NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL, THE BAY OF NAPLESNeapolitanSchool(19th century)The Bay of Naples with Vesuvius in the background (2)gouache on paper6 1/2 x 9in (16.5 x 23cm)...
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NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL, NAPOLI DAL CARMINENeapolitanSchool(19th century)Napoli dal Carmine (View of the bay of Naples)gouache on papertitled lower centerimage 11 3/4 x 16 1/2in (30 x 42cm)...
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NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL, VIEWS OF THE BAYOF NAPLESNeapolitan School(19th century)Views of the Bay of Naples (2)gouache on paper6 x 9in (15 x 23cm)...
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NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL, VESUVIUS ERUPTINGNOCTURNENeapolitan School(19th/20th Century)Vesuvius erupting nocturnegouache on paper10 1/2 x 15 1/2in (27 x 39.5cm)...
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NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL, DISTRUCTION OF TORREDEL GRECONeapolitan School(19th Century)Distruzione Della Torre del Greco Nel 1794 (Distruction of Torre del Greco, 1794 [Mount Vesuvius Erupting])gouache on paperTitled along...
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NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL, TWO VIEWS OF NAPLESNeapolitanSchool(19th century)Two Views of Naplesgouache on papercomprising Villa Real and Largo del Palazzo, both unsignedsight: 15 1/2 x 24 1/2in (39.4 x 62.2cm)...
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NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL, VESUVIUS ERUPTING1822Neapolitan School(19th century)Eruzione de 22 Ottobre 1822 (Vesuvius erupting)gouache on paper12 x 16in (30.5 x 40.5cm)...
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NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL, VESUVIUS ERUPTINGNeapolitanSchool(19th century)Vesuvius eruptinggouache on paperwith old gallery label to reverse17 x 25in (43 x 64cm) Provenance:With Alphonse Giroux, Paris....
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NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL (18TH CENTURY). Pairof Gouaches. Neapolitan Harbor Scenes. From a New York, NY collection. Dimensions: Sight: 7.75" high x 11" wide Condition: Surface abrasions. Framed behind glass, not examined...
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NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL, A MEMENTO MORI PAINTING,"SKULL AND ... "Skull and Crossbones," 19TH CENTURY, in the 17th century taste, oil on wood. 28" x 19" Note: The skull and cross bones during the 17th century was used a symbol...
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comprising of eight painted panels with Old Testament scenes, including Scene from the testament of Solomon, monogramed IOR...
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ROMAN OR NEAPOLITAN SCHOOLRoman or NeapolitanSchool, c. 1670s-c. 1690s , "A Pair of Architectural Fantasies: Arcaded Pavilions and Ruins, with a Triumph of David and an Antique Procession", 2 oils on canvas, unsigned,...
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NEAPOLITAN SCHOOL, "L'ACCADEMIA" CA.1790 Italian Schoool, ca. 1780, watercolor caricature on paper, titled "L'Accademia" and depicting musicians, a female singer, and audience members, beneath them an Italian...
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Neapolitan School, Second Half 19thCentury
Villa Reale, Napoli
gouache on paper
Image: 16 1/8 x 24 7/8 inches....
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Neapolitan School, Second Half 19thCentury
La Cattedrale di Palermo
gouache on paper
Image: 6 x 9 1/4 inches....
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Neapolitan School, Second Half 19thCentury
La Piana de Greci
gouache on paper
Image: 6 1/8 x 9 1/8 inches....
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Oil on canvas, Neapolitan School, early18th c. still life of colorful fruit, including grapes, figs, plums and pears.
17" x 27" ss / 24" x 34" oa
Condition: Frame replaced, piece relined....
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Neapolitan School, 19th Century/Naples/Bayof Naples/a pair/gouache, 15cm x 23cm...
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Neapolitan School, late 19th Century/VesuviusErupting/gouache, 15cm x 24cm/Provenance: The Estate of Anthony J Beeson...
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Neapolitan School 17th century Infancyof Dionysus oil on canvas 35 3/4 x 50 in. framed Estimate $ 5 000-7 000 Relined inpainted frame wear. Paintings have not been examined by blacklight....
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Neapolitan school (19th century) VIEWOF NAPLES oil on board framed unsigned H5 3/4'' W7 3/4'' Provenance: Estate of the late Francis D. ''Skeeter'' McNairy Savannah Georgia. Good original condition. UV light...
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Neapolitan school (late 19th century)ERUPTION OF MT. VESUVIUS gouache framed unsigned sight size: H19 1/2'' W13'' Appears to be in very good original condition. Not examined out of frame. Back   Inquiry   ...
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Late 18th/early 19th Century NeapolitanSchool - Pair of gouaches - Views of Bay of Naples by day and night each 7.25ins x 10.5ins indistinctly signed in verre eglomise mounts and oak frames...
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Neapolitan School oil on canvas Napolida Mergelina signed 24 x 47.5in. Estimate ?400-600 Good untouched condition original canvas a little saggy and in need of a clean. Title typed on label verso. Gilt/cream scroll...
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Neapolitan School oil on canvas Nottea Marina Grande Capri signed 23.5 x 39.5in. Estimate ?400-600 Descriptions provided in both printed and on-line catalogue formats do not include condition reports. The absence...
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Neapolitan School (19th century) pairof gouaches Views over the Bay of Naples and Capri one indistinctly signed 17 x 22in. Estimate ?800-1 200 Descriptions provided in both printed and on-line catalogue formats...
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Neapolitan School 17th Century StillLife with Grapes, Apples, a Melon and a Parrot
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Neapolitan School 19th c. pair of GrandTour landscapes including "On the Way Home" and "The Ruins" oil on canvas both unsigned each 11 1/8 in. x 16 in. in fine matching period hand-carved frames....
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Neapolitan School (19th Century) "TheBay of Naples with Mount Vesuvius Beyond", oil on canvas, 26-1/2" x 39-1/2", unsigned. Presented in a giltwood frame bearing brass plaque inscribed "Pianista Naples"....
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Neapolitan school (19th century) SIXNEAPOLITAN SCENES INCLUDING VIEWS OF THREE VIEWS OF ERUPTING MOUNT VESUVIUS gouache on board framed titled: lower margin one signed: lower right illegibly sight size: H12...
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Neapolitan school (19th century) VIEWOF VESUVIUS ERUPTION oil on board framed unsigned H6'' W8 1/2'' Provenance: Estate of the late Francis D. ''Skeeter'' McNairy Savannah Georgia. Very good original condition....
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Neapolitan school (19th Century) VIEWOF NAPLES gouache framed unsigned sight size: H6 1/2'' W8 1/2'' Provenance: Estate of the late Francis D. ''Skeeter'' McNairy Savannah Georgia. Literature: Kay Richard/ NEAPOLITAN...
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Italian Old Master painting, still lifewith stepped display, including vase of flowers, dish, grapes and other fruit, unsigned, oil on canvas, Neapolitan School, 18th century, 29-1/4 x 22-7/8 in.; carved and gilt...
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Neapolitan School gouache Figures onthe coast looking towards an island 17 x 24in. Estimate ?500-700 Descriptions provided in both printed and on-line catalogue formats do not include condition reports. The...
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19th century Neapolitan School gouacheFishermen and English schooner off Naples 12 x 28.5in. Estimate ?400-600 Descriptions provided in both printed and on-line catalogue formats do not include condition reports....
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Neapolitan School early 20th century.Two unframed gouache and pastel drawings. 1.) Boats on the Bay 11 x 16 3/4 in. 2.) Neapolitan Fishermen 9 x 13 in. Estimate $ 100-150 Discoloration staining wear to mat. Paintings...
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