Navajo and Pueblo Pottery, PLUS
lotof 7, includes artists:
Elizabeth Manygoats (Diné, b. 1973), height 3 inches x diameter 5 inches
Lonnie Vigil (Nambe, b. 1949), height 4 inches x diameter 5 inches
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A GROUP OF PUEBLOAN POTTERY VESSELSAgroup of Puebloan pottery vessels, Five works: Gloria Kahe (b. 1951, Hopi/Navajo/Diné) A seed pot, late 20th century Signed to underside: G. Kahe The low-shouldered vessel...
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5 PCS. NATIVE AMERICAN SOUTHWEST POTTERY,INCL. SANTA C...Five (5) Native American Southwest pottery items, including Santa Clara and Navajo blackware. 1st item: Clara Suazo (Santa Clara Pueblo, 20th century) blackware...
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LOT OF 3 SMALL NATIVE AMERICAN JARSLotof three small Native American pottery pieces. Includes one Geraldine Sandia (b. 1950) Jemez Pueblo pot, signed along the underside; one Ida Sahmie (b. 1960) Navajo pot depicting...
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DIEGO ROMERO "FALLEN ANGEL" LITHOGRAPH2013Diego Romero (Cochiti Pueblo, b. 1964). Lithograph on paper titled "Fallen Angel" depicting a winged angel sitting at a bar with a coyote, 2013. Pencil signed and dated...
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Native American Art Reference Bookslot of 12, includes:
Wright, Margaret Nickelson. Hopi Silver: The History and Hallmarks of Hopi Silversmithing. 2003.
Boisclair, Mark. When the Rainbow Touches down: Apache,...
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AMERICAN INDIAN ART 15PC MAGAZINE ANDBOOK GROUP: 10 1/2"H X 8 1/2"W X 7/8"D (ALASKA NATIVE ART)American Indian art 15pc magazine and book group:, Sacred Circles, North American Showing, 1977; Antiques & Fine...
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A COLLECTION OF NATIVE AMERICAN ARTREFERENCE BOOKSA collection of Native American art reference books, 20th Century Comprising thirty-eight hardcover and softcover titles by various authors including: The...
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Native American Art Reference Bookslot of 12, includes:
Wright, Margaret Nickelson. Hopi Silver: The History and Hallmarks of Hopi Silversmithing. 2003.
Boisclair, Mark. When the Rainbow Touches down: Apache,...
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A GROUP OF SOUTHWEST POTTERY VESSELSAgroup of Southwest pottery vessels, Four works: Valerie Kahe (b. 1958, Hopi Pueblo) A Hopi Pueblo pottery plate, late 20th/early 21st century Signed: V. Kahe The plate with...
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A GROUP OF PUEBLOAN POTTERY VESSELSAgroup of Puebloan pottery vessels, Four works: Gloria Kahe (b. 1951, Diné) Three Navajo pottery vessels, late 20th/early 21st century Each signed: G. Kahe Each red and...
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A GROUP OF SOUTHWEST POTTERY AND BASKETRYAgroup of Southwest pottery and basketry, Eight works: Roberto Banuelos (b. 20th century, Mata Ortiz) A polychrome Mata Ortiz pot with rabbit/hare motifs, late 20th century...
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14 REFERENCE BOOKS ON NATIVE AMERICANSUBJECTS Selection of 14 hardcover and softcover reference books on Native American subjects comprising, William M. Ferguson and Arthur Rohn, "Anasazi Ruins Of The Southwest...
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PETER RAY JAMES, (B. 20TH CENTURY, DINE)PeterRay James (b. 20th century, Dine), A Navajo polychrome pottery wall mask, circa 1998 Stamped to front: PRJ; Further signed verso: Peter Ray James / © / 98 An elaborate Pueblo-style...
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(8) Pieces of Mexican and Native AmericanPottery to include (2) 3-light Mexican pottery candelabras, 11 3/4"H, Anita Suazo Santa Clara Pueblo pottery pot, 3 1/2" dia, Ruben Rodriguez black on black pottery weed pot,...
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NATIVE AMERICAN, SANTA CLARA PUEBLOPOTTERY, WEDDING VASE, HARRISON BEGAY JR. AND MARIE, 1980. 9 1/2"H X 6 1/4"W X 5 1/2"DNative American, Santa Clara Pueblo pottery, wedding vase, Harrison Begay Jr. and Marie,...
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NATIVE AMERICAN POTTERY COLLECTION Lotof (5) Pieces of Contemporary Pottery, incl: Blackware pot with carved water serpent decoration by Denise Chavarria, Santa Clara Pueblo, signed on base, 2 3/4" high; Bulbous...
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TAOS AND OTHER UNDECORATED PUEBLO POTTERY1)A Navajo pottery jar with handles and relief decoration.2) A round unglazed bowl.3) A micaceous bowl with shaped rim signed 'Crucita' (Taos Pueblo) on the base.Measures 3.75...
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A COLLECTION OF FIVE NATIVE AMERICANPOTTERY WORKS (Late 20th Century)1) Susie Crank (born 1966, Navajo) signed on the base.2) Howard and Linda Naranjo (Santa Clara Pueblo) signed on the base.3) Duran Ignacia...
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NAVASIE AND KAHE LATE 20TH CENTURY HOPIPOTTERYTwo pieces of Pueblo pottery in the Hopi tradition:1) Maynard & Veronica Navasie (Hopi, 1945-1999 and 1945-2003) polychrome jar initialed MN & VN on the base and marked...
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TWENTY-NINE REFERENCE BOOKS AND CATALOGUES.Relating to American antiques and folk art Southern pottery and Southwest Navajo rugs and pottery. Historic Pottery of the Pueblo Indians 1600-1880 Larry Frank and...
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