasing flat mirror plate, over foliate incised base,...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PARCEL GILT & EBONIZEDMIRRORNeoclassical style parcel gilt and ebonized mirror, approx 57.5"h, 39"w...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE HALL MIRRORNeoclassicalStyle hall mirror. Early 20th Century. Gilt frame with floral motifs throughout. Mirror is loose in frame. Wear consistent with age.
34" H x 26"W...
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