A CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT BLUE PAINTEDMIRRORA Continental parcel gilt blue painted mirror19th centuryheight 48in (122cm); width 29 1/2in (75cm)...
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A CONTINENTAL MANTEL CLOCKA Continentalparcel gilt, ebonized and polychrome decorated mantel clockmid 19th centuryThe circular painted dial with Roman chapters, with twin train movement, with remants of old labels...
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A CONTINENTAL SPECIMEN MARBLE OCCASIONALTABLEA Continental parcel gilt and ebonized iron and specimen marble occasional table20th centuryheight 28in (71cm); diameter 27in (69cm) Provenance:Property from interior...
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A CONTINENTAL STEEL MINIATURE MODELSUIT OF ARMORA Continental parcel gilt steel miniature model suit of armorlate 19th/20th centuryOn pedestal.the armour height 41in (104cm); width 18in (46cm); depth 8 1/2in...
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A CONTINENTAL CHINOISERIE DECORATEDSIDE CABINETA Continental parcel gilt, ebonized and Chinoiserie decorated side cabinet19th centuryThe doors enclosing two adjustable shelves.height 35 3/4in (91cm); width...
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CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT TRUMEAU, 18TH/19THCContinentalParcel Gilt Trumeau, 18th/19th c. with original mirror and oil painting of a country scene. 66" tall x 43 1/4" wide. Good original condition....
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AN IMPOSING CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILTIRON CHANDELIER An imposing Continental parcel gilt iron chandelier, of scrolling cage form fitted with eight lights, approximately 48" h x 48"w...
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PAIR CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT MAHOGANYARMCHAIRS Pair of Continental parcel gilt mahogany armchairs in the Neoclassical taste, first quarter 20th century, having green leather upholstery with nailhead trim, stylized...
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CONTINENTAL PARCEL EBONIZED GILTWOODMANTEL CLOCK Continental parcel ebonized giltwood mantel clock, late 18th / early 19th century, overall with foliate details and finials, the round case with white dial having...
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CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT FLORAL MOTIFPORCELAIN, 13 Thirteen pieces of Continental porcelain with floral and parcel gilt decoration, gilt rims, comprising 10 plates and three footed dessert stands. Plates: 8.875"...
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(2) CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT PORCELAINGARNITURES(lot of 2) Continental parcel gilt porcelain garniture vases, 20th c., rocaille form, with opposing figures of a young boy and girl, among polychrome flowers, approx...
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19TH C. CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT CARVEDPUTTO Continental parcel gilt carved wooden figure, 19th century, modeled as a recumbent putto with shell, on a plinth with rais-de-coeur detail, apparently unmarked. Approximate...
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PAIR 19TH C. CONTINENTAL PETIT POINTFACE SCREENS Pair or Continental parcel gilt face screens or fireplace fans, 19th century, each with a petit point floral and figural needlework panel on silk, having no apparent...
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A CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT GLASS TRAVELDRINKS SETA Continental parcel gilt glass travel drinks set 19th century Including six large bottles, six small bottles, a pair of wine glasses, a pair of tumblers, a cordial...
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(LOT) CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT PORCELAINTABLEWARE(lot) Continental parcel gilt porcelain tableware, two varied patterns, comprised of: (32) German Rosenthal, in the "Chippendale" pattern, with gilt floral scalloped...
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(2) PARCEL GILT & PAINTED ARCHITECTURALPILASTERS(lot of 2) Continental parcel gilt architectural elements/ pilasters, late 19th c., gesso over carved wood with polychrome paint, pendant with fruit, oak leaves,...
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SET OF 13 CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT SILVERDEMITASSE SPOONS AND SUGAR TONGS, 5.6 OZTSet of 13 Continental Parcel Gilt Silver Demitasse Spoons and Sugar Tongs,, Dimensions: 5.6 ozt...
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CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT COBALT PORCELAINJARDINIERE WITH A LIMOGES TYPE EGG CASKET, H X D OF FORMER: 7 1/2 X 9 1/4 IN. (19.05 X 23.50 CM.)Continental Parcel Gilt Cobalt Porcelain Jardiniere with a Limoges Type Egg...
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CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT DECORATED FRAMEMIRRORContinental Parcel Gilt Decorated Frame Mirror...
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CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT CAST IRON TABLEContinentalParcel Gilt Cast Iron Table, 20th c., rouge marble top, acanthine cabriole legs, shaped finialed stretchers, lobed feet, h. 30 in., w. 63 in., d. 35 in. Provenance: The Estate...
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CONTINENTAL PARCEL-GILT OVERMANTEL MIRRORCONTINENTALPARCEL-GILT OVERMANTEL MIRROR, 19th Century, the arched mirror with straight lower edge within a conforming molded frame with beaded slip; burnished with gilt highlights -...
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CONTINENTAL PARCEL GILT 800-SILVER SNUFFBOX, 2.6 OZTContinental Parcel Gilt 800-Silver Snuff Box,, Dimensions: 2.6 ozt...
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Continental Parcel Gilt and PaintedOval Dressing Mirror
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Continental parcel-gilt carved walnutpanel probably Italian 19th century figural niche panel decorated in the Renaissance taste. H45 1/2'' W22 1/2'' Provenance: Charlotte North Carolina private collection. ...
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Continental parcel-gilt carved walnutoverdoor panel probably Italian 19th century semi-circular arch decorated in the Renaissance taste. H15 1/2'' W32'' Provenance: Charlotte North Carolina private collection....
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Continental Parcel Silver Gilt FootedBowl
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Continental Parcel-Gilt Black-PaintedFluted Wood Columnar Pedestal, second quarter 20th century, in the neoclassical taste, supported on a stepped circular base, also parcel gilded, h. 40", dia. 12"....
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A Continental Parcel Gilt Carved andInlaid Walnut Console Table late 18th c. serpentine top conforming frieze cabriole legs height 33 1/2 in. width 52 1/2 in. depth 24 1/2 in. Note: Retains original paint and...
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Group of Three Porcelain Vases, consistingof a Continental parcel-gilt shaded mulberry-ground two-handled tall neck garniture vase in the Aesthetic taste, fourth quarter 19th century, h. 11-1/2"; a tall Robert Hanke,...
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Attractive Pair of Continental Parcel-GiltFaux-Porphyry-Finished Cast-Iron Vases, fourth quarter 19th century and later, of campana form, h. 13-1/2", dia. 9-1/2"....
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Continental Parcel Gilt Mahogany CenterTable
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Continental Parcel Gilt Walnut Mirror
Estimate: $400 - $600...
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Attractive Continental Parcel-Ebonized,Brass- and Wire-Inlaid Rosewood and Mahogany Workbox, third quarter 19th century, the lid centered with an inlaid bone figure of a dog resting on an engraved brass ground,...
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Pair of Continental Parcel Gilt WalnutArmchairs
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Continental Parcel-Gilt and StainedOak Looking Glass, ca. 1900, of classical form, the frame with an applied classical urn above the arched plate mirror, h. 43", w. 26"....
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