PA SLIPWARE PLATE CA. 1860; FINE PASLIPWAREplate, three quill cup yellow slip applications of a central wavy line bar (bacon design), bracketed by a pair of "S" designs on a reddish brown lead glaze, coggled...
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PA SLIPWARE PLATE CA. 1880; SINGLE QUILLCUP OFfive graduated wavy yellow slip lines on a brown lead glaze with some fine iron spots, probably by Willoughby Smith, Womelsdorf, PA, Berks Co., PA, 7 3/4"d, 1 1/4"h;...
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PA SLIPWARE PLATE CA. 1860; FOUR, THREEQUILL CUPwith yellow slip applications of alternating straight and wavy line bars on a reddish-brown lead glaze, coggled rim, attributed to the Philadelphia, PA region, 10"d,...
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PA SLIPWARE PLATE CA. 1860; THREE QUILLCUPapplications of yellow slip with central weaving bar bracketed by a pair of bacon bar designs on a reddish-brown lead glaze, coggled rim, attributed to the Philadelphia,...
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SLIPWARE BOWL CA. 1865; CURVED SIDEDWITHinterior single quill cup with yellow slip applications on sides and central ring bracketed by a pair of wavy lines on a brownish lead glaze ground, perhaps south central...
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FOLK ART SLIPWARE DECORATED BOWL BYGREG SHOONERca. 2001; wheel thrown deep dish flat bottom bowl with flared rim, decorated with three-color trailing slip tulips on stem decoration and yellow slip German script...
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2 PIECES OF FOLK ART REDWARE BY GREGSHOONER CA.1998 & 1999; both wheel thrown pots with multiple color slip and glaze decoration: 1998 Moravian type cylinder jar with narrow neck and flared rim, decorated with...
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PA SLIPWARE BOWLca. mid 19th century;PA slipware bowl with wide flat bottom, slightly rounded sides, rounded concave rim with an interior yellow slip ring over another yellow slip ring over a mid section wavy...
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PA SLIPWARE BOWLca. mid 19th century;PA slipware bowl, wide flat bottom with flared sides, rounded concave rim with an interior yellow slip ring over another yellow slip ring over a mid section wavy yellow slip...
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FOLK ART SLIPWARE CHARGER WITH PEAFOWL& FLOWER BYca. 1997; replicating a 1776 original bowl attributed to John Leidy of Bucks Co., PA large wheel thrown bowl/charger with angular rim, extensive yellow slip flowing...
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VERY RARE PAIR OF GRAEME PARK PHILADELPHIAQUEEN ANNE C...1740-1760, each with scrolled and shell carved crest over a figured splat with four scrolled volutes, set on shell carved legs with trifid feet, upholstered...
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FINE OCTAGON PANEL FOLK ART REDWAREBOWL BY CHRISTca. 2008; PA German sgraffito form decorated bowl with man and dog motif, slab form molded eight-panel bowl with mottled green and yellow slip ground incised...
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TWO 19TH C. REDWARE PLATES, HENRY. 19thC. PA redware plate, with yellow slip decoration, with lettering 'Henry' 7.75” dia. 19th C. Redware slip decorated plate, with indecipherable name, 11” dia....
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SIX 19TH C. SLIP DECORATED REDWARE PLATES.Mid 19th C. mostly PA and surrounding areas redware plates, including: plate with yellow wave decoration 9” dia.; plate with four yellow slip lines 10” dia.; plate with...
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TWO 19TH C. PA REDWARE LOAF DISHES.Mid-19th C. Pennsylvania yellow slip decorated loaf redware dishes, with a crimped top edge, one 12” x 16”, other 11.25” x 17”....
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PA YELLOW SLIP DECORATED REDWARE CHARGER.Pennsylvania19th Century Yellow Slip Decorated Redware Pottery Charger. Coggle wheel edge. 13-1/2" diam. Condition: : Poor with large edge chips and cracks, has wonderful decoration.
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PA REDWARE YELLOW SLIP DECORATED CHARGER.Pennsylvania19th Century Redware Pottery Yellow Slip Decorated Charger. Coggle wheel edge. 14" diam. Condition: : Good with edge chips and wear, glazing loss to surface.
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PA REDWARE YELLOW SLIP DECORATED SMALLPLATE.Pennsylvania Redware Pottery Yellow Slip Decorated Small Plate. 6-1/4" diam. Condition: : Good with some edge chips.
Condition: : Good with some edge chips....
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PA YELLOW SLIP DECORATED REDWARE CUPPLATE.Pennsylvania 19th Century Yellow Slip Decorated Redware Pottery Cup Plate. Coggle wheel edge. 4" diam. Condition: : Very good with minor edge wear.
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WILLOUGHBY SMITH WOMELSDORF REDWAREPLATE.Willoughby Smith Womelsdorf, PA Redware Pottery Plate. Manganese and yellow slip scroll decoration, stamped "W Smith, Womelsdorf". 7-3/4" diam. Condition: : Very good...
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PA YELLOW SLIP DECORATED REDWARE OVALPLATTER.Pennsylvania 19th Century Yellow Slip Decorated Redware Pottery Oval Platter. Coggle wheel edge. 10-1/2" x 16-1/2". Condition: : Good with minor edge chips and some...
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PA 19TH CENTURY YELLOW SLIP DECORATEDPLATE.Pennsylvania 19th Century Yellow Slip Decorated Plate with coggle wheel edge. 8-3/4"diam. Condition: : Fair to Good with lines and chips....
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PA 19TH CENTURY YELLOW SLIP DECORATEDPLATE.Pennsylvania 19th Century Yellow Slip Decorated Plate. 8-3/4"diam. Condition: : Good with line....
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PA 19TH CENTURY GLAZED REDWARE PLATE.Pennsylvania19th Century Glazed Redware Plate. Yellow slip decoration. 8" diam. Condition: : Fair to good with edge chips and crazing.
Condition: : Fair to good with edge...
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PA 19TH CENTURY SLIP DECORATED CUP PLATE.Pennsylvania19th Century Slip Decorated Cup Plate. Yellow slip Dot on manganese ground. 4-1/4" diam. Condition: : Very good.
Condition: : Very good....
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PENNSYLVANIA REDWARE LOAF DISH, 19THC.Pennsylvania redware loaf dish, 19th c. , with yellow slip clef and twig decoration, 9 1/2" h., 13 3/4" w. Provenance: Estate of Donald R. Leiby, Hamburg, PA.
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A 19th C. PA yellow slip decorated redwaredish. 7”dia Condition: edge roughness/chipping CT Transfer Fee $10...
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PA SLIPWARE DISHca. 1885; PA slipwaredish, two quill line motif of yellow slip on a reddish-brown lead glaze, wavy perpendicular central design, southeastern PA origin, similar to Willoughby Smith's motif, 7...
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FINE REPRODUCTION SLIP DECORATED LARGEBOWL BY BREca. June 16, 1997; inspired by fragment of slip decorated bowl found at Meier home in Myerstown, PA, wheel thrown by Greg Zieber and decorated by Wes Muckey, three-color...
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UNCOMMON REPRODUCTION SGRAFFITO DECORATEDCAKE STAca. 1993 dated; two-part construction of wheel thrown wide rim plate and multi-fluted wide pedestal base, the stand has yellow slip ground with mottled green accents,...
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2 REPRODUCTION SLIPWARE DECORATED REDWAREBOWLSca. 1997 & 2012; dated 1997 Breininger Pottery "Snow Hill Nunnery Bowl", wheel thrown with decorative molded rim, two color flowing slip star/sunflower design with four...
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PA SLIPWARE PLATEca. 1870; PA slipwaredrape molded plate with three bars of yellow slip, applied by a three quill cup, a central bar of wavy lines yielding a bacon like design, bracketed by a pair of elongated...
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PA SLIPWARE PLATEca. 1880; PA slipwaredrape molded plate with four bands of yellow slip applied by a three quill cup on a reddish-brown lead glaze, two bands of straight slip lines bracketed by two bands of wavy...
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PA SLIPWARE DISHca. 1870; PA slipwaredrape molded dish with a full design of two bisecting wavy bars and round flower or fruits at quarter points, yellow slip applied by a three quill cup on reddish brown lead...
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SMALL PA SLIPWARE PLATEca. 1875; smallPA slipware plate, three bars of yellow slip (a straight bar bracketed by a pair of curved bars, applied by a two quill slip cup) on a yellowish brown lead glaze, impressed...
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PA SLIPWARE DISHca. 1870; PA slipwaredish with three yellow slip variated motifs, a pair of elongated "S" bracketing a wavy line center with adjacent side bracket on a reddish-brown lead glaze, applied by a three...
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