1950 BOWMAN BASEBALL CARDS: Paul Trout; Ted Gray, left two corners are dinged; Jerry Priddy, upper-left and lower-right corners are dinged; Fred Hutchinson...
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1951 BOWMAN BASEBALL CARDS: Nellie Fox, off-center, indent in lower-right corner, corners are not perfect; Gus Niarhos, some discoloration, lower-left corn...
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Thirteen Contemporary and Asian Art Exhi
Thirteen Contemporary and Asian Art Exhibition Posters
Francois Arnal (French, 1924–2012)Francois Arnal / Peinture Matricielle inexacte / Robert ElkonGalle...
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Eleven American Art Exhibition Posters
Eleven American Art Exhibition Posters
Ernest Trova (American, 1927–2009)Ernest Trova Sculpture, Paintings, Prints. Harcus KrakowGallery 167 Newbury St. Bo...
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Eleven Modern and Contemporary Art Exhib
Eleven Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition Posters
Enzo Mari, Italian, b. 1932Arte Programmata / Kinetische Kunst, 1963Off-set lithographic posterOvera...
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Ten Exhibition and Biennale Posters
Ten Exhibition and Biennale Posters
Tamara Melcher (American, b. 1939)Tamara Melcher Painting / Park Place Gallery, 1967Off-set lithographic posterOverall:...
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Ten European Art Exhibition Posters
Ten European Art Exhibition Posters
AnonymousAustralien Die Kunst des Funften Erdteils...Staatlichen Museum fur Volkerkunde Munchen, 1959Off-set lithogra...
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Nine Posters Advertising Dance, Film and
Nine Posters Advertising Dance, Film and Music Events
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MINew American Cinema Workshop, June 2-3 / WesternMichigan U...
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Ten Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibiti
Ten Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition Posters
Enzo Mari (Italian, b. 1932)Arte Programmata / Kinetische Kunst, 1963Off-set lithographic posterOverall:...
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Ten Exhibition Posters for Political Art
Ten Exhibition Posters for Political Art and Workshops
Paul Gadegaard (Danish, 1920–1996)Living and Learning / in Scandinavia, A Year in / Denmark,Norway o...
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Nine Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibit
Nine Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition Posters
Seong Moy, American, 1921–200323rd Ceramic National / Everson Museum of Art / State &James Sts, Syracus...
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Nine Exhibition Posters for Works on Pap
Nine Exhibition Posters for Works on Paper
Resnick / Howard Wise Gallery New York, 1964Off-set lithographic posterOverall: 37 x 24 inches (94 x 61 cm).
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Eight Art Exhibition Posters
after Hilai
Eight Art Exhibition Posters
after Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas (French, 1834–1917)Franse Teleningen / uit Amerikaanse Collecties / van Clouet / tot Matisse...
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Eight Exhibition Posters for 20th Centur
Eight Exhibition Posters for 20th Century Artists
Walter Gaudnek (American, b. 1931)Gaudnek / Los Angeles / 1962 / Silivan Simone Gallery, 1962Off-set lith...
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5 vols. (wrappers) Derriere le Miroir:
5 vols. (wrappers) Derriere le Miroir: No. 98, Alberto Giacometti. (Paris), (June 1957.) Folio, orig. plain lithographic wrappers; minor occasional dampst...
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Ten Fine Art Exhibition Posters
Ten Fine Art Exhibition Posters
[CHRISTO (American, born in Bulgaria, 1935–2020)]. WILSON, T.M., designer. Christo / 42390 Cubic Foot EMPAQUET...
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Nine Art Exhibition Posters, Including A
Nine Art Exhibition Posters, Including American Federation of Arts Traveling Exhibitions
Gislebertus: The Sculptor of Autun / American Federation of Arts T...
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Eight Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibi
Eight Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition Posters
Enzo Mari, Italian, b. 1932Arte Programmata / Kinetische Kunst, 1963Off-set lithographic posterOveral...
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Eight Exhibition Posters
1906–1956 / Rem
Eight Exhibition Posters
1906–1956 / Rembrandt / Rijksmuseum Amsterdam / Museum Boymans Rotterdam, 1956Off-set lithographic posterOverall: 43 x 29 inches (...
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Eight European Art Exhibition Posters
Eight European Art Exhibition Posters
The Ineagh Bequest, Kenwood / George Romney / 1734 - 1802 / Summer Exhibition / June to September, 1961Off-set lithog...
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Seven Photography Exhibition Posters
Seven Photography Exhibition Posters
Tent Circus / Stephen Wicks / Photographs made while on tour with a traveling circus. / Addison Gallery o...
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Seven Contemporary Art Exhibition Poster
Seven Contemporary Art Exhibition Posters
Larry Rivers (American, 1923–2002)At the Dwan Gallery / Rivers Recent / Work / Opening / Nov. 16th, 1965Off-set l...
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Seven Exhibition Posters for U.S. Art Ce
Seven Exhibition Posters for U.S. Art Centers and Universities
James Wines, American, b. 1932James Wines Collages / Walker Art Center / Minneapolis / 1964...
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Six Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibiti
Six Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition Posters
after Richard Anuszkiewicz (American, 1930–2020)Alfred ListThe 29th Biennial Exhibition of / Contempora...
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Six Art Exhibition Posters
Six Art Exhibition Posters
SwedishHistoria med F rg / Stockholms-Tidningen ochNationalmuseum / visar barnteckningar / LILJEVALCHS, 1960Off-set lithographi...
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Executive Officer Henry W. Washburn USS
Executive Officer Henry W. Washburn USS Morning Light Civil War Archive War-date archive of five letters one partial letter and three transmittal covers. W...
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Six Contemporary Art Exhibition Posters
Six Contemporary Art Exhibition Posters
Jos Guerrero (Spanish/American, 1914–1991)Jos Guerrero / Rose Fried Gallery / 1963, 1963Off-set lithographic poster...
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Five Sculpture Exhibition Posters
Five Sculpture Exhibition Posters
AnonymousGalerie Heidi Vollmoeller / Antike Kunst / aus / GriechenlandAegypten Persien / Zurich, 1968Off-set lithographi...
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20 ANTIQUE ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, INCL. LAFAYETTE, VAN DYC...Large group of twenty (20) 17th and 18th century portrait engravings. Subjects and engravers/arti...
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Four Egyptian Exhibition Posters
Four Egyptian Exhibition Posters
AnonymousNY Carlsberg Glyptotek /Dantes Plads Kobenhavn, 1970sOff-set lithographic posterOverall: 39 1/2 x 24 1/2 in. (10...
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Letters Between the Sturges Brothers Mos
Letters Between the Sturges Brothers Most Antebellum Including J.R. Sturges 3rd GA Infantry KIA These 58 letters encompass a "snapshot" of antebellum life...
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JEAN LAUTHE (20TH CENTURY) TWELVE ABSTRACT LANDSCAPE PRINTS Print: 18 x 22 in. (sight) Lower left numbered: 2/20 Lower right signed: Lauthe; Print: 17 x 22...
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2 vols. (wrappers) Derriere le Miroir:
2 vols. (wrappers) Derriere le Miroir: No. 46. (Paris), (May, 1952.) Folio, orig. plain lithographic wrappers; very minor edge wear. Plain lithographic il...
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MARC CHAGALL & PABLO PICASSO LITHOGRAPHIC POSTERSMarc Chagall & Picasso, four (4) offset coloured lithographic posters & one coloured lithographic pamphlet...
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COLLECTION OF (15) JAPANESE PRINTS INC. HIROSHIGE. Includes an Utagawa Hiroshige "New Year's Eve Foxfires at the Changing Tree, Oji" print; an Utagawa Hiro...
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USS Brooklyn Landsman George Tittle Civi
USS Brooklyn Landsman George Tittle Civil War Archive This archive of seven letters written between January 16 and June 18 1861 by Surgeon??Ts Steward Geor...
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