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NINE CHINESE EXPORT PORCELAIN ARTICLESA group of nine Chinese blue and white export porcelain articlesComprising five dishes, two small bowls, a vase and...
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A GROUP OF CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE TABLEARTICLESA group of Chinese blue and white glazed porcelain table articlesComprising a round planter, a hexagonal planter with undertray, and two dishes, one with a character...
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A GROUP OF SEVEN CHINESE PORCELAIN TABLEARTICLESA group of seven Chinese porcelain table articlesdiameter of bowl 10 1/4in (26cm)...
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A GROUP OF THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN ENAMELARTICLESA group of three Chinese porcelain enamel articlesComprising a yellow bowl painted with horses, a covered censer and a small rectangular jardiniere. (3)height of largest...
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A GROUP OF EIGHT CHINESE PORCELAIN ARTICLESAgroup of eight Chinese porcelain articlesComprising a footed dish, three bowls, two vases, and a salt shaker. (8)tallest height 4in (10cm); diameter 9in (23cm)...
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TWELVE CHINESE PORCELAIN TABLE ARTICLESAgroup of twelve Chinese porcelain table articlesComprising three lobed dishes, cup and saucer, covered crock, bowl, three small lidded jars, small lobed dish, and two enamel...
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NINE CHINESE EXPORT PORCELAIN ARTICLESAgroup of nine Chinese blue and white export porcelain articlesComprising five dishes, two small bowls, a vase and a flask. (9)largest plate diameter 8 1/2in (21.5cm)...
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FOUR CHINESE GLAZED PORCELAIN TABLEARTICLESA four piece group of Chinese glazed porcelain table articlesComprising a pair of green and white glazed jardinieres, a tankard and a utensil rest.height of jardinieres...
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A GROUP OF CHINESE SONG TYPE CERAMICARTICLESA group of Chinese Song type ceramic articlesComprising of two vases and three raised dishes, two with character marks to underside. (5)height of tallest 12in (30cm);...
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THREE CHINESE PORCELAIN ARTICLESA lotof three Chinese porcelain articles. To include:
The largest, a ginger jar, with cherry blossoms, unmarked: 12"
Copper red vase, unmarked: 10.25"
Geese motif, unmarked: 10.75"...
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THREE PIECE LOT OF CHINESE PORCELAINARTICLESA three piece lot of Chinese porcelain table articles. To include:
A pair of bowls, marked: 4.25" x 8.25"
A covered vase with removable cover: 7" x 5.5" x 3.5"...
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