GROUPING OF 4 TIFFANY FAVRILE VASESGroupingof 4 Tiffany Favrile Vases to include: 3 1/2" Lilly Pad Favrile vase marked "L.C.T. 7042"; 3" tall 2 Handle Vase marked "Tiffany Favrile"; 3 1/2" Fluted Vase with paper label...
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PAINT DECORATED FAVRILE GLASS VASE.Favrile glass vase with paint decoration of a daffodil. Inscribed, "3." to underside. From a Larchmont, NY estate. Dimensions: vase measures approx. 7.875" h. Condition:...
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3 ART GLASS BOWLS, A FAVRILLE VASE &A FAVRILLE Bowl. 1 bowl with old paper label and others apparently unsigned, the vase unsigned and the favrille bowl marked Aurene. From a Darien, CT estate. Dimensions:...
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L. C. TIFFANY FAVRILE GLASS CABINETVASE, CA. 1901 Louis Comfort Tiffany (American, 1848-1933) favrile art glass decorated cabinet vase, circa 1901, the shouldered ovoid vessel in deep green glass with deep...
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LOUIS C. TIFFANY FURNACES INC FAVRILEVASE. Gold iridescent Favrile glass vase with polychrome decorated dore gilt base, signed on base with monogram and “Louis C. Tiffany Furnaces Inc. #164,” 12.5”H x 6.25”dia.....
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TIFFANY FAVRILE VASE INCISED LCT TOBASEA Tiffany favrile vase with paper label and incised LCT, 901B to base. Ht: 5.75" Dia: 3.75"...
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TWO TIFFANY GOLD FAVRILE VASESTwo Tiffanygold Favrile vases, tad pole design, signed L.C.T M9361, 5"H. with 3" vase, thread design signed L.C.T. N5313
Generally in good condition but for detailed report...
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LC TIFFANY FAVRILE BOWL/FAVRILE VASEbowlsigned X73 LC Tiffany-Favrile, vase unsigned. Vase: 6" high, 4" wide. Bowl 8 1/8" diameter. Bowl with scratches. Provenance: Property of a Litchfield County Collector.
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LCT TIFFANY FAVRILE VASETiffany FavrileVase Signed L.C.T. 6384 . Packaging, Insurance, Handling And Shipping Are Done In House And Is 65.00 For This Item In The Continental U.S. Or You Are Welcome To Pick Up In...
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TIFFANY FAVRILE GLASS TRUMPET VASE ONBRONZE BASE, WHIT...Tiffany Favrile Glass Trumpet Vase on bronze base, white Favrile vase with green lily decoration inscribed Tiffany Studios, New York, 1043 to base height...
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'FAVRILE'VASE, CIRCA 1910 iridescent glass, etched L.C. TIFFANY FAVRILE H373610cm high...
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TIFFANY FAVRILE GLASS CABINET VASE,CIRCA 1897 Tiffany favrile decorated cabinet vase, of rounded conical vessel form with slightly flaring rim in deep green glass with dark blue iridescence, decorated with...
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STEVEN MASLACH STUDIO ART GLASS FAVRILEVASE, 1988 Steven Maslach (American, b. 1950), signed studio art glass favrile vase, in opalescent colors overall with indigo blue veining, of tulip form on circular base,...
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TIFFANY STUDIOS, NEW YORK FAVRILE VASEEarly 20th century. Vase inscribed 'LC Tiffany Favrile 6500J'....
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TIFFANY STUDIOS, NEW YORK PULLED FEATHERFAVRILE VASE WITH BRONZE BASE Early 20th century. Favrile glass and patinated bronze. Gold patina. Vase inscribed 'LCT'. Inscribed with presentation date on base. Base impressed...
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TIFFANY STUDIOS FAVRILE VASE Early 20thcentury. Inscribed 'LC Tiffany Favrile'....
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TIFFANY FAVRILE VASE Circa 1920. Blownglass, inscribed Tiffany Favrile 3740 P (to underside)....
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TIFFANY FAVRILE VASE Inscribed 'L.C.Tiffany Favrile' and numbered....
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TWO L. C. TIFFANY FAVRILE GLASS VASESEarly 20th century, including a deep blue luster favrile vase with scalloped rim and flush polished foot, signed LCT Favrile D3101 (5.25 in.); and a tapered gold iridescent...
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L. C. TIFFANY CYPRIOT FAVRILE VASEL.C. Tiffany Cypriot Favrile vase, signed and numbered 2203-P , 7" h.
Crack through entire circumference of vase which is visible on interior but not real noticible...
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TIFFANY TWO COLOR FAVRILE THREE HANDLEDCHALICE. Early 20th C. gold with green leaf favrile vase with three applied handles, signed on bottom, L.C. Tiffany Favrile 7107 C, with Tiffany paper label. 8”H x 5.5”dia....
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TIFFANY STUDIOS TEL-EL-AMARNA FAVRILEVASE Early 20th century. Signed L. C. Tiffany Favrile....
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LARGE TIFFANY FAVRILE VASE Large TiffanyFavrile VaseCirca 1918. Inscribed 'L.C. Tiffany Favrile 1528 267 M' (to underside)....
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L.C. TIFFANY BLUE FAVRILE VASE Early20th century. Inscribed L.C. Tiffany Favrile 1524 3333P....
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FAVRILE VASE Gold Iridescent Art GlassFooted Vase, with twisted and ribbed surface, applied foot, foot edge etched "L.C. Tiffany Favrile", 14 1/2" high, 4" diam. Good condition....
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TIFFANY FAVRILE JACK IN THE PULPIT VASE13" x 4-¼" Predominately gold iridescent color "Jack in the Pulpit" favrile vase; acid-etched "W6887"....
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A SIGNED TIFFANY CAMEO CUT FAVRILE VASE8 ¼" Marked "1973 L.C. Tiffany-Favrile 3107 P" with paper label, a cameo cut favrile vase of rounded form with grape leaf design on shoulder....
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L.C. TIFFANY BLUE PEACOCK FAVRILE VASE4 ¾" x 5 ¾" Inscribed L.C. Tiffany Favrile 1202K, vivid iridescent blue floriform compote on pedestal base. Provenance: old prominent private collection, Louisville, KY;...
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TIFFANY STUDIOS FAVRILE VASE Early 20thcentury. Inscribed 'L.C.T. Favrile 1701'....
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A Signed Tiffany Cameo Cut Favrile VaseMarked "1973 L.C. Tiffany-Favrile D. Loie" with paper label a cameo cut favrile vase of rounded form with grape leaf design on shoulder apprx. 8-1/4"T....
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A Signed Tiffany Gold Favrile Vase WithGreen Leaf Motif Rounded form of gold favrile glass with green leaves and a coved rim marked" L.C. Tiffany-Favrile" apprx. 6-1/2"H 6"W....
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A Tiffany Favrile Vase With Scroll HandlesTapered gold favrile vase on foot with short neck and two scrolled handles. Polished pontil with old unknown label. Signed on the bottom, approx. 6-1/4"T x 4-1/4"D from handles....
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A Tiffany Favrile Vase With Paper LabelVase with extended neck and flared base in gold favrile glass. Bottom signed and has paper Tiffany label over polished pontil. Approx. 6-1/5"T....
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TIFFANY FAVRILE IVY DESIGN ART GLASSVASE: A 10'' tall Favrile vase trumpet form. Signed L.C.Tiffany Favrile numbered 552....
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A Tiffany Gold Favrile Floriform VaseApprox. 12-7/8"T gold favrile vase on flared foot and ruffled rim, signed on bottom....
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A Tiffany Three Handled Favrile VaseWith Green Leaf Design Gold favrile glass vase with three handles and three green leaves with trailing vines. Polished pontil, signed on bottom, approx. 5"T....
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