CHARLES DICKENS HARD TIMES FIRST EDITIONCharlesDickens (England, 1812-1870). Hard Times. For These Times. First edition, 1854. Bradbury & Evans, London; printed by Bradbury and Evans, London. Original green cloth boards...
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5 BOOKS LEECH, WARD, CARLYLE, LAMB,GLADSTONE5 books, including first editions; and an issue of The Pocket Magazine c. 1896. Substance on a Speech by W.E. Gladstone, Works of Charles Lamb, Life of Schiller by...
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THOMAS HARDY WOODLANDERS, SATIRES, ACHANGED MANThomas Hardy (England, 1840-1928). 3 books, including first editions. The Woodlanders, Satires of Circumstance, A Changed Man. The Woodlanders. A Novel. Harper...
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EMINENT VICTORIANS SIGNED FLORENCE NIGHTINGALELyttonStrachey (England, 1880-1932). Eminent Victorians. First edition, 1918. Chatto & Windus, London; printed by William Clowes and Sons, Ltd. The Books of Samuel Heiman bookplate....
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4 BOOKS BENNETT, MAULDIN, O'CASEY, FOSTER4books, including first editions, some signed. Don Juan de Marana by Arnold Bennett, Up Front by Bill Mauldin, Drums Under the Window by Sean O'Casey, New York By Gas-Light...
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2 ARNOLD BENNETT FIRST EDITION BOOKSArnoldBennett (England, 1867-1931). 2 first edition books, Riceyman Steps and The Old Wives' Tale. Riceyman Steps. First edition, 1923. Publisher Cassel and Company Ltd.; printed...
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2 MATTHEW ARNOLD 1ST EDITION BOOKS HOMER& MEROPEMatthew Arnold (England, 1822-1888). Two first edition books, Merope and On Translating Homer. Merope. First edition, 1858. Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts,...
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4 NOVELS TROLLOPE, COYNE, ALGER & GREY4books, including first editions: Wanderer of the Wasteland by Zane Grey, Doctor Thorne by Anthony Trollope, Sam Spangles by Stirling Coyne, Sink or Swim by Horatio Alger Jr....
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HUGH WALPOLE THE YOUNG ENCHANTED SIGNEDFIRST ED.Sir Hugh Walpole (England, 1884-1941). The Young Enchanted. A Romantic Story. First edition book, 1921. Published: Macmillan & Co. Limited, St. Martin's Street, London....
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TROLLOPE THE VICAR OF BULLHAMPTON FIRSTEDITIONAnthony Trollope (England, 1815-1882). The Vicar of Bullhampton. First edition, 1870. Bradbury, Evans, and Co., London. With illustrations by H. Woods. Wear and fraying...
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ANTHONY TROLLOPE CASTLE RICHMOND FIRSTEDITIONAnthony Trollope (England, 1815-1882). Castle Richmond. A Novel, in 3 volumes. First edition, 1860. Chapman & Hall, London; printed by W. Clowes and Sons, London. With...
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ANTHONY TROLLOPE HE KNEW HE WAS RIGHT1ST EDITIONAnthony Trollope (England, 1815-1882). He Knew He Was Right, in 2 volumes. First edition, 1869. Strahan and Company, London; printed by Virtue and Co., London....
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TROLLOPE CHRONICLE OF BARSET, 32 ORIGINALPARTSAnthony Trollope (England, 1815-1882). The Last Chronicle of Barset. First edition, in 32 original weekly parts. December 1866-July 1867. Smith, Elder & Co., London....
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ANTHONY TROLLOPE LADY ANNA FIRST EDITIONTAUCHNITZAnthony Trollope (England, 1815-1882). Lady Anna, in 2 volumes. First edition, 1873. Bernhard Tauchnitz, Leipzig. Copyright edition. Collection of British Authors...
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ANTHONY TROLLOPE ALLINGTON FIRST EDITIONBOOKSAnthony Trollope (England, 1815-1882). The Small House at Allington, in 2 volumes. With illustrations by J.E. Millais. First edition, 1864. Publisher Smith, Elder and...
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TROLLOPE PHINEAS FINN & PHINEAS REDUX1ST EDITIONSAnthony Trollope (England, 1815-1882). 2 sets of first edition books, Phineas Finn and Phineas Redux, each in 2 volumes. Phineas Finn, The Irish Member, in 2 volumes....
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4 BOOKS STRACHEY, SADLEIR, SHORTER &TROLLOPE4 books on writing, writers and books. Thackeray by Anthony Trollope, Charlotte Bronte and Her Circle by Clement Shorter, Excursions in Victorian Bibliography by Michael...
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W.M. THACKERAY TITMARSH'S PARIS SKETCHBOOKWilliam Makepeace Thackeray (England, 1811-1863). The Paris Sketch Book, by Mr. Titmarsh, in 2 volumes. First edition, 1840. John Macrone, London; Whitehead & Co. printers,...
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W.M. THACKERAY HENRY ESMOND FIRST EDITIONWilliamMakepeace Thackeray (England, 1811-1863). The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. A Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Q. Anne. Written by Himself. In 3 volumes. First edition,...
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W.M. THACKERAY PENDENNIS FIRST EDITIONBOOKWilliam Makepeace Thackeray (England, 1811-1863). The History of Pendennis. His Fortunes and Misfortunes, His Friends and His Greatest Enemy, in 2 volumes. First edition,...
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W.M. THACKERAY THE VIRGINIANS, 24 ORIGINALPARTSWilliam Makepeace Thackeray (England, 1811-1863). The Virginians. First edition, in the original 24 parts. 1857-1859. Bradbury and Evans, London. In 2 red cloth cases...
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W.M. THACKERAY THE VIRGINIANS FIRSTEDITION BOOKSWilliam Makepeace Thackeray (England, 1811-1863). The Virginians. A Tale of The Last Century, in 2 volumes. First edition, 1858-1859. Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie...
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GEORGE ELIOT'S LIFE FIRST EDITION BOOKSGeorgeEliot (Mary Ann Evans) (England, 1819-1880). George Eliot's Life. As Related in Her Letters and Journals, arranged and edited by her husband, J.W. Cross. In 3 volumes. First...
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GEORGE ELIOT THE MILL ON THE FLOSS FIRSTEDITIONGeorge Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) (England, 1819-1880). The Mill on the Floss, in 3 volumes. First edition, 1860. Publisher William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London;...
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GEORGE ELIOT SCENES OF CLERICAL LIFEFIRST EDITIONGeorge Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) (England, 1819-1880). Scenes of Clerical Life, in 2 volumes. First edition, 1858. William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London;...
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GEORGE ELIOT DANIEL DERONDA FIRST EDITIONGeorgeEliot (Mary Ann Evans) (England, 1819-1880). Daniel Deronda, in four volumes. First edition, 1876. Publisher William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburg and London; printed William...
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GEORGE ELIOT FELIX HOLT FIRST EDITIONGeorgeEliot (Mary Ann Evans) (England, 1819-1880). Felix Holt. The Radical, in 3 volumes. First edition, 1866. Publisher William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburg and London; printed...
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GEORGE ELIOT ADAM BEDE FIRST EDITIONGeorgeEliot (Mary Ann Evans) (England, 1819-1880). Adam Bede, in 3 volumes. First edition, 1859. Publisher William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London; printed by William Blackwood...
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GEORGE ELIOT SILAS MARNER FIRST EDITIONGeorgeEliot (Mary Ann Evans) (England, 1819-1880). Silas Marner the Weaver of Raveloe. First edition, 1861. Publisher William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London; printed by...
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GEORGE ELIOT MIDDLEMARCH FIRST EDITIONGeorgeEliot (Mary Ann Evans) (England, 1819-1880). Middlemarch. A Study of Provincial Life, in 4 volumes. First edition, 1871-1872. Publisher William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh...
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BENJAMIN DISRAELI ENDYMION FIRST EDITIONBOOKSBenjamin Disraeli, First Earl of Beaconsfield (England, 1804-1881). Endymion, in 3 volumes. First edition, 1880. Published London: Longmans, Green, and Co., printed by...
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DEAN WOLSTENHOLME JUNIOR OIL ON BOARDCOWSDean Wolstenholme the younger (England, 1798-1882). Oil on board cows in landscape. Signed lower right D. Wolstenholme. 13 1/4" x 19 1/2" (with frame 18 1/4" x 24 1/2")....
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2 PETER HAYES POTTERY SCULPTURESPeterHayes (England, 1946-). 2 pottery sculptures. Both signed, dated 1994 and 1995. Taller 8 3/8"H including base.
Notice to bidders: The absence of a condition...
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NEW ENGLAND BANJO TIMEPIECE, 19TH C.NewEngland banjo timepiece, 19th c., together with a wall clock, 29 1/2" h., 14 1/2" dia.
NO in-house shipping for this lot.
As found. Banjo - mechanism, weight,...
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New England Federal mahogany and giltwoodbanjo timepiece ca. 1815 40" h. ?...
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