A Regency Rosewood Marble-Top Open Bookcase
Early19th Century
Height 35 3/4 x width 51 1/4 x depth 14 1/4 inches....
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FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP BOOKCASEFrenchLouis XVI style bookcase, 20th c., having marble top with curved edges, above rectangular case in matched mahogany veneers, two doors decorated with ribbon and floral marquetry,...
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FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MAHOGANY BOOKCASEFrenchLouis XVI style mahogany bookcase, 20th c., having marble top, over case fitted with three glazed doors, opening to three interior shelves, rising on tapered cylinder legs,...
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FRENCH LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP BOOKCASEFrenchLouis XVI style bookcase accented with brass ormolu, 20th c., a marble top over three glaze paneled doors with pierced gilt faces, opening to the interior shelves, rising...
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A REGENCY STYLE BOOKCASE A Regency stylebookcase, having a marble top, above grille doors, opening to velvet lined shelves, 47"h x 54"w x 10"d...
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OPEN MARBLE TOP 2 DRAWER BOOKCASE 1950Anopen marble top two drawer ebonized bookcase having bronze trim, two shelves and resting on turned legs circa 1950. Ht: 36" Wd: 36" Dpth: 10"...
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MARBLE TOP INLAID DIMINUTIVE BOOKCASEMarbleTop Inlaid Diminutive Bookcase, having three tiers of open shelving set on short cabriole legs, (marble repaired), height 38 inches, width 24 1/2 inches, depth 7 3/4 inches.
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19TH CENTURY the white marble top with a pierced brass gallery above three open shelves, raised on curved legs40cm wide, 90cm high, 27.5cm deep...
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PAIR LOUIS XVI BOOKCASES BY CONRAD MAUTER18th c., France, by Conrad Mauter (1742-1810), shaped marble top over mahogany case with canted and fluted corners, topped with thick gilt cast bronze brackets, the front...
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LOUIS XVI MARBLE TOP BOOKCASE CABINET18th/19th c., France, shaped marble top over tulipwood and kingwood veneered case with canted corners, with two double-pane glazed doors opening to four fixed glass shelves...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYBOOKCASEFrench Louis XVI style marble-top mahogany bookcase, 20th c., case with fluted corner posts, fitted with three glazed doors, opening to adjustable height shelves,...
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FRENCH MARBLE-TOP WALNUT BOOKCASEFrenchwalnut bookcase, early 20th c., having a shaped marble top, over three screen-faced doors, opening to adjustable-height shelves, rising on a conforming base, marble top intact...
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MAISON GOUFFE MARBLE-TOP SECRETAIREBOOKCASEFrench Louis XV style marble-top secretary bookcase, Maison Gouffe, 20th c., central fall front panel, opening to fitted interior gallery, inset leather writing surface,...
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BRITISH COLONIAL ROSEWOOD BOOKCASE CABINETBritishColonial rosewood bookcase cabinet, 19th c., pierced floral crest, with carved female figures, over dual glazed doors, opening to shelved interior, flanked by twist columns,...
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A PAIR 20C. REGENCY STYLE BOOKCASESWITH GILT BRONZEThe handsome pair of mahogany open book cases, each finished on all sides and with conforming marble top, are embellished in gold plated bronze trim of top...
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FRENCH INLAID MARBLE-TOP BOOKCASEFrenchmatched veneer bookcase, early 20thc., having shaped marble top, over case with string and banded inlay, fitted with three glazed doors, opening to shelved interior, rising...
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A Victorian mahogany open front dwarfbookcase with white marble slab to top and scrolled brackets to top fitted two open shelves on plinth base 39ins wide x 15ins deep x 36.5ins high (slight damage throughout)...
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Transitional Louis XV into Louis XVI-StyleKingwood and Marble-Top Bookcase, fourth quarter 19th century, the rounded rectangular variegated ochre marble top within a brass banding above a case fitted with three open...
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THREE PIECES: ARTS & CRAFTS STYLE WALNUTOPEN BOOKCASE WALNUT ONE-DRAWER STAND AND A MARBLE TOP STAND. Walnut one-drawer stand with rectangular top turned legs terminating in block and ball feet. Drawer front...
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Good Pair of Polychromed Open Bookcases,ca. 1900, with marble tops, each with an overhanging cornice molding and a recessed white marble top, the open shelves flanked by fluted pilasters, painted in soft gray, h....
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