NEW ENGLAND CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY CANDLESTANDNewEngland Chippendale mahogany candlestand, late 18th c., 28 3/4" h., 20" w., 28" d.
NO in-house shipping for this lot.
Repaired break to foot....
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NEW ENGLAND LATE CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANYPOLE SCREENNew England late Chippendale mahogany pole screen, ca. 1785 , with a silkwork panel and ball and claw feet, 55 1/2" h.
NO in-house shipping for this lot.
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NEW ENGLAND CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY EASYCHAIRNew England Chippendale mahogany easy chair, ca. 1780 , with an unusual slip seat. Walter Mullen assisted with cataloging this chair.
NO in-house shipping for this lot....
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NEW ENGLAND CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY EASYCHAIRNew England Chippendale mahogany easy chair, ca. 1780 . Walter Mullen assisted with cataloging this chair. Provenance: A New Jersey Collection.
NO in-house shipping...
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NEW ENGLAND CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY EASYCHAIRattributed to Newport, Rhode Island, circa 1770-1780, mellow old surface, arched crest over flared wings and scrolled arms, molded mahogany legs with H stretchers, birch...
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AMERICAN CHIPPENDALE TEA TABLE, 18THC.American Chippendale mahogany tilt top tea table with bird cage on a ringed vasiform pedestal, tripod base with snake feet. 28 1/2" H x 31" dia. New England, possibly Rhode...
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AMERICAN CHIPPENDALE TILT-TOP TEA TABLEAmericanChippendale mahogany tilt-top tea table, circular dish top with bird cage support, turned and bulbous standard, three splayed cabriole legs ending in ball and claw feet. 46...
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AMERICAN MAHOGANY BLOCK FRONT CHIPPENDALEDESKNew England Chippendale mahogany blocked and shell carved slant front desk, white pine and poplar secondary. Consisting of a fall front lid resting on two pull out slides,...
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NEW ENGLAND CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY BOWFRONTCHESTNew England Chippendale mahogany bowfront chest of drawers, attributed to Massachusetts, white pine secondary. Consisting of an overhanging molded and shaped top above...
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AMERICAN MAHOGANY BLOCK FRONT CHIPPENDALEDESKNew England Chippendale mahogany blocked and shell carved slant front desk, white pine and poplar secondary. Consisting of a fall front lid resting on two pull out slides,...
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AMERICAN CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY OXBOWBUREAU BUREAU , circa 1750-1780, New England chest of excellent proportions, with a molded overhanging top above four-graduating drawers with original brass urn repoussé...
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CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY DROP LEAF DINNINGTABLE, NEW ENGLA...Chippendale Mahogany Drop Leaf Dinning Table, New England, circa 1760-1780 , rectangular top with d-shaped drop leaves above cupid's bow skirt and supported...
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CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY BUTLERS SECRETARYDESK, IN TWO PAR...Chippendale Mahogany Butlers Secretary Desk, in two parts, upper section with two glazed doors, lower section with pullout desk over three drawers, on ogee...
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CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY DROP LEAF PEMBROKETABLE, HAVING D...Chippendale Mahogany Drop Leaf Pembroke Table, having drawer, on molded square legs, England circa 1780, height 27 3/8 inches, depth 28 1/2 inches, top closed...
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NEW ENGLAND CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY BLOCKFRONT DESKBoston, Massachusetts, circa 1775, figured mahogany throughout, fitted desk interior over four blocked long drawers on blocked straight bracket feet, boldly signed...
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CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY PEMBROKE DROP LEAFTABLEChippendale Mahogany Pembroke Drop Leaf Table, having "X" stretcher base, New England, circa 1760, height 27 1/2 inches, top 19" x 29 1/2". Provenance: Estate of Peter...
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American, possibly Philadephia, early 19th century. Single drawer above a skillfully executed curvaceous apron raised on straight, square legs...
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AMERICAN CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY LOLLINGCHAIR 18th/19th c., likely New England, green upholstery seat and back with serpentine crest, with shaped mahogany arms and square legs joined by H-stretcher, 40.5"h x 26"w...
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CHIPPENDALE WING CHAIR NEW ENGLAND,CIRCA 1780 BACK HEIGHT 45.5”. SEAT HEIGHT 15.75”.CHIPPENDALE WING CHAIR, New England, Circa 1780, Mahogany legs joined by H-stretchers. Dimensions: Back height 45.5"....
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CHIPPENDALE SIDE CHAIR NEW ENGLAND,18TH CENTURY BACK HEIGHT 36”. SEAT HEIGHT 18.25".CHIPPENDALE SIDE CHAIR, New England, 18th Century, In mahogany. Back with scrolled ears and pierced vasiform splat. Over-upholstered...
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CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SECRETARY BOOKCASE,NEW ENGLAND, PROBABLY MASSACHUSETTS, CIRCA 1760-1780Chippendale Mahogany Secretary Bookcase, New England, probably Massachusetts, circa 1760-1780, Height: 104-1/2 in (265.4...
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NEW ENGLAND CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SIDECHAIRNew England Chippendale mahogany side chair, ca. 1770 , with shell carved crest. Provenance: The Collection of Dic and Donnie Catzen.
38 1/2" h., 17 5/8"...
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PAIR OF NEW ENGLAND CHIPPENDALE DININGCHAIRSPair of New England Chippendale mahogany dining chairs, late 18th c.
20th c. Good condition. No apparent damages or repairs....
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NEW ENGLAND CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY TEATABLENew England Chippendale mahogany tilt top tea table , with a serpentine top and ball and claw feet, 28" h., 34" w....
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NEW ENGLAND CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SERPENTINECHESTNew England Chippendale mahogany serpentine chest of drawers, ca. 1780 , 32 1/4" h., 38 1/4" w.
Feet and brasses replaced....
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NEW ENGLAND CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY DROP-LEAFTABLENew England Chippendale mahogany drop-leaf dining table, ca. 1770, with ball and claw feet, 27 3/4" h., 17 1/4" w., 48" d....
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NEW ENGLAND CHIPPENDALE MAHOGANY SLANTFRONT DESKNew England Chippendale mahogany slant front desk, ca. 1770, 41" h., 42" w.
NO in-house shipping for this lot.
Feet and brasses replaced....
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Chippendale mahogany oxbow chest ofdrawers new england, late 18th century With molded serpentine top above a conforming case housing four graduated drawers with recumbent lion brasses resting on bracket...
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American Chippendale Mahogany OxbowChest, New England, second half 18th century, of unusually small proportions, the period single-board serpentine top dovetailed to a conforming case fitted with three drawers,...
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American Chippendale Mahogany Slant-Front Desk New England, 18th century, mahogany with white pine secondary throughout, 43 x 42-1/2 x 23 in., opens to 31 in.,...
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PAIR OF GEORGE III SIDE CHAIRS. England1760-1775 mahogany. Good detail with cabriole legs with acanthus carving gadrooned seat frame pierced splat and shaped crest with carved scroll and feather design. Slip...
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Chippendale Mahogany Tall Case Clockdial signed "Raven" and "Hexham [England]", late 18th century, the arched brass dial with rocking ship movement, waisted mahogany case, brass eight-day movement, 86 x 21 x...
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Chippendale mahogany chest on chest,figured mahogany and other mixed veneers with oak and pine secondary, Greek key cornice and blind fretwork, canted corners, original straight bracket feet, gilt rococo brasses,...
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Chippendale mahogany chest on chest,highly figured mahogany, two-case construction, dovetailed drawers with oak linings, upper case with blind fret pediment and fluted canted corners, lower case with pull-out...
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Chippendale mahogany armchair newengland, 18th century The serpentine crest rail above a pierced splat supporting flattened outscrolled arms; the upholstered trapezoidal slip seat on square chamfered frontal...
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